Words lost in the night,

writers rising at sunrise

Instagram…has this always been a platform of false hopes and masked publicity? Or is there some love, some passion, some candor left amongst these lies? And of course, just when you think all hope is lost, you find these people and they make you see that the sun rises even after the darkest night.

Today, here at ”Beyond the @”, I have the honour and the joy to present to you one of the brightest lights that Instagram has: Alexandra Daniela Tudura, the founder of @artadepatrudimineata.

This project started off as a simple Instagram page through which the creator got in touch with various young women, talented in crafting words, alongside whom she formed a group where they would discuss literature and try to plan out their posts so that their unique content and original creations would reach their followers in the best way possible.

Q: What inspired you to create this account dedicated to the art of writing?

A: Basically, everything started due to a desire to show the world that there still were people who had beautiful endeavors, talented people who wanted to bring beauty back into the world, both inside and outside of Instagram.

When Alexandra Tudura was told by many that literature wasn’t something that interested teenagers anymore, she found herself drawn even more to the prospect of creating this account, this community, and way more determined. And she proved those who didn’t believe in her wrong! Even though the team came together by chance, nothing they did came about by chance. The project has been up and running for three years now and the members' motivation and potential are as strong as ever. They developed from a literary point of view, won various awards, published their work, continued writing...in short, they bloomed together.

Over time, their Instagram page began to be more and more appreciated by the general public (including us!), so they would often receive messages from people who loved writing but did not know how to go around it. So, a year after the inauguration of the project that consisted only of an Instagram page, the writers broadened their horizons with a WordPress blog, where they promoted young writers who happened to ”knock on their door”. Anyone asking for their help was integrated into the movement and enjoyed unconditional support, guidance, and promotion. People registered in the blog have conferences and training with the creators, where they explain various aspects about literature, their journey in this niche, how to choose a publisher or a bookstore, the ”rules” of writing, how to develop the way they write and express themselves.

At the same time, these writers are promoted weekly, on the Instagram page @artadepatrudimineata, which has currently surpassed 14,900 followers. They have begun to be recognized by numerous publishing houses and bookstores, from which they receive support.

Q: Tips for aspiring writers?

A: Plenty! We let Alexandra Tudura reveal some of them to you: ''From personal experience, I can say that the path of a writer, especially if young and unknown, is very difficult! Going through a lot of experiences and not having any help at all, because no one around me knew anything about how to publish a book and this often cost me dearly. I set out to help people around me understand and have the information I didn't have so that they wouldn't have to go through the same experiences as me. ”Arta de patru dimineața” aims to help writers who are at the beginning of their journey and to support literature and art in social networks and beyond! We hope that, in time, this page will become a publishing house that offers complete services for writers who need us.”

Want to know more? Well, you can contact the source itself! I'm also attaching some links where you can see additional information. (P.S .: it's not just for avid writers, but for those who have an eye for art and beauty as well!).

@artadepatrudimineata (wordpress.com)

(1) Artă de patru dimineața - YouTube

Don't forget to follow us on instagram at @the.magateen! :)

editorial: Bianca Constantin

graphic design: @artadepatrudimineata

translation: Clara Pistol

DP (desktop publishing): Bianca Constantin