The road of life: from passion

to career (interview with Anca Broască)

A new interview from our series "Beyond the @" means another opportunity to be inspired by the complexity of the people who fascinated us through the small screens. Today, we're having the famous Romanian vlogger, Anca Broască, the one who undoubtedly colored our teenage days! Take a comfortable seat and get ready to exclusively receive answers from a content creator and to get behind the scenes of social media platforms!

We would like to start with the beginning of your career, you started vlogging 8 years ago. What inspired you to do that?

"I actually started vlogging 9 years ago, in 2012, but the ones from the first year are in the private section, you can find them there. When I started vlogging, I was going from the 8th grade to the 9th grade, I was 15 years old. I used to watch some foreign vloggers, but a few months before starting myself, I saw that a few Romanian teenagers were posting videos on the internet.

It was the summer break, I wouldn’t go out as much and I was looking for a hobby that I would spend time doing. I really liked what these teenagers were doing online, and thought that they were a nice community too. Even though they were far from each other, at that time when the industry wasn’t so big, they were still friends. And I wanted, besides joining the community and being friends with them, to find a hobby through which I would get to know and attract people that resembled me and believe in the same things as I do, or are annoyed by the same things as me".

What are the qualities/traits that a person must have in order to be successful online?

"I don’t really know what a person must have, because everyone does it differently, it’s general. To have good lighting and sound, on this technical part, because if there is background noise, it will distract. On a personal level, what I really care about when following a vlogger or any person on social media, what I actually like doing, and what I think is important when I find a person online is to be authentic, it’s essential.

They shouldn't act in a certain way only because it seems cool on the internet or because that’s how they believe will attract people. Charisma is extremely important too, to be able to transmit a certain vibe, he shouldn’t sit there limp or shy, because he doesn't know what to do. There’s nothing wrong with being shy anyway, I was shy too in the beginning, but he should have this opening, this warmth that makes his followers feel welcomed on his channel".

If you started a new channel now, would you change anything about your career, along the way?

"I don't think I would change anything, because every step that I made had brought me to the point where I am now, I don't think I would have made other decisions than what I already did".

What’s the best thing you have learned over the years?

"I have actually learned a lot of things, thanks to everything that had happened online. Firstly, this thing has strengthened me, I have learned how to manage my time, how to manage hate or other people’s opinions because I’m quite sensitive and when I started, I used to take every opinion very personally. But I have learned how to tell the difference between mischievous criticism and constructive criticism. In the end, when you expose yourself online, you will receive different opinions without asking and people will talk about you, good or bad, everybody knows you and feels like they know everything about you.

This was the biggest lesson, that not only strengthened me but also made me confident, with every nice comment, nice message, every success in my career, with every person I met who inspired me and from whom I learned".

Who’s the person that has supported you the most and unconditionally?

"That’s me. I’ve never had any person support me unconditionally. There have been and still are, a lot of o people who sustain me, but I don’t think that anyone could support me more than I guide and sustain myself. My parents didn't agree with this idea from the beginning, but they slowly started to say yes and they still support me right now. The first year I started vlogging, in 2012-2013, I kept it a secret from them, because they thought school was the most important.

School really is important, but it’s also essential to do other activities that make you happy, so as to not forget about them, and I didn’t want to forget about vlogging. I also have a few friends that support me, but in this area, I am the one that motivates me, because, in the end, it all comes from the inside. Several exterior opinions really help me, especially my followers that watch me and always leave a funny message and ask for advice, I’m grateful for that, but the continuation comes from within".

Taking into consideration that you started following this road to fame, have you ever been disappointed by people/left by close friends?

"Yes, 100%. My inner friend circle is small and most of my friends, actually all of them, have become friends with me either before vlogging or when I didn’t tell them what I did and they found this out later and considered it a hobby/ another job.

But I’ve also had people that got close to me, and for certain periods, I actually considered them close friends, but, actually, when they had found out that I was successful on Youtube or anywhere else, they would get mad and wouldn’t support me, or tried to turn against me. Some people only became my friends to take advantage of my success at that time.

That’s why I’m trying to be quite distant from people and to not get close, to keep the circle that I have because I’ve had some bad experience".

Are there people in the online environment who inspire you?

"Yes. Along the way, another model appeared in the online environment; how I grew and matured, I changed my interests, I followed from one content creator to another, but yes at the beginning I was very inspired by Tequila, Daniel Pîrvan, they were some of the reasons I started Initially vlogging, after I discovered people online to inspire me in other ways. At the moment I don't really follow content creators in Romania, but I know that at one time I was very inspired by the lifestyle and in general tests like abroad, for some time now I am super inspired by Pamela Reif who promotes a style healthy living through sports food and I think right now from online, Pamela is the only person who super inspires me".

Have you ever had moments when you doubted yourself because of a certain situation that happened online and how did you fight this?

"Yes, I have been dragged online several times in certain scandals without my will, in which things have been said about me that have not been very objective, that have nothing to do with the whole story, in which I have not been linked to say my part and it affected me very much because I didn't know what to do; whatever I posted online, people were starting to see me based on what they knew about me not based on what I showed them as I was, which was very hard for me, I gave up the vlog for a while, well at some point I gave up vlogging altogether because I realized I didn't resonate with it, but I came back to other platforms and it was very hard for me to be online myself for a while, but I'm so glad I got over it. that, I was afraid to say absolutely anything at times, because anything can be interpreted, if you say every little detail online, the world can bring you a counter-argument without an argument, but just to be against and it's a little hard, but I realized that all these things come from me, I control them because people look at what I post, not because they think about me, not because they see what they hear, and that was a step that made me come back and to get over all this".

But in the end, were there moments when you really wanted to give up or were you about to give up altogether, that is, did you take considerable breaks? What motivated you to return?

"Me and the people who follow me and who told me “Don't care about the opinion of others” and the fact that I like it, I really like to create content and say my point of view, to express myself artistically through one way or another whether it's through a fancy picture or a funny video and in the end everyone can do anything on the internet so I said if people can comment anytime so I can post anytime and I do it for those who support me not for those who comment".

What advice would you give to a teenager who wants to start vlogging or content media?

"Not to care about the opinion of others, to be happy and not because I feel cool, to try to bring that "something" new, to be authentic in the end because it matters a lot is of course good light, microphone good, good visual frame".

What is the advice that you will remember all your life, that you received from a dear person?

"A friend told me at one point, which I did not expect and that is why it remained in my mind, please it is a pompous quote, “When you write the story of your life do not let anyone else to use the pen ”.

What did you learn from a mistake / failure in the online environment?

"Any failure if taken as a failure pulls you down, if taken as a lesson it is just a step towards success".

What do you think is the difference between vlogging and content creation on instagram or tik tok?

"Every social network comes with its own things, but on vlogging you can do anything. I see Instagram as something artistic, more visual, in pictures, but on vlogging if you want to be funny you can be funny, if you want to give advice you can give advice: you have the freedom to speak whenever you have effects and all sorts of things in your style. Tik Tok seems to me the most useful to send the information as far as possible through most of the videos that can reach anyone on "For You Page" just as they are short, spontaneous, precise and easy to see; I think that at the moment Tik Tok is the present and the future of online for teenagers in particular".

How do you think the pandemic has influenced bloggers and vlogging in general?

"As for Tik Tok, it probably wouldn't have become so popular; many people downloaded their Tik Tok because they were bored and many out of boredom came to be content and become very popular. I think because of the pandemic, people have been online more and somehow found this voice online of content creators, especially since teenagers don't watch much TV and everyone is on the phone. Yes, I think it had an effect, at least it had on me and I think it had on you and on everyone".

I said “give it to the haters, give it away in panic, make people happy to see that you are a real man after all, but look to see how many appreciate you and want to take a picture with you "So I continued, but I decided not to exhaust myself so much to make 7 videos a week".

Have you ever felt pressure from those who follow you?

"Yes, I had a moment that I remember very well some time ago, when I wanted to give up vlogging because of the pressure, because in 2017 and 2016, in the summer, I had the tradition of posting a month every day on my YouTube channel, but not daily vlogs and it made a big impression on me to post so many videos. I had a very strange burnout in which I said I couldn't give up, so I took a two-day break where I said I wouldn't do anything and one afternoon I was at the table with a friend, at a window and 30 children gathered in front of the window and everyone was waiting to go out and take pictures with them and my first reaction was to panic and when I went out about 2 children came with their parents Let's take pictures and I said "Let's take pictures", there were also about 2 haters who said "I'm your hater and I hope you leave the vlog" and you will realize that I could not take in seriously children of 8 years.

Have you ever imagined that you would become a role model for so many people?

"No, all the time online I wanted to show how I lived my life at that time full of jokes and all sorts of funny things, because yet the internet is not real life, it's just a way to show other people what we want to see about us. Seeing over time that people appreciate me and tell me that I inspired them to do certain things makes me happy all the time, but it was never a plan or something I thought was going to happen".

How do you think your life would have looked without Youtube, content, etc.?

"I think that if I hadn't started the vlog, my life would have had a completely different turn. I started vlogging at the beginning of the ninth grade and after finishing high school I should have attended a college such as computer science, but thanks to the vlog I discovered my passion for advertising, I started advertising and I followed my passion and with college. Probably if I hadn't started online then, I would have been in a completely different place. Advertising helped me and gave me a lot of confidence, but I can't say it changed me; my friends are about the same, I never liked the spotlight. I am a sociable person but at the same time I try to keep this part of my social outside the rooms. I don't think it changed me, I mean I didn't run after famous people, I go to master, to work, I do tik-toks and that's it. I would not want to live for popularity or online all my life".

What do you think is why so many content creators have moved away from Youtube and migrated to Tik-Tok or Instagram?

"I don't know why others did this, but I can say my reason. In the last 2-3 years I have mostly stopped watching Youtube, I don't know if because of the time or because most of the content was more for children and I wanted to find other topics, looking more on Instagram.

I personally migrated from Youtube to Tik-Tok because not following content creators on Youtube was somehow out of place for me to make content on Youtube, meaning I would become one of those content creators that I would not follow. That's when I preferred to be content on a network where I really live and which I find really funny. Another reason why I gave up Youtube is that editing is very important and if in high school it was very funny, being my favorite activity, with college and job I didn't have time".

How has personal content creation helped you?

"Especially in high school, my escape was somehow, that is, if, for example, a teacher scolded me or annoyed me, I would come home and make a sketch about the teachers in a funny way instead of pouring my anger on them. Or, in the same way, if I was arguing with my parents, with my mother, I was doing a series on Youtube with a mother played by me, somehow, I was doing something funny from everything that annoyed or upset me, I put my emotion in a creative way. The creative side helped me a lot on a personal level, it strengthened me as a person, the online hate part and I think it also helped me on the social side; I was very anxious before and thanks to Youtube I started going to meetings with followers, other vloggers, being forced to open up, to talk to them, helping me to some extent to get rid of social anxiety".

"I studied film and television there for a semester and I really liked it, the teachers were very open, they said to take them as mentors, to learn not to take high marks, but to stay with something from there. And you realize, I'm sorry I didn't do it physically, because we had studios there, film festivals to take us to".

I've been following you for a while, including when you got to college in Poland. How is the education system there?

"Unfortunately, I couldn't see much because I was two weeks old, then the pandemic came and I did the classes online, and most of the people I came in contact with were the other students in the dormitory, none of whom were Polish; we had all come through Erasmus from other countries, but we also interacted with Poles, Polish teachers or other students who received us there, took care of us, took us to visit, etc.

The Polish students I befriended were very open, very nice, instead of what I noticed as a country, Poland seems to me much more conservative than Romania in many ways. There are a lot of protests there, for example, about LGBT because the president is against it, it is considered illegal, just as contraception or abortion are illegal".

And about languages, how important is it to know a language besides English, maybe more unusual, such as Polish?

"I don't know Polish; I only know English. It's a little harder at the store because I don't know much English, older people know Polish and Russian, but yes, it's definitely a plus. We had colleagues who knew Russian, so it was easier to get along with the people there. But we taught classes in English, we also communicate in English with people our age, but the more languages ​​you know, the better. For example, I had Spanish colleagues, and they gave me an interest in Spanish,and I started Duolingo, so that I could understand them and practice conversation".

Online does not necessarily define you. We show what we want to show, not who we actually are. Keep that in mind next time you don't feel good enough or you lost your confidence and don't let yourselves be overwhelmed by social media. We hope you enjoyed the interview as much as we did! <3

Don't forget to follow us on instagram! @the.magateen

redacție: Amalia Vintilă,

Alessia Văduvă,

Delia Apetroaei

transalation: Amalia Vintilă,

Alessia Văduvă,

Delia Apetroaei

grafică: Ioana Butaru

DTP: Ioana Butaru