The exile of Ovid

Under the Sign of Art

I think that Ovid is one of the classics of Latin poetry due to the perfection of his style, being authentic for the erotic opera, Ars Amandi and Amores, the cosmogonic work, Metamorphoses, the place where Kun or Alexandru Mitru was inspired and especially for the story of elegies, recognized for Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto - letters from the exile from Tomis (the other end of the world according to the Roman conception), to the loved ones in the last part of life.

The exile remains what has left its mark on the poet's creation: both for the pain that affects him and the loss of a freedom, and for the rather disputed reasons, which we will talk about in this article, realizing the phrase he brings back in Tristia: "carmen et error", with the ontology "of a poem and a mistake", here anticipating its relegation to other lands, especially the shore of Pontus Euxinus, its creation being distinguished under a constant influence on Roman man being quite read in that period.

Thus, his enigma is a subject that I see as exciting, in many ways (which at least they captivated me when I went to study this well-known poet, European cultural mentor in terms of, a careful documentary analysis is also involved in this.)

Where does "carmen" come from? It all started when Augustus invoked in the edict of exile his volume "Ars amandi", due to the morals he described, now the causes remain imprecise and we have a number of reasons that should be studied. Thus, the poet's guilt lies under the sign of a mystery worthy of further investigation by historians and writers. The causes initially seem to be of a moral nature, with the cycle having in view Corina or Iulia Maior (daughter of Augustus), although Ovid declares that it is a fictitious name. What is certain is that she was also exiled, everything can only be a coincidence. What is certain is that Julia was not the most orthodox person, having within herself a nymphomaniac instinct.

Not much is known about this, remaining also shrouded in mystery, others declaring that she was in fact the mistress of the emperor or even of Ovid, some calling her "childish queen". Thus, speculations are of the order whether Ovid would have seen scenes of love between her and the emperor or between the emperor and Terentia. Others believe that it is about Iulia Minor, the daughter of Iulia Maior and she was exiled at the same time as Ovid, the hypothesis being the practice of orgies and debauched life, Ovid asking her villa to admire the sublime ritual as inspiration-body game inspiring him through full pleasure, which it confers.

Other reasons are religious, Ovidius participating in a celebration dedicated to the goddess Bona Dea, this being forbidden to men, here women participating nude. He would have entered Caesar's house in disguise to see this, here appearing Caesar's wife naked, after which the divorce took place between Caesar and Livia Pompeiu who seems to have been 66 years old, which makes this impossible, but the connotations of this fact do not seem to be included in error.

Finally there would be the political ones, Ovid being an enemy of the imperial regime, being a partisan of some clandestine Pythagorean circles, this being a suspicious sect from that time. Ovid seems to have such implications due to the appearance of the myth of metempsychosis in Metamorphoses, although the work opposes the conception of this type. It could also be a conspiracy, according to Tacitus, who seems to have been involved in the fight for the succession of Augustus, who seems to want a relative with him as his successor, however, it is not probable due to the fact that he would not be wanted to join such a life.

For these reasons, I even think that the circumstances of the facts are fueled more by the moral order, the poet taking his inspiration from the position of spectator being captivated by this dance-like part, which he will describe in a sensitive and unique way, at the level literary, all having even universal connotations, initiating another universe. The painter of words will thus amaze the original Ideal beauty, according to his own opinion and thought.

What is certain is that he was sentenced to death, the "fumestus bank", this being one of the heaviest, he did not necessarily be outraged by the decision. However, Ovid's wealth and property will remain in Rome, the family not being affected, which we would not have expected, as viewers of the present, it can probably be a conflict at the literary level knowing that each emperor had according to the custom of the Roman courtiers, an artist encouraged in the process of handling words in order to enjoy the cup of Orpheus' pound with a cure for many sufferings.

Thus, this will not be amply significant in his own work, perhaps due to the overwhelming suffering that overwhelms him, but exile remains an important fact for historiography at least present in our country, making an introduction to the Getae that seemed to Ovid quite of primitives and tribals. However, we can say that exile started from art and materialized in it, so we can only see it as something that inspired his vision and art.

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editorial: Roxana Popa

graphic design: Antonia Vlad

translation: Daria Bobe

DP(desktop publishing): Antonia Vlad