Romania and Moldova:

between ,,us" and ,,you"

The two territories populated by the romanian people and modovans always danced with each other, a constant attraction driven by different poles. As it was shown in the novel “Balta Albă” by Vasile Alecsandri, we are a civilization of contrast: we want progress but don’t want to change, we miss each other but we never write letters and some dive into the world's modern knowledge, while others are still struggling in the dark.

When we think of our separation, a question always rises in our minds: „Moldova, did it matter that much that someone died for these people?”. While some would say no, the majority is deeply grateful to the heroes which gave their lives for the sake of the united country, even though it didn't last a lot. The two territories populated by the romanians and moldovans have always danced together, a constant attraction that drives two different poles. As shown in the novel “Balta Albă” of Vasile Alecsandri, we as a people have complex wishes: we want progress, but we don’t want to change, we miss Our people” was what we said, didn’t we? Isn’t it sad that we think about it in such a way? We are your brothers and you are ours, so why did we feel the need to write this? I think because we alienated lately...

The armistice agreement signed on September 12, 1944 by General Antonescu

As you all know, 77 years ago, The Great Romania was separated from her sister – our sister – Moldova, an event which left our people heartbroken. The day of 12th of septembre of the year 1944 darkened their souls, driving them to join the war in the hopes of reuniting, sadly, the effort didn’t pay off. From that time, nothing really changed, the two countries remained separated, but recently joint efforts began to be made towards a good understanding.

Our people only have one wish. We want to feel again the emotion, the euforia and the joy our ancestors felt on the first of december in the year of 1918 - the day we united for the first time in the time of the great ruler, Mihai Viteazul/Mihai the Fearless, in 1600. It’s truly weird. We weren’t born in that era and still, only hearing and thinking of the happiness of our ancestors, we become joyful as well. An unknown feeling of speechless enthusiasm, an unlived moment of a great ancient dream. All of these emotions unite us, binds us and from neighbors makes us brothers. And because of that we dare to dream, we defy the reality and borders that divide us.Afterall, we are in the era of communication, aren’t we? Truly, there is nothing that divides us, not the language, not the traditions or the popular clothes, not the ethnic structure. Before anything, all of us are human, even brothers and the truth is that we miss each other.

Helpful pictures

The consequences of

the armistice with the U.S.S.R.

Romania and Moldova:

between ,,us'' and ,,you''

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editorial: Maria Mătăsaru

graphic design: Bianca Constantin, Anastasia Chivu

translation: Ioana Mătăsaru

DP (desktop publishing): Bianca Constantin