Legally obsessed with fashion (interview with Iulia Albu)

Whether you are (or not really) a fan of the millions of fashion shows or the "world of law", we invite you to learn more about life, career and the showbiz world with us, guided by our guest for the column ,, Beyond the @ '', @iamiuliaalbu. She agreed to be our guide on this little tour between two different and unique worlds... are you curious? So are we! So, can we start? (I heard that we will find out something about the famous chicken, so stay tuned!).

Starting out properly, we want to thank you for your presence today. We are delighted to have the opportunity to speak with such a well-known public figure. Thus, comes our first question: Do you have to do something extravagant to stand out?

Because I was revising all the unforgettable appearances of Iulia Albu, I did not even notice the speed with which she answered: “From my experience, I can tell you that there is no certain universally valid “secret”. Sure, if you show up with a chicken on your shoulder on Victoriei, you should expect people to look at you, but that's not enough. Bottomless shapes do not last over time. The simple reality is that in order to maintain your notoriety you have to work continuously. It doesn't sound very appealing, I know. "

After this edifying answer, I was also curious to ask if she is ever bothered by the fact that she is viewed as a “controversial character” and, at the same time, how she handles this image?

The second answer seemed to complement the first: “I hear this word very often: controversial. Well, according to the dictionary: ,, CONTROVERSIAL, of, relating to, or characteristic of controversy, or prolonged public dispute, debate, or contention.” No, I'm not controversial. I'm just "weird," and there's absolutely no controversy about that 😂. Controversies arise when something can be challenged with arguments. Some people may find me eccentric, others may not, but that's another story. A story sprinkled with many tragi-comic stories, which I will tell at some point. "

Interesting ... those stories mentioned above really intrigue us, not gonna lie. But, what we would like to know even more, is how you found your own positioning, respectively your originality in the Romanian showbiz?

And are you interested to find out the testimony? We won’t keep you in suspense much longer: "It was simple for me. I "entered" a "virgin" market. “Domnița de Alba” was the first and remains to this day the most coherent and successful character ever designed for the Romanian media market. And here I want to insist on the word "designed" because it is funny how today we are trying to apply all the wrong formulas to obtain an equivalent result. The design means establishing strict editorial content and clearly identifying the directions of "growth". And for that you need ARGUMENTATION. There is nothing sadder than a bottomless form built based on the "fake it ‘till you make it" pattern.

Given your outstanding fashion achievements, can you tell us how you realized that fashion was right for you?

And Iulia Albu told us precisely this: "I always hated those interviews in which the interviewed person tells the story of how he / she was chosen by fashion, how the grandmother, how the mother, or anyone else in the world had some influence on them (even if, btw, and in my case there was a person who inspired me and still constantly inspires me in that way.) Each of us possesses a set of data which makes him / her a better or worse candidate for a certain field. At the end of the day, however, studies, real passion, dedication and sustained effort make the palpable difference between mediocrity and performance.

Fashion is a pretext. And I never thought I was only doing fashion. ”

Hm ... fashion, just a pretext? Then ... do you consider fashion to be a form of art, after all?

The answer? Well, I don't think you are expecting it! (we didn't either): ,,No. Fashion is not an art. And that's what someone with a degree in design tells you. There can be no art in constraint. As long as any piece of clothing must have 2 or 3 holes in order to be worn, we cannot talk about an artistic creation. But fashion can intertwine with sculpture or the visual arts and create a work of art, which is fundamentally different. ”

Now that we have somehow entered this sphere of career (fashion itself), we would be curious to know whether studies should be guided by passion or rather by applicability and a clear profession?

The answer was simple and extremely sincere: “This choice is extremely important and marks without any doubt future evolution. I would do absolutely nothing different. And yes, there is some comfort in knowing that I can reopen my law firm at any time, in case I ever get bored of what I'm doing now. It is ridiculous to recommend everyone to do two universities, to write their license and then play to find out what they really want. But it would be at least as ridiculous to encourage someone to do strictly what they feel. I remember seeing the future at the age of 5, when I imagined myself a female Bruce Lee, versus me at 12, Dr. Doolitle, and I could go on and on. ”

Now that we've talked about fashion, let’s leave the career area and please share with us, if you can, what you think about the clothing style of modern day teenagers? What about school uniforms?

A secret was revealed to us: “I LOVE uniforms. Unexpected, isn't it? It's not exactly the most predictable response of someone who wore ANYTHING except what everyone else wore.

Uniforms do not destroy creativity, nor do they limit freedom of expression. The uniform is an important lesson. You are not what you wear. After all, we're talking about rags and nothing more. "

Indeed, we are not what we wear, but even that matters, more or less, in order to discover ourselves. In addition to the clothes we choose according to our own tastes ... what pieces of clothing are a must-have in anyone's wardrobe?

You want to know the answer, right? We won’t keep you in suspense: “Every girl / woman must have a little black dress, a pair of red shoes, a white shirt made embroidered with her initials and a vintage trench coat.

On the other hand, the boy / man price should have a pair of sneakers customized by a local artist, a custom-made white shirt and a vintage tracksuit. ''

Last question, but not the least! Knowing that you have a big impact on the people using Instagram, we would like you to reveal what is it like behind the curtains of this platform? What's different about online image versus television image?

The answer came with surprising vehemence: “EVERYTHING. This is exactly the reason why online phenomena do not generate ratings on TV. On Instagram, it is enough to have a beautiful face, to pose briefly dressed and to post motivational messages, respectively famous quotes. Television is another league, and it's not for everyone...

You asked me what was behind instagram. I will answer you by telling you that EVERYTHING that is in sight is a fake layer. And no one should set unrealistic ideals based on what they see there. ”

editorial: Bianca Constantin

graphic design: Bianca Constantin

translation: Sofia Ene

DP (desktop publishing): Mihaela Filipescu