
methods of a crime

The guide for future detectives

In forensics, there is the term "perfect crime." If this has ever happened, it may be debatable, but the thought that it may take place sometime in the future is increasingly blurred, given the technological process of our era. The methods of investigating a crime are in a process of constant evolution and improvement, accuracy being the most coveted element of those in the field.

In today's article, we will discuss some of the methods of investigation, the team behind the investigation and the contribution of each, but also how the movies/series belonging to the police genre do not follow the accurate protocol when it comes to solving a crime.

. Meet the team!

Before introducing you to some of those who are involved in solving a crime, it should be mentioned that they are all equally important in terms of the work they do, any of which can bring a new perspective to the case. In the screenings of crime investigation, the detectives under the spotlight own such a vast set of knowledge that they can solve everything by themselves. In real life, investigating a crime is likewise a sport team. Even if a profiler, for example, has medical knowledge, he cannot analyse this type of evidence on his own. Everyone should admit their limits and accept that they must rely on the work of others.

- profiler = a person who records and analyzes someone's psychological and behavioral characteristics, suspect or witness

- coroner = is empowered to conduct or order an inquest into the manner or cause of death, and to investigate or confirm the identity of an unknown person who has been found dead within the coroner's jurisdiction.

- police officers = they conduct the investigation of a case within their jurisdiction

- photographers = the crime scene must be immortalized in order to have evidence of its original appearance

- forensic lab’s team = perform chemical, biological, and microscopic analyses on evidence taken from crime scenes.

What position would you have as a member of this kind of team?🧐

. Classical methods and others less known

1. DNA

Since you cannot get rid of DNA so easily, I recommend you to always take it into consideration as a primary method, which must be implemented once you get to the crime scene. Why is it so easy to leave it behind? Because it is everywhere: hair left behind, drops of sweat, saliva or blood, dead skin...who knows, maybe even a few fingerprints! Whatever form it takes, DNA is almost unbeatable evidence in court and brings you closer to the identity of the killer.

2. Document everything and keep your eyes peeled

Maybe you have heard of the concept of “Murder Book” and if not, I will explain it to you: in a few words, I would describe it as “that place where you note everything”, either that means a notebook (for the old-fashioned ones), or a virtual document. All that matters is to write down every guess you have, every information received, every statement given by witnesses, and this will be the puzzle pieces you have to juggle with in order to solve the case. It's rarely used in movies, especially in contemporary ones, but you shouldn't underestimate the effectiveness of this method. The clues are not as cohesive as in a movie and it is not guaranteed that any information received is useful, so it is better to write it down. Where murder is concerned, there’s no such thing as too much information.

3. The chronological axis of events

Maybe the terms “chronological axis” are familiar to you from the history lessons and maybe you already feel a shiver run down your spine due to this association. I certainly feel a shiver as history has never been my favorite subject in school. However, I must admit how useful this method is. Through it you can very rigorously check the alibis offered by your suspects. Maybe you will find something that does not fit in someone's statement and you will direct the investigation to that person.

4. Every lead worths a try

If you've watched at least one police movie, you may have noticed how easy it seems for investigators to solve the case, their suspicions are always true, and the number of clues approached can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Well, in reality things don't go that way, so don't be afraid of investigating every small detail. Homicides are rarely straightforward, and following every lead – no matter how contrived they seem – is crucial.

5. Collecting evidence

Your intuition is not enough to solve a crime or a trial. You need unbeatable evidence for that. Thus, collecting them from the crime scene is essential. Don't forget to handle them with kid gloves and I say this literally and figuratively. They can be easily altered and compromise the result of the investigation; wear gloves and store any evidence in special containers. Once you know that, you'll definitely get annoyed when you see a great detective in a movie, touching the evidence without wearing gloves. What a rookie mistake…

6. Math can be useful as well

The next time you find it difficult to pay attention to math class and ask yourself the classic question "How does it help me in life?", remember this article. Mathematics is often used in solving an investigation! How? There is a mathematical formula called "Rossmo's formula", used to predict where a murderer lives. Now you are probably skeptical and tell yourself that it is impossible to determine such things using mathematics. Would you change your mind if I told you that there were cases that were solved with its help? Team up with a profiler, use the formula and, who knows what you might discover about your killer!

We hope that this article has intrigued your appetite for investigations and that you would like to know more information on the subject. To test your detective skills obtained today, feel free to visit the world of Sherlock Holmes (reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's books or watching the TV series starring Benedict Cumberbatch), put yourself in the shoes of the petit Belgian detective Hercule Poirot or think everything in detail like Melania Lupu does. If you have problems solving the crime, do not hesitate to read our article again!

Don't forget to follow us on instagram! @the.magateen

editorial: Alexia Stelea, Alexandra Soare

graphic design: Bianca Constantin,

Anastasia Chivu

translation: Alexia Stelea, Alexandra Soare

DP (desktop publishing): Andreea Seba