Air purification in

our living space

You may be thinking: “Why? Out of all the subjects in the world, why air?” Well, let me enlighten you. Because of the actual circumstances, we are spending more than half of our day in our homes, and how we wash our clothes and wipe the dust off our bookcase, we must take care of the hygiene of the air in the house. Many lung infections can start with humid air, mold and so on. Many things in our house seem harmless, but in reality they pollute our air. The appliances we all have in the house produce emissions that can increase the pollution in our homes.

Detergents and cleaning products - are chemicals that help you remove stains from clothes, floors and other surfaces in the house, but they can also contain a lot of toxic substances.

Room air fresheners, scented candles, scented chopsticks - although they bring scents of wildflowers, citrus and dozens of other fragrances into your home, they contain synthetic substances, as harmful as those in cleaning products.

Cigarette smoke– passive smoking is almost as dangerous as active smoking, it leaves a lot of pollutants in your home even after you ventilate.

So, what can we do about it? We can’t live without electricity, detergents and it’s incredibly difficult to stop smoking. I know many of these things are extremely relaxing and pleasant (I, myself, am a big fan of vanilla scented candles), so we have found several alternatives that you can use in your homes.

As a wise man once said, it’s better to prevent than to treat. Plants can be a great help in purifying the air in your home. Just as forests help the environment and nature to cleanse themselves of pollutants, indoor plants help clean the air in our homes.

Plants can also increase your mood, over time they can relax you and you will end up with your own small urban jungle. NASA has conducted a study that has shown that plants can purify and rejuvenate the air in homes and workplaces, protecting us from any side effects associated with predominant toxins such as ammonia, formaldehyde and also benzene. It is the best way to counteract the impact of indoor pollution, especially if one of the family members suffers from a respiratory disease. If you have at least one plant per 100 square meters of the house, you can hope for efficient air cleaning.

The next one most of you probably have already seen it on Pinterest, Instagram and many other social platforms, so folks, we present air purification with salt crystal lamps. You may know, you may not know, the salt crystal lamp is not just a useful object for lighting the house. Salt crystals attract water vapors in the air, which also contain a lot of allergens. The crystal heats up under the action of the bulb and releases negative ions into the air, which removes positive ions from impurities in the atmosphere.

This method is one of my favourites, refreshing and purifying the air with essential oils. In countless health food stores you will also find a section dedicated only to essential oils, which can be made from almost any plant.

These are also wonderful room air fresheners, for all perfume lovers, without any complex substances that would be harmful to you. Among the most useful essential oils in purifying indoor air are eucalyptus, pine, sage, tea tree, thyme, rosemary, mint, incense, lemon, orange, lavender, cinnamon, cloves and juniper.

For our curious readers, we searched for several recipes and these are the most suitable and easiest to make at home. They can be customized as your heart desires and we recommend them :)

I. Mix one liter of water, two tablespoons of vinegar and 8 drops of eucalyptus and lemon essential oil in a spray container.

II. Mix in a spray container a liter of water, two tablespoons of vinegar, 4 drops of lavender essential oil, 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 2 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Here are some other tips you can put into practice to increase air quality and reduce contamination in your home:

● ventilate the house when you wake up in the morning;

● cleans the air conditioner filters twice a year;

● use the hood every time you cook;

● drie the laundry outside, and in winter ventilates the room where the laundry dries;

● carefully close and store boxes of paints, detergents and cleaning products;

● carefully vacuum the mattress, curtains, pillows that hide dust mites, the main culprits for allergies.

● vacuum the carpets frequently - if you have pets, it is a good idea to give up carpets altogether.

What do you think about the article, have you known these things for a long time or is it something new? Are you going to try any of the recipes we have presented to you? :)

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editorial: Ioana Mătasaru

graphic design: Ioana Mătăsaru

translation: Ioana Mătasaru

DP (desktop publishing): Ioana Mătasaru