A look at the power

of our thoughts

How is today so different? Here we are, all of a sudden put into a halt – staying at the comfort of our homes, little by little striving in every bit of the challenge there is to come. While it is hurting for many at most, our inability to navigate our tomorrows may have also led us to many things.

Our priorities have changed, we get a real sense of who we are, and we have known at what point we can be most vulnerable.

We share a shred of understanding of how our emotions rolled over the past months since it all began. There were sleepless nights, a lot of it in fact. There were great torments – from having our inability to see the persons we love from afar or even just with the mere thought of people we are so scared of losing. There were looks of anguish with what we could not do at the moment, and worse, just how limited we feel right about it. There were persistent worries from what we had from today, inasmuch, as what we will still be having from our uncertain tomorrows. From across the board, we are still humans. It is striking and it encapsulated both the testing of our patience and our faith.

Most people would often say we do not have a choice. Always making it a point that there is nowhere to go really. When we decide to become unfairly shackled, we do become it.

As it takes courage to understand that there will always be a choice - there will also be days when we feel we are just caught up, confused with what options to take, and dazed with seeing what really matters the most. No one can take this from us - the finer thing in our life is how we can always choose who to become, what actions do we do, and what insight we get from our daily circumstances.

Even if we were being hit hard by the pandemic and the recent circumstances, we can always rebuild our own selves. As they would say, it is the innate tendency of humans to have self-efficacy or the ability that you can do it. It will always be the confidence that we can have and build, even if we have reasons to put ourselves lowly down.

A thought and a question for you, how do we get the game going?

For sure, setting up mental zones for reflections to flow in like this can be very promising. A time where we can be mindful of our thoughts and emotions, with no judgment and filter as possible. Acknowledging every ounce of ache that we have, gradually re-centering ourselves through a moment of silence and allow us to just let it be.

The more we embrace these kinds of situations, the stronger will be our abilities to overcome. It is in our honor of every challenge where we can learn how to move forward. Beyond everything, when we are passionate, we find our ways to become better.

And in this lifetime, we can be better. It begins with a single thought that we can. We can free ourselves from this heavy load. We can find ways to heal and do something worthwhile. Little by little, we can create our true happiness even on things we thought were not possible at first. If we can turn around a grueling time into something joyful, we can afford many possibilities of light and all that is beautiful.

Ultimately, we can try looking into the right things. No matter how blinded we can get in this crisis, we can always take the lead of our own life.

Choose to get that breath of fresh air or get a feel of that sunlight in the morning. Go for that cup of tea, or pick up that book then read it excitedly. Just paint your perfect day and have that hearty laugh with your loved ones at home. Start making gratefulness a way of life. Forget about being perfect and accept yourself as is-- one who is able to feel emotions that are in a whirlwind, but also able to use them as motivation to action. Keep yourself in check and put the little things you love into your everyday life. The world needs more of it.

You need way more of it.

In these painful times, cultivate your mental health. Counteract the fearful energy by manifesting it into something that is productive. Choose clarity by starting with what you have control over, like developing a powerful daily routine at home. You can still live the exact life you wanted and expected for yourself, accordingly. Never miss it out only because you are being run down by your fear.

How you deal with this today, will determine how far you will go. Even if on the other way around, granted they are big ones, choose to let go of the weight and allow yourselves new opportunities. You can have a moment of strength and empower yourself with what you can still do at this point in time.

Find meaning in your everyday isolation. You can use these challenges as a teaching tool, and not stress over what could have happened differently. You can learn to practice adapting day by day, and eventually do not seek perfect conditions anymore.

Our days may be full of restraint for safety, but we can always move forward from where we are right now. We can rebound from the experiences we were down in luck because -- life is now. We can always try to win the day but we just have to try. If it gets harder today, we have so many days left for us. We can do this, one day at a time. Choose to believe that we can, because this is where our personal power is being built.

After all, you will be surprised by such power you have it in you.

Don't forget to follow us on instagram! @the.magateen

editorial: Denise F. Ang

graphic design: Ioana Butaru

DP (desktop publishing): Ioana Butaru