The Lowdown

on university-level academic writing

Invest in your development as an effective writer at university and beyond using free, university-sanctioned writing support programs.


New to university-level writing?

The following introductions to key aspects of university-level writing should help you get started. Be sure to follow up with 1-on-1 tutoring sessions for clarifications and personalized support!

What makes academic writing seem academic? Hint: It's not big words or complex sentences! 

How to read & interpret assignment instructions. What, exactly, does your professor mean by "critically analyze" or "discuss"?

How should you structure and organize your essays? Hint: it's not always 5 paragraphs.

What is a thesis statement and how do you craft one? Does it have to be just one sentence?

There are some extraordinarily powerful "intelligent" writing tools available now. How can you use them effectively and with academic integrity?

What is plagiarism and how do you avoid it and create "original" work in "your own words"??!

What are the main elements of a solid academic paragraph? Can a paragraph be too short or too long?

Explaining what other people have said or written can be complicated. How do you clarify what information is from which source? How do you avoid plagiarism?!

Make your ideas shine by editing your essays to enhance clarity and accuracy. How do you use a comma? Hint: it's NOT when you take a breath!
