Decoding Instructions

There isn't one single way to write an essay because there isn't a single type of essay!

You will find that every writing assignment asks you to do something a bit different, depending on the subject area (History, Psychology, Math...) and the task at hand (describe, analyze, explain...).

What do your assignment instructions say about the TASK(s) you're supposed to accomplish?

Examples of tasks:

Assignment Tasks

> Activity: Decoding assignment tasks

Select a subject below and read the sample assignment provided. Which task or tasks does it ask the writer to accomplish?


While we understand that race is a social classification and not a biological one, it is still a very meaningful concept to most people in America. 

I would like for you to discuss your own race/ethnic identity in this essay.  

Be sure to incorporate the concepts from the readings: stereotypes , racial and ethnic inequality, discrimination and prejudice, white privilege, etc. Answer some of these questions within your essay. 

Again look for a good ‘hook’ and a clear thesis for your essay.

What is your racial/ethnic identity? When and how did you become aware of this identity? What role has it played in your life?How does it affect you in your social activities? How does it affect you in your school? How does it affect you in your community? In what ways do you benefit from this identity? In what ways do you suffer or miss out because of this identity?

This essay should be at least 800 words and should be very specific about the terms and concepts mentioned in your book and in the readings for the unit. APA style.


The final essay, due on November 25th, makes up 25% of your final grade. 

For this essay you will choose at least one chapter from the Louisbourg Portraits other than “The Marriage of Marie-Louise Cruchon” and write an essay about what the life of the individual(s) in question tells us about eighteenth-century society (i.e. social relations, class, race, gender). You may also make use of the “Marriage” chapter if you wish. 

This assignment asks you to generalize from the particular, something that historians do all the time. For this final essay, you are the historian.

5-6 pages, double spaced, 1" margins, Times New Roman font size 12

Please use Chicago notes style when engaging with and attributing sources.

Film Studies

Choose two to three of the films studied in the class to compare and contrast in response to one of the following questions. 

Be sure to reference specific examples from the films to illustrate your arguments. 

8-10 pages. MLA.

Business & Society

The final essay, due March 29th, makes up 25% of your final grade. 

For this essay, draw on course readings and lecture notes to debate whether corporations have too much influence on government in the context of American politics. 

Take a clear position in the debate, drawing on evidence to argue what “too much influence” may involve. Be careful not to ignore counterpoints to your position. 

The essay should be 6 pages in length and use MLA citation style. 


Do you forget what the question was half-way through the first draft of your essay? Transforming instructions can help you stay on track in a more efficient process.  Make them easier to read by transforming them into a list that categorizes the information and helps you see which information to pay attention to and when during your writing process.



Reading essay instructions can be stressful, so let’s review the strategies that pros use for breaking them down into do-able tasks.



Do you ever feel like essay instructions are written in an unfamiliar language? That’s because they are! 

Jargon refers to specialized terminology that isn’t used in everyday conversation. In your assignment instructions, jargon obscures key concepts, action words, and technical information. Here's what to do.

