Nearly 20 million individuals and their families are affected by addiction or substance use disorders every year. It can happen to anyone, any family, anywhere. Caring about, living with, or loving a person with an addictive disease can be challenging. Learning about addiction, treatment, and recovery can help you relate to and support your loved ones on their path to recovery.

The support of peers and social networks can help keep individuals engaged in treatment, and committed to their recovery. Support comes in many forms. Ask your loved one how you can be the most supportive to them and take their lead.

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Many find it helpful to join a self-help or support group for friends, families, and loved ones of individuals struggling with an addiction or in recovery. These mutual assistance groups are typically free and based on shared personal experiences rather than professional, fee-based services, like counselors or therapists.

Seeking to call up from the dead or to hear from the spirits of the departed is a forbidden occult practice (Deut. 18:9-14). But that's very different than doing what I just described.

Personally, rather than talking to a loved one, I am more comfortable simply praying to Jesus or the Father (there are biblical examples of praying to each) and saying, "Lord, would you please give my mom a hug, and tell her it's from me?" Now I think my mom sometimes sees what's going on here and might hear this when I say it, but I KNOW God hears it. And I trust God to do what He knows is best. Does that make sense?

I have some old friends in Heaven, Greg and Jerry among them, that I sometimes think of and ask the Lord to greet for me. Whether He does that is His call, but my relationships with those brothers was a gift from God, and one day I'll see them again in His presence. I suspect God is pleased with my sense of connection to them, and certainly He understands the bonds of friendship. Jesus called us his friends. He is the best friend I've ever had.

I could see how a person speaking to their departed loved one, even if they're not violating Scripture (since they're not praying to them or calling on them), could become unhealthy or obsessive. But that's not likely to happen when we're talking to God about them. He invites us to come to Him with what's on our minds and hearts. Obviously your loved one is on your mind and heart. If your child or wife or husband or parents or best friend are with Jesus, God understands your desire to feel connected to them, and to want them to know of your love for them, and that you miss them and look forward to seeing them again.

I have every reason to believe God would honor the request to pass on our warm greetings to loved ones. But again, that's up to Him. It's one thing to ask God for something like this, but entirely another to insist on it. We're the creatures, He's the Creator. He's the Potter, we're the clay. (And what a privilege to be His clay, as well as his sons and daughters.)

So, bottom line to the person who asked the question, as long as you're not praying TO your loved one or FOR your loved one (who needs no prayer now), but to God ABOUT your loved one, and your feelings, and your desire for them to know something, I think there's nothing in that which violates a Scripture. Just be careful it doesn't shift into anything that treats them as intermediaries or leads to obsession or seeking contact with them, which is expressly forbidden.

Here's a picture of my Mom at our house, holding our oldest daughter Karina. Mom died just four months after our Angie was born. I said at both our daughters' weddings, in the summer of 2001, that I believed their two grandmothers were watching from heaven. And since Nanci's mom had been blind her last few years here, she was seeing the wedding in a way she couldn't have even a few months earlier before she died.

If you are unable to locate or connect with a loved one or friend who has been impacted by a current disaster event, the American Red Cross can help you locate them if they meet certain criteria:

Use our Safe & Well website to let loved ones know you are ok after a local disaster. Find someone you love who may have experienced a recent disaster in the US. Safe & Well provides a central location for people in disaster areas to register their currents status, and for their loved ones to access that information. 

By taking actionable steps to spend more time with the people they love, individuals can boost their overall health, from psychological well-being to physical and behavioral improvements. Spending more time with loved ones can help decrease feelings of loneliness or isolation and reduce depressive symptoms, anxiety and stress. Likewise, feeling happier in their relationships is associated with improved biological function like lower inflammation, lower stress hormones and better cardiovascular health.

Not only is the physical and emotional health of parents improved, but in many cases their adult addicted loved one is led to seek recovery. Researchers from Northern Arizona University have studied PAL and determined that after participating in the PAL program:

This is a question we hear from nearly every family member or loved one of someone struggling with substance use disorder. Commonly known as addiction, substance use disorder always impacts more than just the person who is battling the disease.

Encouraging these small but mighty steps starts with healthy communication. For many, this must start by first separating your loved one from the disease of substance use disorder. Recognizing that you love who this person is at their core guides how you respond to them in times of frustration, anger and fear.

As you open the lines for honest communication, allow your loved one to explore their options by meeting them right where they are. For example, are they ready to attend AA, NA or other support groups? If yes, how can you help? Would they like you to give them a ride? If not, what positive step are they willing to take? And how can you support them in it?

Your gift to MD Anderson in honor or in memory of a loved one is a heartfelt way to celebrate a milestone or to memorialize those who have touched your life. When you give in honor or in memory of someone special, you also support our mission of Making Cancer History.

When someone you care about feels badly about themselves or feels burdened, it can be hard not to jump in and remind them of all the positives in their lives or how much worse their lives could be. After all, most people feel uncomfortable seeing their loved ones in pain and want them to feel better.

Hart Island records are searchable through the Hart Island database with records dating back to 1977, which enables members of the public to determine if a loved is buried on the island. The searchable database is available for public access to search for individuals by name, age, birth date, date of death, or by the assigned Medical Examiner number. The Medical Examiner number may be obtained through the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of New York City.

Use the Hart Island searchable database to determine if your loved one has been buried on Hart Island. If you know the plot number of your loved one, you can locate them on the Island by referencing a Map of Hart Island burial locations (Hart Island Map 1, Hart Island Map 2).

They who mournfully follow the coffin, are consoled with thoughts of the mercy of God; of the expiation of venial sin and the cleansing of the wounds, left by mortal sin, after death; of extenuating circumstances which may have rendered certain sins venial for the dear deceased one. The anguished heart, torn with dread about the fate of the loved one, clings to this last hope, and there finds solace and some peace.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. The doctrine of purgatory entails that we can assist our loved ones in purgatory by offering the Mass, prayers, indulgences, almsgiving, and other works of love for them. This is based on the Christian belief in the communion of saints, which includes the souls in purgatory.

As with Alexa and all Echo devices, Alexa Together is designed with multiple layers of privacy protection. The aging customer will need to allow access for the caregiver to use features like Remote Assist. The activity feed was intentionally designed to be high level, so that the caregiver can see there was an interaction with Alexa, but not what that interaction specifically was. For example, they would be able to see their loved one was using Alexa for entertainment, but not the song, podcast, or Audible book they were listening to.

The hardship of not being able to be at a patient's bedside when they are dying was recounted. Patients reported feeling frightened when waking up after surgery alone or wondering whether the PTSD from an ICU stay would be less severe with loved ones more present. There was an appreciation for hospital systems that allowed visitation.

The Twitter community provided suggestions for better including patients' loved ones: by guaranteeing a stable phone connection in areas where patients or loved ones are waiting or staying; having only one designated loved one to manage all communication; and sending text updates. There was strong advocacy for allowing loved ones at the bedside, their absence being associated with anxiety, fear, PTSD, and mourning the missed opportunity to say goodbye. Studies from the intensive care unit from the perspective of patients, loved ones and healthcare professionals (39, 40) support an open visitation policy. We are aware of the significant pressure hospitals are under, both during COVID-19 and on an everyday basis, however, in hindsight and going forward, hospitals should prioritize and allocate staff to managing communication with loved ones. One example given by Twitter users was having a nurse dedicated to phoning relatives and giving them updates. Special bespoke teams have been positively accepted by loved ones during COVID-19 (41). Furthermore, creating room for communication with loved ones also positively affects the healthcare team (42). 2351a5e196

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