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How to Play

Click the link to open the timer.  You have 45 minutes to put the clues together and solve the mystery.

Open the document in Adobe PDF or other compatible app.  Type in the information you need or print and write.

On April 10, 1912, the luxury steamship the RMS Titanic set sail from Southampton, England to New York City with 2,240 passengers.  It was the first transatlantic trip for this luxury ship and many of the passengers aboard were wealthy industrialists, celebrities, and high-ranking officials.  The wealthiest of these passengers was John Jacob Astor IV.  Mr. Astor was carrying precious jewels with him across the Atlantic to deliver to his wife.  The jewels were said to be worth more than $10 million.  That’s equivalent to $24 million today.  Many of the passengers knew of Mr. Astor and his jewels.  

On the night of April 15, 1912 the RMS Titanic collided with an ice berg causing major damage to the ship’s vessel.  The ship was going down fast and there were only enough life boats for about half  of the Titanic’s passengers.  As Mr. Astor hustled to grab his belongings to run to a life boat, he realized that his precious jewels were missing from his personal safe.  This 100 year old mystery has never been solved and your class has been assigned to crack the case. It will be your job to find out who stole the jewels.  We are counting on you!  Listen to your teacher for directions on how you will solve this mystery.  Keep track of your clues on the graphic organizer provided.  Some clues can be misleading or a red herring. Look at  each clue carefully to help you decide! Good luck detectives!