The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince, .mw-parser-output .IPA-label-small{font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .references .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .infobox .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .navbox .IPA-label-small{font-size:100%}pronounced [l p()ti ps]) is a novella written and illustrated by French aristocrat, writer, and military pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupry. It was first published in English and French in the United States by Reynal & Hitchcock in April 1943 and was published posthumously in France following liberation; Saint-Exupry's works had been banned by the Vichy Regime. The story follows a young prince who visits various planets, including Earth, and addresses themes of loneliness, friendship, love, and loss. Despite its style as a children's book, The Little Prince makes observations about life, adults, and human nature.[9]

The narrator becomes an aircraft pilot, and one day, his plane crashes in the Sahara desert, far from civilization. The narrator must fix his aeroplane before his supply of water runs out. Here, he is greeted by a young boy nicknamed "the little prince."

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The prince asks the narrator to draw a sheep. The narrator first shows him the picture of the elephant inside the snake, which, to the narrator's surprise, the prince interprets correctly. After three failed attempts at drawing a sheep, the frustrated narrator draws a crate, claiming the sheep is inside. This turns out to be the exact drawing the prince wanted.

Over the course of days, while the narrator attempts to repair his plane, the prince recounts his life story. He used to live in a house-sized asteroid known as "B 612" on Earth. The asteroid has three minuscule volcanoes (two active, and one dormant or extinct) and various plants.

The prince used to clean the volcanoes and weed unwanted seeds and sprigs that infested his soil, pulling out baobab trees that were constantly on the verge of overrunning the surface. The prince wants a sheep to eat the undesirable plants, but worries it will also eat plants with thorns.

The prince meets a rose that grew on the asteroid. The rose exaggerates ailments to have the prince care for her. The prince made a screen and glass globe to protect her from the cold and wind, watered her, and kept the caterpillars off.

Despite falling in love with the rose, the prince also began to feel that she was taking advantage of him and resolved to leave the planet to explore the rest of the universe. Upon their goodbyes, the rose apologises for failing to show that she loved him. She wishes him well and turns down his desire to leave her in the glass globe, saying she will protect herself. The prince laments that he did not understand how to love his rose while being with her.

Since the prince landed in a desert, he believed that Earth was uninhabited. He then met a snake that claimed to have the power to return him to his home, if he ever wished that. The prince next met a flower, who said she had only seen a few men in that part of the world, and they had no roots, letting the wind blow them around and living hard lives. After climbing the highest mountain he had ever seen, the prince hoped to see the whole of Earth, thus finding the people; however, he saw only the desolate landscape. When the prince called out, his echo answered him, which he interpreted as the voice of someone boring who only repeats words.

The prince encountered a row of rosebushes, becoming downcast at having once thought that his rose was unique and thinking she had lied about being unique. He began to feel that he was not a great prince, as his planet contained only three tiny volcanoes and a flower he now thought of as common. He started weeping, until a fox came along.

From the fox, the prince learns that his rose was indeed special because she was the object of the prince's love and time; he had "tamed" her, and now she was more precious than all of the other roses. Upon their departing, the fox says that important things can only be seen with the heart, not the eyes.

The prince finds a well, saving them. The narrator later finds the prince talking to the snake, discussing his return home and his desire to see his rose again, worrying that she has been left to fend for herself. The prince bids a farewell to the narrator and states that if it looks as though he has died, it is only because his body was too heavy to take with him to his planet. The prince warns the narrator not to watch him leave, as it will upset him. The narrator, realising what will happen, refuses to leave the prince's side. The prince says that the narrator only need look at the stars to think of the prince's laughter, and that it will seem as if all the stars are laughing. The prince then walks away and allows the snake to bite him, falling down.

The next morning, the narrator cannot find the prince's body. Managing to repair his aeroplane, he leaves the desert. The narrator requests to be contacted by anyone in that area encountering a boy like the prince.

In the novella, the fox, believed to be modelled after the author's intimate New York City friend, Silvia Hamilton Reinhardt, tells the prince that his rose is unique and special, as she is the one he loves.[33] The novella's iconic phrase, "One sees clearly only with the heart" is believed to have been suggested by Reinhardt.

The fearsome, grasping baobab trees, researchers have contended, were meant to represent Nazism attempting to destroy the planet.[33] The little prince's reassurance to the pilot that the prince's body is only an empty shell resembles the last words of Antoine's dying younger brother Franois, who told the author, from his deathbed: "Don't worry. I'm all right. I can't help it. It's my body".[34]

Many researchers believe that the prince's kindhearted, but petulant and vain, Rose was inspired by Saint-Exupry's Salvadoran wife Consuelo de Saint-Exupry,[33][35] with the small home planet being inspired by El Salvador where he crashed and stayed to recover while being within view of 3 volcanoes, one of which was Ilamatepec, also known as The Santa Ana Volcano.[36] Despite a tumultuous marriage, Saint-Exupry kept Consuelo close to his heart and portrayed her as the prince's rose, whom he tenderly protects with a wind screen and places under a glass dome on his tiny planet. Saint-Exupry's infidelity and the doubts of his marriage are symbolized by the vast field of roses the prince encounters during his visit to Earth.[9]

This interpretation was described by biographer Paul Webster who stated she was "the muse to whom Saint-Exupry poured out his soul in copious letters ... Consuelo was the rose in The Little Prince. "I should have judged her by her acts and not by her words", says the prince. "She wrapped herself around me and enlightened me. I should never have fled. I should have guessed at the tenderness behind her poor ruses."[24]

Saint-Exupry probably has drawn inspiration for the prince's character and appearance from his own self as a youth, as during his early years friends and family called him le Roi-Soleil ("the Sun King") because of his golden curly hair.[citation needed] The author had also met a precocious eight-year-old with curly blond hair while he was residing with a family in Quebec City in 1942, Thomas De Koninck, the son of philosopher Charles De Koninck.[37][38][39] Another possible inspiration for the little prince has been suggested as Land Morrow Lindbergh, the young, golden-haired son of fellow aviator Charles Lindbergh and his wife, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, whom he met during an overnight stay at their Long Island home in 1939.[40][41][Note 4]

Some have seen the prince as a Christ figure, as the child is sin-free and "believes in a life after death", subsequently returning to his personal heaven.[42] When Life photojournalist John Phillips questioned the author-aviator on his inspiration for the child character, Saint-Exupry told him that one day he looked down on what he thought was a blank sheet and saw a small childlike figure: "I asked him who he was", he replied. "I'm the Little Prince" was the reply.[43]

One of Saint-Exupry's earliest literary references to a small prince is to be found in his second news dispatch from Moscow, dated 14 May 1935. In his writings as a special correspondent for Paris-Soir, the author described traveling from France to the Soviet Union by train. Late at night, during the trip, he ventured from his first-class accommodation into the third-class carriages, where he came upon large groups of Polish families huddled together, returning to their homeland. His commentary not only described a diminutive prince but also touched on several other themes Saint-Exupry incorporated into various philosophical writings:[44]

I sat down [facing a sleeping] couple. Between the man and the woman a child had hollowed himself out a place and fallen asleep. He turned in his slumber, and in the dim lamplight I saw his face. What an adorable face! A golden fruit had been born of these two peasants..... This is a musician's face, I told myself. This is the child Mozart. This is a life full of beautiful promise. Little princes in legends are not different from this. Protected, sheltered, cultivated, what could not this child become? When by mutation a new rose is born in a garden, all gardeners rejoice. They isolate the rose, tend it, foster it. But there is no gardener for men. This little Mozart will be shaped like the rest by the common stamping machine.... This little Mozart is condemned.

Upon the outbreak of the Second World War, a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and a successful pioneering aviator prior to the war, Saint-Exupry initially flew with a reconnaissance squadron as a reserve military pilot in the Arme de l'Air (French Air Force).[9] After France's defeat in 1940 and its armistice with Germany, he and Consuelo fled Occupied France and sojourned in North America, with Saint-Exupry first arriving by himself at the very end of December 1940. His intention for the visit was to convince the United States to quickly enter the war against Nazi Germany and the Axis forces, and he soon became one of the expatriate voices of the French Resistance. In the midst of personal upheavals and failing health, he produced almost half of the writings for which he would be remembered, including a tender tale of loneliness, friendship, love and loss, in the form of a young prince visiting Earth.[45] 006ab0faaa

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