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The population of lions in the Kunene Region to the northwest of Etosha National Park is only 57-60 individuals, BUT of these, an estimated 24 are desert-adapted lions (the far-westerly population). This population fluctuates significantly based on rainfall, prey base and human persecution. The entire population in the Kunene Region went from a low of perhaps 20 individuals in the late 1990s to an estimated high of 180 in 2015.

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Over 1.4 million Lions across the globe are stepping up to serve their communities during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. These new challenges have changed the way we live, but our dedication to helping those in need is as strong as it was when we first opened our doors more than 100 years ago.

One of my most asked questions is "do I have to worry about mountain lions when I hike?" The answer is no and yes. 99.99999% of the time, mountain lions keep their distance from humans and avoid hikers. But it makes sense to be aware of them and their behavior, and be prepared for anything that could occur.

To start, I've never been attacked by a mountain lion. After thousands of hours on the trail, I've never even seen one. That should be your goal too. This article goes over how to understand mountain lion behavior, what to look for to spot their activity, and what to do if you encounter one.

I spent some time interviewing Lauren Serrano and Kelly Andersen at the Orange County Zoo, where they have two adult mountain lions in captivity (orphans rescued at birth). Lauren and Kelly went into detail to answer your questions about mountain lions and how to enjoy the outdoors in mountain lion country. And FYI, mountain lions, cougars, pumas, and Florida panthers are all the same thing.

If a mountain lion attacks you, you probably won't see it coming. Even though they're big, they're also very quiet, and will generally stalk and pounce. But sometimes you will see them when they're curious and maybe sizing you up to determine if you're prey.

If you are lucky enough to see the mountain lion before it's on you, DO NOT RUN AWAY OR TURN YOUR BACK TO IT, as these are signals that you are prey. Mountain lions normally eat things like deer and sheep, but will eat anything from mice to elk. They eat about 10 pounds of meat a day, and only eat meat. You want to show it that you are not prey and you are not scared. And FYI, you cannot outrun a mountain lion, they can run up to 50mph.

In this next video, you can see a hiker who encounters a mountain lion sitting on the trail. He does all the right things and the mountain lion leaves him alone. You can see that once the mountain lion realizes he's not prey, it's quickly lost interest.

And lastly, check out these hikers who are stuck with a mountain lion on a fenced walkway. This one really hits home the point that if the lion knows that you're human, they generally don't want anything to do with you.

Usually the previous steps will do enough to convince the mountain lion that you're not a deer, and scare it off. If it does start to charge you, use any of the tools previously mentioned to start swinging at it. Or shoot at its face with bear spray.

If you're really terrified of getting attacked by a lion, I would highly recommend clipping bear spray and a straight blade knife to your backpack straps, ready to be deployed if you're rolling around on the ground with a mountain lion. Personally, I think this is overkill, but I understand the power of fear (and the power of mountain lions)!

My personal strategy is to avoid attacks and then be vigilant if I see signs of activity (see below). If I do think there are mountain lions active where I'm hiking, I'll clip bear spray and a knife to my pack, and will hike with trekking poles.

While I haven't ever encountered a mountain lion on the trail, I have seen plenty of signs of their presence. Mountain lions live anywhere and everywhere there is prey, with the greatest concentration in the western half of the USA and Canada. They're in the deserts, they're in the mountains. So assume they could be anywhere. Many ranger offices are good about posting notices and signs at trailheads in areas where they are active.

The key to avoiding a mountain lion attack is to be aware of signs that they've been active where you are. If you see a sign that there might be one in your area, take your trekking poles out, get your spray ready, and be extra alert. I like to sing out loud and make a lot of noise too, which is also good at keeping humans away. The average range of a mountain lion is 30 square miles, so even if you see signs, it could be miles away from you.

We talked about mountain lions preferring to attack something that's smaller or easier to kill. When you crouch or sit down, you become a much more attractive target for them, and it triggers their natural instinct to attack. Check out this video of the principle in action at a big cat rescue facility.

I realize it's tough to never crouch or sit down, and that's not what I'm suggesting. When I'm camping, sitting around a campfire, am I constantly thinking that a mountain lion will jump on me? No. But I do try and be extra aware, especially I know that mountain lions are active. And if you're in your tent, you're probably fine.

Keep your kids close to you when hiking, and don't let them wander off at night. If you do see a mountain lion, you want to grab your child and pick them up or keep them close to you. It will help you look bigger.

For dogs, there are two schools of thought. The first is that a dog has more awareness than people and will alert you if a mountain lion is near, and might even scare the mountain lion off. Check out this video of a coyote doing just that.

The other school of thought is that dogs are a lot like coyotes, which mountain lions can eat. If you keep the dog on a leash, it will alert you to danger but you can also pull it in close to protect. A person and a dog close together probably doesn't look like prey to a mountain lion.

I realize mountain lions are scary. Should it stop you from hiking or enjoying the outdoors? Absolutely not. If you read this article, you have the tools to successfully coexist with mountain lions in the wilderness. If you want to get empirical about your chances, it's pretty interesting.

Hi, I'm Cris Hazzard, aka Hiking Guy, a professional outdoors guide, hiking expert, and author based in Southern California. I created this website to share all the great hikes I do with everyone else out there. This site is different because it gives detailed directions that even the beginning hiker can follow. I also share what hiking gear works and doesn't so you don't waste money. I don't do sponsored or promoted content; I share only the gear recommendations, hikes, and tips that I would with my family and friends. If you like the website and YouTube channel, please support these free guides (I couldn't do it without folks like you!). You can stay up to date with my new guides by following me on YouTube, Instagram, or by subscribing to my monthly newsletter.

NOAA Fisheries estimates population size for the U.S. stock of California sea lions in our stock assessment report. From 1975 to 2014, the maximum population growth rate of the U.S. stock of California sea lions was 7 percent per year.

California sea lions have broad front flippers and long, narrow snouts. Subadult and adult males have pronounced forehead crests crowned with tufts of blonde or lighter hair. California sea lions have visible ear flaps, and three to five claws on their hind flippers.

California sea lions are very social on land and in the water, but during the breeding season the males aggressively defend their territories and females fight other females to protect their pups. While on the breeding islands, California sea lions are very skittish of humans and will run into the water if they see or smell people.

California sea lions live in the shallow waters of the eastern North Pacific Ocean. They prefer sandy beaches or rocky coves for breeding and haul-out sites. Along the West Coast, they also haul out on marina docks as well as jetties and buoys. California sea lions range from southeast Alaska to the Pacific coast of central Mexico. Their primary breeding range is from the Channel Islands in southern California to central Mexico. NOAA Fisheries divides the California sea lion population into three stocks (United States, western Baja California, and Gulf of California) based on the location of major rookeries and the international border. The U.S. stock waters ranges from the U.S./Mexico border to Canada. In normal years, male California sea lions migrate during the winter to feeding areas off California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Canada, and southeast Alaska but females and pups stay near the breeding colonies until the pups are weaned. In warm water (El Nio) years, some females are found as far north as Washington and Oregon, presumably following prey.

One of the main threats to California sea lions is getting caught in fishing gear. They can become entangled in many different gear types, including traps, pots, or gillnets. Once entangled, they may drag and swim with attached gear for long distances, ultimately resulting in fatigue, compromised feeding ability, or severe injury, which may lead to reduced reproductive success and death.

California sea lions are protected throughout their range under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. NOAA Fisheries is working to protect them in many ways, with the goal that populations stay stable and do not fall to depleted or threatened levels.

California sea lions can get entangled in fishing gear, causing injury and possibly death. NOAA Fisheries is working to better understand and characterize the frequency, geographic extent, and magnitude of these interactions. We are also working with researchers to find and study ways to safely and effectively make these interactions less likely. ff782bc1db

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