The Learning Company (TLC) was an educational software company founded in 1980 in Palo Alto, California and headquartered in Fremont, California. The company produced a grade-based line of learning software, edutainment games, and productivity tools. Its titles included the flagship series Reader Rabbit, for preschoolers through second graders, and The ClueFinders, for more advanced students. The company was also known for publishing licensed educational titles featuring characters such as Arthur, Scooby-Doo, Zoboomafoo, and Caillou.

The Learning Company was founded in 1980 by Ann McCormick; Leslie Grimm; Teri Perl; and Warren Robinett, a former Atari employee who had programmed the popular game Adventure.[2] They saw the Apple II as an opportunity to teach young children concepts of math, reading, science, problem-solving, and thinking skills. Part of the original funding for the company came from a National Science Foundation grant.

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TLC pursued this strategy under president and CEO Bill Dinsmore, who ran the company from 1985 to 1995. Sales went up, aided by the replacement of the floppy disc with the more technologically advanced CD-ROM in the late 1980s. In 1992, TLC went public.

The Learning Company became a business version of hot potato, its intellectual property tossed from one company to another. Games continued to be produced throughout the early 2000s, including the Cluefinders series I loved as a kid. Osterweil, who was working on a sequel to Zoombinis when Mattel purchased TLC, saw his project stalled, but ultimately completed. But the air was slowly leaking out of the industry. In 2000, sales of educational software for home computers reached $498 million; by 2004, those sales had plummeted to $152 million.

In the 1970's, Appleton Century Croft was sold to Meredith Publishing. Later, in 1974 Charles Walther purchased the New Century division from Meredith in an early management buyout. In 1981, New Century acquired Follett Publishing and Winchester Press in 1982. In 1990, Frank Gil purchased New Century Publishing and changed the company name to New Win Publishing Inc.

Academic Learning Company, LLC is a privately held limited liability corporation, but that doesn't mean we aren't looking for investors. We are in the M&A; phase, and if you are interested in an investment opportunity in a media company, please contact us using the form below.

Explore how these two exceptional resources come together to provide young learners with a comprehensive and immersive learning experience. Unleash the power of curiosity and ignite a passion for exploration with this dynamic educational combination.

Hello! It looks like you are browsing from somewhere outside the United States. If you have questions about Perfection Learning products, please visit our International Consultants page or contact us at global@perfectionlearning.

Stride's mission is to help learners of all ages reach their full potential through inspired teaching and personalized learning. We do this by providing clear pathways for learners to expand their skills, explore their options, and change their lives.

Copyright  2022 Stride, Inc. All rights reserved. The Stride wordmark, logo, and other marks referenced herein are trademarks of Stride, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Other company names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Deliver dynamic learning experiences to every student, everywhere. Take teaching and learning to the next level with Canvas, the #1 educational software, and the foundation of the Instructure Learning Platform.

The Whole Child Learning Company offers the greatest value, depth of experience and flexibility of any company in the educational enrichment sector. Franchise owners offer classes onsite in daycare centers, preschools and private schools. We also offer additional programs for summer day camps, Saturday and after school classes and parties.

Savvas provides the Realize learning management system, a platform that gives teachers digital access to their Pearson K12 Learning (now Savvas) content, along with the ability to customize instructions, upload content, and monitor student progress.

The CYPHER platform offers a united solution for developing comprehensive content. You can develop courses, assessments, gamification elements, and map competencies to content. Tailoring courses to individuals is effortless with unique digital learning profiles, ensuring customized learning at scale.

CYPHER revolutionizes conventional and uniform skill training with its competency-focused strategy. CYPHER provides insight into mastery levels of each competency and offers tailored learning recommendations. With AI 360 with Copilot, courses are automatically competency mapped, allowing for personalized learning at scale.

The modern learning platform for L&D pros like HR, trainers, instructional designers, and managers in businesses that need training, up-skilling, employee performance, on-boarding, trainer productivity, compliance, and more.

The modern learning platform for educators like teachers, instructors, and admins in schools, universities, colleges, and trade schools that need hybrid learning, personalized learning, teacher productivity, course creation, student engagement, and more.

Dr. Robert Titzer founded The Infant Learning Company in 1996 in order to share the learning videos he created for his children with people around the world. He is the creator of the Your Baby Can and Your Child Can programs.

Infants have better higher cognitive functioning abilities than previously believed. When learning about toys or other objects, babies are expected to use these capabilities while exploring with all of their senses. However, following traditional approaches babies ordinarily figure out language skills primarily with their ears instead of using all of their senses. We suggest allowing babies to use their senses while learning language skills. In other words, instead of only hearing words we would like for babies to see and hear words, say the words, see and hear what they mean, do physical actions related to the words, and answer questions related to the words.

The primary goal of The Infant Learning Company is to help make parents aware of the importance of teaching their children in the first years of life. Whether you decide to teach your baby on your own or with our easy-to-use programs, we are here to answer your questions and help you along on the exciting path to early learning. We look forward to providing you with the latest research on early literacy and early learning. Our programs are now sold on six continents and in virtually every country in the world.

Thank you for taking the time to read about us and for your interest in our early learning programs! For parents who have used our products, we sincerely thank you. For the many thousands of parents who continue to write or call with words of support, we can never thank you enough for taking your valuable time to send us videos and kind messages.

The Knowledge Center is the archive of studies, commentary, news, both serious and fun, that we encourage you to explore to learn more about how brains work, how to increase cognitive function, and how learning can become deeper and more enduring.

Juni schedules classes based on your schedule, and we'll use all the details you provide on instructor preferences and your child's personality and learning style to match them with a great instructor!

Challenge: Develop an onboarding training for thousands of customer service representatives, with an expedited deadline and compressed timeline, without sacrificing quality in the learning experience and expected outcomes.

AllenComm is one of the most trusted eLearning companies in the corporate training industry. Why? Because we understand digital learning; how to design and deliver innovative training solutions; and we know that brand and culture are at the heart of any training success.

As a global corporate training company, AllenComm has a proven record of helping large-scale businesses improve employee performance by creating custom training & learning solutions. We take the time to get to know you, your learners, and your organization.

AllenComm is one of the most award-winning corporate training companies in the world, winning over 40 awards a year spanning L&D, creative design and technology category. Our corporate training services successfully combine the latest innovations in instructional design, media, and technology with the most experienced learning and development team in the industry.

Building the right digital learning infrastructure demands the latest learning technologies and training software. AllenComm is at the forefront of learning technologies from authoring tools and learning platforms to implementing the latest in 360 video and AR/VR and wrapping them in best practice performance management systems.

When we opened the doors to our K-5 school in August of 2018, we set out to create an innovative learning environment where students would use critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration to solve real-world problems and promote career awareness.

Since then, we have seen student growth at each grade level every year. From 2021 to 2022, the percentage of fifth grade students who approached, met, or mastered grade-level learning goals increased by 6 percentage points in math and in science on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR)...

A learning culture is when an organization puts a strong emphasis on encouraging its members to understand its values, practices, beliefs, skill sets, and conventions. This enables employees to gain the knowledge and abilities needed to perform at their best, better satisfy your customers, and help your organization grow.

You can capture this feedback in a number of ways. Face-to-face, via email, or if you have a learning management system, surveying your learners is a fast and efficient way to collect the information you need. 006ab0faaa

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