Here is the series' official timeline. Like the Samurai Shodown series, the chronology of the series takes place in the Edo period (in this case, during the last years of the time period and in the end of the Togukawa Shogunate):

Whichever way you chose to play through, there are 12 characters for you to pick from with differing speeds, strengths and attacks. The character lineup is well-balanced, meaning these differences are just that and no-one is clearly more powerful than anyone else. The weapons also lead to variances in the fighting styles, with a number of differently sized bladed items and tools - Juzoh for instance, is swinging a baseball bat and Okina attacks with a fishing rod.

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-You're probably better off playing Kojiroh in speed. She has more high/low options. If you play her in power, you're much more reliant on her pokes and dash mix-ups.

-Her jumping is your best air-air and her jumping is your best jump-in close up.

-Low jump and are your friends.

-Jumping can cross up. 

-Off a sucessful ground-air parry, do ::

-Do her speed combos without the first + and you can get more range.

-Standing can link to itself so you can use it as a hit confirm from a bit of distance away

-Using instead of + in power lets you get your DM off from a huge distance away provided that you can cancel it consistently enough.

-Try command dashing behind people and then doing a fireball. (Alternatively you can try doing her super, but it's not safe if blocked)

-You must manually block every hit of her DM (Except for like the last few), otherwise you'll get hit by the whole thing. She's the only character this is true for.

-If you can't seem to do her super cancel consistently. Try hitting her DM off :+/ > + instead.

-If you hold on her SDM long enough, it becomes unblockable.

-Holding until she glows red for her unblockable makes it travel further.

-Her :+ ground attack has poor range. Use standing instead.

-More of a general tip: speed combo activations are only ever guaranteed off a parry 006ab0faaa

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