The Incredible Health Benefits of Sesame Oil

The esteemed health benefits of cold pressed black sesame oil are irrefutably known to a greater segment of the population. The sesame seed, derived from the Sesamum Indicum plant, is pressed to obtain sesame oil that offers a wide range of benefits to its users. Not only does sesame oil prove to be a great antioxidant for the skin, it is undeniably an effective solution for resolving inflammation and digestive issues in the gut.

Cold pressed black sesame oil is a highly recommended and essential ingredient in the diets of people suffering from high cholesterol levels. The unsaturated fats present within these oils can help in reducing risk of heart diseases and blockage in cardiovascular arteries. It beats olive oil by a mile in being a healthier alternative for cholesterol patients. It has also proved to improve kidney functioning and conditions.

Apart from these, cold pressed sesame oil, that is extracted without making use of heat, is packed with the maximum possible amount of nutrients that it can retain and is completely organic and ready to use. A large proportion of its usage is attributed to cooking wherein it is used not only by homemakers and cooks but also by top notch chefs and professionals in high quality kitchens. It is used in a plethora of cuisines like Indian, Chinese and even Middle-Eastern for stir-frying/ deep-frying and seasoning for salads.

There is an abundance of cold pressed sesame oil online today, owing to technological advances that send groceries to our houses within minutes at just a single click of a mouse. The society is being made aware of the benefits of cold pressed sesame oil through articles penned by experts and television programmes curated by health experts. It is an indispensable component in the 21st century lifestyle due to proliferating diseases like obesity, cardiovascular blockage, higher cholesterol problems.

There is pathological evidence that suggests that intake of cold pressed sesame oil can reduce fat accumulations on fatty liver as well as enhance the functioning of kidneys besides being an essential diet component for obese people. Black sesame seeds are particularly rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which acts as an efficient lubricant for the gastric regions and helps in easing out as well as smoothening the process of bowel movement, eradicating constipation.

However, the consumption of sesame oil must be moderated since over intake can lead to substantial weight gain and on the extreme, obesity. Over consumption can also lead to blood sugar levels falling below normal limits under certain cases. Therefore, a moderate intake is recommended to ensure capitalization on its benefits. Black and white sesame seeds, both can be harvested and extracted to obtain sesame oil that has amazing benefits for a person’s health.


To get the full health benefits of sesame oil, it is important to get a high quality product. At Gulab Goodness, we only use the highest quality sesame seeds to produce our oil. Contact us today to learn more about our product and how it can benefit your health.