Give Me This Mountain

08_Give Me This Mountain-[].mp3

God Be With You Till We Meet Again

10_God Be With You Till We Meet Again-[].mp3

Hello and welcome to our site! We are the Hulin sisters and we love to sing! With a rich musical heritage passed down from generations, we can't help but love everything music! From writing original scores to performing live, our favorite part of music is doing it together.

Take a look around and enjoy your stay!


Audio and sheet music

What people are saying...

"I just got the Hulin Sisters CD yesterday and have been playing it ever since. It is absolutely beautiful! It is so anointed. There is just such peace throughout my home. I just keep listening to it over and over and I wanted to let them know they did an awesome, wonderful job!" - Chandra

"There are not strong enough words to convey how deeply transformative your rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner is to me. As a veteran, I am micro-particular about patriotic music and the way you have glorified the Lord has brought my heart to its knees! In my tribulations I have a new way to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Words cannot describe how much this will help me in my everyday life because JESUS is my only need." - Jessica

“My family and I have been listening to y’all’s CD and it has definitely been a blessing to our home! It’s so great to hear godly, melodious music in this day! And y’all’s voices blend so well and just really bring glory to God! I also love the fact that some of the songs are original compositions...thank you for sharing what God gave to you!” - the Kooper family

"We LOVE your music CD so much!!! Thank you for all the hard work you put into creating that resource to glorify the Lord and bless others! You all did a wonderful job!" - Ruth