Group News
2025.02 Congrats to our Chromium Catalysis Team on their recent work about C-H functionalization in Nature Communications!
2025.02 Congrats to our Metallaphotoredox Catalysis Team on their recent work about Enantioseletive C-C bond cleavage in ACS Catalysis!
2025.01 Congrats to our Energy-transfer Team on their recent work about EnT & Pyridine in CCS Chemistry (Chinese Chemical Society flaship journal, IF = 9.4 )
2024.11 Congrats to Shu-Ya, Jun-Jie, Yu, Jia-Xun on their recent work on Angewandte Chemie (Energy-Transfer Enabled 1,4-Aryl Migration)!
2024.10 Congrats to our recent Angewandte Chemie paper has received more than 4000 views!
2024.10 Congrats to Zhan-Jie and Jun-Jie for their that their recent work on ACS Catalysis, which is selected as Front Cover!
2024.10 Congrats to Ying, Zhan-Jie, Qi-Xin and Zhi-Xi that have been awarded National Student Scholarship!
2024.09 Congrats to Ying, Kai-Dian, Chang-Quan and Zhi-Xi for their recent work on Green Chemistry, which is also selected as Back Inside Cover!
2024.05 Congrats to Yu, Qi-Xin, Shu-Ya & Hui for their recent work on JACS !
2024.02 Congrats to Ying, Shu-Sheng & Kai-Dian for their recent work on Angewandte Chemie !
2024.01 Congrats to Jun-Jie & Zhan-Jie for their recent publication on Adv. Synth. Catal., which is selected as VIP paper!
2023.12 Congrats to Dr. TANG for National Post-doctoral Fellowship!
2023.12 Congrats to Dr. ZHENG for Shanghai Post-doctoral Excellence Program and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation!
2023.12 Congrats to Dr. ZHENG for Shanghai Post-doctoral Excellence Program and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation!
2023.12 Congrats to Ying and Jun-Jie who have been awarded "outstanding students" by ShanghaiTech
2023.04 受邀参加英国皇家化学会催化专场 “新锐科学家论坛” 线上研讨会
2023.03 成功举办上海科技大学Nature Synthesis期刊编辑在线研讨
2022.10 祝贺张莹、陈俊杰获得2022年国家硕士奖学金、上海科技大学“三好学生”称号!
2022.9 Congrats to Ying and Jun-Jie for there recent publication on Angewandte Chemie!