We are a young research team working in School of Physical Science and Technology at ShanghaiTech University. Our research is focused on radical chemistry and catalysis. 

Innovative Chemistry Lab 


Group News

2025.02   Congrats to our Chromium Catalysis Team on their recent work about C-H functionalization in Nature Communications!

2025.02   Congrats to our Metallaphotoredox Catalysis Team on their recent work about Enantioseletive C-C bond cleavage in ACS Catalysis!

2025.01   Congrats to our Energy-transfer Team on their recent work about EnT & Pyridine in CCS Chemistry (Chinese Chemical Society flaship journal, IF = 9.4 )

2024.11   Congrats to Shu-Ya, Jun-Jie, Yu, Jia-Xun on their recent work on  Angewandte Chemie (Energy-Transfer Enabled 1,4-Aryl Migration)!

2024.10   Congrats to our recent  Angewandte Chemie paper has received more than 4000 views!

2024.10   Congrats to Zhan-Jie and Jun-Jie for their that their recent work on ACS Catalysis, which is selected as Front Cover!

2024.10   Congrats to Ying, Zhan-Jie, Qi-Xin and Zhi-Xi that have been awarded National Student Scholarship!

2024.09   Congrats to Ying, Kai-Dian, Chang-Quan and Zhi-Xi for their recent work on Green Chemistry, which is also selected as Back Inside Cover!

2024.05   Congrats to our recent JACS paper has been selected as cover paper!

2024.05   Congrats to Yu, Qi-Xin, Shu-Ya & Hui for their recent work on JACS !

2024.02   Congrats to Ying, Shu-Sheng & Kai-Dian for their recent work on Angewandte Chemie !

2024.01   Congrats to Jun-Jie & Zhan-Jie for their recent publication on Adv. Synth. Catal., which is selected as VIP paper! 

2023.12   Congrats to Dr. TANG for National Post-doctoral Fellowship!

2023.12   Congrats to Dr. ZHENG for Shanghai Post-doctoral Excellence Program and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation!

2023.12   Congrats to Dr. ZHENG for Shanghai Post-doctoral Excellence Program and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation!

2023.12   Congrats to Ying and Jun-Jie who have been awarded "outstanding students" by ShanghaiTech

2023.04   受邀参加英国皇家化学会催化专场 “新锐科学家论坛” 线上研讨会 

2022.10   祝贺张莹、陈俊杰获得2022年国家硕士奖学金上海科技大学“三好学生”称号!

2022.9   Congrats to Ying and Jun-Jie for there recent publication on Angewandte Chemie!