In 1943, the Axis powers plan an assault on the island of Kheros, where 2,000 British soldiers are marooned, to display their military strength and convince neutral Turkey to join them. Rescue by the Royal Navy is prevented by two massive radar-directed large-calibre guns on (fictional) nearby Navarone Island. When aerial bombing efforts fail, Allied Intelligence gathers a commando unit to infiltrate Navarone and destroy the guns. Led by Major Roy Franklin, the team is composed of Captain Keith Mallory, a renowned spy and an officer with the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG); Colonel Andrea Stavros from the Greek Army; Franklin's best friend Corporal Miller, an explosives expert and former chemistry teacher; Greco-American Spyros Pappadimos, a native of Navarone; and "The Butcher of Barcelona" Brown, an engineer and expert knife fighter.

The team splits up: Mallory and Miller go for the guns, Stavros and Spyros create distractions in town (assisted by local residents), and Maria and Brown steal a boat for their escape. Spyros dies in a shootout with a German officer, and Brown is stabbed during the boat theft due to his reluctance to kill a guard. Meanwhile, Mallory and Miller infiltrate the gun emplacement but set off an alarm when they seal the doors behind them. Miller plants explosives on the guns and prepares a large booby trap below an ammunition hoist, with a trigger device set into the track of the hoist. The Germans eventually force entry into the gun emplacement and defuse the explosives planted on the guns; meanwhile, Mallory and Miller make their escape down the cliff and are picked up from the sea by the stolen boat. A wounded Stavros is also able to reach the sea and is helped aboard by Mallory, thus resolving the blood feud between them.

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As the Allied destroyers trying to rescue the trapped British troops appear, the Germans open fire at them. When the hoist eventually reaches Miller's trigger, the hidden explosives set off the surrounding shells in a massive explosion, totally destroying the guns and the entire fortress. Mallory's team safely reaches the British convoy. However, Stavros shakes Mallory's hand and decides to return to Navarone with Maria, with whom he has fallen in love. Mallory and Miller, returning home, observe the aftermath of their success from a destroyer.

The film was part of a cycle of big-budget World War II adventures that included The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), The Longest Day (1962) and The Great Escape (1963). MacLean's novel had been a bestseller and was read by Mike Frankovich, head of Columbia Pictures, who became excited as to its cinematic possibilities. He showed it to Carl Foreman, who had written Bridge on the River Kwai and had a producing deal with Columbia, who was not as enthusiastic at first, in part because he knew how difficult making a movie version would be. Foreman eventually changed his mind and agreed to make the movie.[4] The novel had been inspired by the Battle of Leros during the Dodecanese Campaign of World War II but the guns on Leros were 152 mm (6 in), not the huge guns described in the book and the film.[5] The screenplay, adapted by producer Carl Foreman, made significant changes from the novel; these included changing the gender of the local resistance fighters and inventing a conflict between Mallory and Andrea.

Near the beginning of "Force Ten from Navarone," we're treated to selected footage from the original 1961 production. The German soldiers flee once more in panic, the explosives detonate yet once again, the great guns topple, the rock cliffs split open. If you're a fan of the original "Navarone," study these moments intently; they're the only connection between this movie and its namesake.

Just to set things straight: "Force Ten from Navarone" has none of the same characters as "Guns of Navarone," has nothing to do with guns and does not involve an assault on an island. It does, however, end with a gigantic cataclysm caused by sabotage.

That's because the special effects involving the destruction of the dam are really pretty well done. And they're set up with those reliable old clichs from almost all movies involving war and sabotage. How well we know them: First, we get a long shot of the objective (whether it is giant guns or giant dams or giant impenetrable fortresses), and there's appropriately Wagnerian music on the sound track. Then, seen from far away, Nazi soldiers strut back and forth on the parapets. Our heroes, reclining behind rocks and trees, examine the scene with binoculars.

Several of the commandos are seen firing what first appears to be a Sten Mk II submachine gun (modified with a shortened barrel). In reality it is actually a mockup Sten that only shoots flames. Andrea Stavros (Anthony Quinn) uses this "Sten" to kill several German soldiers in the final firefights. Spyros Pappadimos (James Darren) also uses this flame-shooting Sten and kills several Germans and then confronts their officer who also has a mockup Sten gun. (How the officer got one is unknown). The mockup Sten gun is fitted with a small flame device to represent the guns flash (in slow motion you can see that the actors aren't actually pressing the guns trigger in time with the shots). The gun is also poorly constructed: The stock is mounted in such a way the thumb does not go all the way around it due to the presence of two (gas)hoses connected to the rear of the gun itself.

On the fishing boat, Pappadimos keeps a Bren gun hidden under a sail he is mending when the German patrol boat arrives. When the Germans discover who they are, Pappadimos opens fire, tearing a hole in the sail and guns down several sailors. The Bren gun is never seen after that, presumed lost when the fishing boat is smashed on the rocks.

The Guns of Navarone stars Gregory Peck as Captain Mallory, leader of a crackpot military team charged with blowing up two radar-controlled guns on the island of Navarone. Mallory is joined by defeated Greek Army Colonel Andrea Stavrou (Anthony Quinn) and genius munitions expert, Corporal Miller (David Niven). The specialty commandos have only a few days to complete the mission before the Axis powers sink the British fleet sailing to the island in an apparent rescue operation.

The guns are huge, long-range navel cannons protected by a solid rock mountain. They are being used to pick off Allied navel ships. Previous attempts to destroy the guns by ariel bombardment have failed.

The installation of huge artillery batteries to protect harbors and coastlines was a prevalent theme in military doctrine leading up to the outbreak of World War II. The behemoth guns were thought to be the greatest deterrent to any naval invasion or attack, but how effective were they during the war?

Coastal artillery was nothing new for nations looking to defend themselves from enemy ships and invading forces and had been employed for at least a few centuries. As time went on, these artillery batteries grew in size to include some of the largest guns ever created.

The U.S. Marine defenders at Wake used their six 5-inch coastal guns in successfully repelling the invasion force. By holding their fire until the entire fleet was well in range, the Marines were able to destroy the Japanese destroyer Hayate and land several hits on the light cruiser Yubari.

The British contingent on its side of the Channel was just as daunting. The Dover side arsenal included two 15-inch, two 14-inch, two 9.4-inch and six 6-inch guns. They later added three 13.5-inch rail guns as well.

Total Axis losses to the British guns consisted of four transport ships, and one submarine which was damaged and then scuttled by her crew. The German batteries fared even worse in sinking only two transports.

So inaccurate were the guns that the Germans ran the Dover Straits gauntlet in 1942 with the battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, and over 20 escort ships, which all passed through the area unscathed.

A team of allied saboteurs are assigned an impossible mission: infiltrate an impregnable Nazi-held island and destroy the two enormous long-range field guns that prevent the rescue of 2,000 trapped British soldiers.

A motley crew of British soldiers and their Greek allies arrive at the island of Navarone, at German-occupied Dodecanese. Their mission is to destroy two large-caliber guns that prevent the fleet from saving 2000 of their comrades that are marooned on a nearby island.

Squadron Leader Howard Barnsby RAAF:

Ā First, you've got that bloody old fortress on top of that bloody cliff. Then you've got the bloody cliff overhang. You can't even see the bloody cave, let alone the bloody guns. And anyway, we haven't got a bloody bomb big enough to smash that bloody rock. And that's the bloody truth, sir.

Prologue Narrator:

Ā Greece and the islands of the Aegean Sea have given birth to many myths and legends of war and adventure. And these once-proud stones, these ruined and shattered temples bear witness to the civilization that flourished and then died here and to the demigods and heroes who inspired those legends on this sea and these islands. But, though the stage is the same, ours is a legend of our own times, and its heroes are not demigods, but ordinary people. In 1943, so the story goes, 2000 British soldiers lay marooned on the tiny island of Kheros, exhausted and helpless. They had exactly one week to live for in Berlin the Axis high command had determined on a show of strength in the Aegean Sea to bully neutral Turkey into coming into the war on their side. The scene of that demonstration was to be Kheros, itself of no military value, but only a few miles off the coast of Turkey. The cream of the German war machine, rested and ready, was to spearhead the attack, and the men on Kheros were doomed unless they could be evacuated before the blitz. But the only passage to and from Kheros was guarded and blocked by two great, newly designed, radar-controlled guns on the nearby island of Navarone. Guns too powerful and accurate for any allied ship then in the Aegean to challenge. Allied intelligence learned of the projected blitz only one week before the appointed date. What took place in the next six days became the legend of Navarone. ff782bc1db

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