The Great Reset - World Economic forum . . .
Schweibb ... Bill Gates ... Bill and Melinda foundation ...

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-- Extra INFO : BOOK : NI MARX , NI JESUS . . . (
-- La nouvelle révolution MONDIALE et commencée eaux Etats-Unis ) ( Jean-François REVEL , --
-- ISBN : 70-X-537-080-1670 . . . [ Etat policier ~ p11 ] --

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-- Coronavirus Vaccine Hoax by Bill Gates ( --
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Coronavirus Vaccine Hoax by Bill Gates. Bill Gates is evil. Bill Gates has a plan to depopulate the world with his vaccine. Bill Gates will have you think the coronavirus vaccine will save you but it won't. Coronavirus is the scare hoax tactic to get you to take the vaccine, which has a chip inside it. Yes chips are small enough to fit in a syringe. Once chipped, you will truly be tracked wherever you go. When fema camps come, good luck escaping them once chipped. And as far as not getting the vaccine, if they force it on you and you don't take it, you may be sent to a camp for your "health" and "protection" from the virus. It's all part of their plan.
-- [ (( EXTRA info - see comment )) ] --
-- Eightball72 8 months ago

Bill and Melinda died in 2014 in India when they attempted to dive out shots back then. --

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French Doctors Examine Blood of Vaccinated Under Microscope --
The vaccine is the bioweapon!!! ( --
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The Vaccinated Are No Longer Fully Human
(F5)(or) wait a few seconds (20 sec or 40 sec)
