First of all, not every movie that features a prison escape or escaped prisoners is a Prison Escape Movie. To be on this list, a movie must centrally feature the escape, both tonally and practically, emphasizing the conditions that create the need for the escape, the process of planning and strategizing the escape (including through teamwork), the actual escape, being on the run or pursued or recaptured, and/or a general atmosphere of fear, fascism, paranoia, and injustice.

I had virtually no idea that this film, which stars Daniel Radcliffe, was released last year, though knowledge of its existence probably would not have made my 2020 any better. Set during South Africa in 1979, it is the (true) story of two prisoners who attempt a daring escape. My only thoughts about it are that Daniel Radcliffe seems like a nice guy.

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Rescue Dawn is an excellent film from German director, and noted Baby Yoda enthusiast, Werner Herzog. He directs Christian Bale as Dieter Dengler, a German-American US Navy pilot whose plane is shot down in a raid over Laos in 1965. Found and arrested by local townsfolk, he is tortured and sent to a prison camp, where he gets to know several prisoners and quickly plans to escape, but not all the inmates support his scheme. Aside from being a gripping, searing film, directed with the utmost gravity by Herzog, it also features a surprising, heavy performance by Steve Zahn.

Okay, so, technically in The Fugitive, the wrongfully-convicted Dr. Richard Kimble (Harrison Ford) does not *break out of prison* so much as run away after several prisoners hijack their transport bus and attempt to escape, but the stakes are the same. Kimble is on death row for the murder of his wife, which he absolutely did not commit, and is determined to clear his name, running like hell and changing his identity and doing everything he can to avoid capture by the jeans-wearing human bloodhound of U.S. Marshall, Samuel Gerard (Tommy Lee Jones, in an incredibly well-deserved Oscar-winning performance). I love this movie so much. Sam Gerard may not care, but I do.

Ramsey: Colonel Von Luger, it is the sworn duty of all officers to try to escape. If they cannot escape, then it is their sworn duty to cause the enemy to use an inordinate number of troops to guard them, and their sworn duty to harass the enemy to the best of their ability.

Dengler immediately plans to escape, but receives only grudging approval from the others. All are suffering from malnutrition, unhygienic conditions and abuse by the guards. After some months the food supply worsens further, and they learn that the starving guards are planning to kill them and return to their village, so the prisoners agree to put the long-prepared plan into action. This involves escaping through a weakened place in the perimeter fence, dividing into two groups, circling the perimeter fence in opposite directions, converging on the guard hut during the lunch hour to overwhelm the guards, and contacting the American forces for rescue.

Due to one party of prisoners disobeying Dengler's orders, the escape does not go according to the plan and nearly all the guards end up being shot. With insufficient equipment and supplies, the prisoners disperse in the jungle. Dengler and Martin form one group, while Gene and To leave together to an uncertain fate.

Dengler and Martin head towards the Mekong River with a plan to cross over into Thailand by fashioning a crude raft. but they run afoul of rapids and a waterfall. After losing their raft, Dengler and Martin are soon found by a mob of angry villagers, who kill Martin. Dengler escapes and flees back into the jungle, hiding from the pursuing villagers. A few days later, he is finally rescued by an American helicopter and taken to a hospital in a U.S. compound, but kept isolated as his mission was classified. Eventually, his squadron members are allowed to visit, and they arrange his 'escape' back to his ship, where he is welcomed as a hero by the whole crew.

Rescue Dawn is based on the true story of Dieter Dengler, a charismatic pilot who was shot down in Laos while on a covert attack mission for the United States Navy during the Vietnam War. A few months after being captured in 1966, Dengler and other POWs who were being held captive targeted July 4 for their mass escape. The prisoners had overheard the guards in mid-June planning to kill all of them and return to their villages because a drought had caused a severe shortage of food and water. The POWs decided they could not wait any longer to make their escape.[4]

Dengler and fellow POW Duane W. Martin made their eventual run from their prisoner camp into dense jungle. Martin was killed by an enraged Laotian villager, but Dengler was able to continue on. Two rescue helicopters were scrambled to rescue Dengler, dropping a cable down to the human figure they spotted below. They winched him on board, but fearful that he could be a Viet Cong suicide bomber, the pararescue guy, A1C Michael Leonard, from Lawler, Iowa pinned the man to the helicopter floor and searched him. Dengler, told Leonard that he was a Navy pilot that had been shot down and captured and recently escaped."[citation needed]

Jerry DeBruin, brother of Gene DeBruin, created a website critical of Herzog and the film, claiming that several characters and events have been falsely portrayed. On the same website, Pisidhi Indradat, the other survivor of the group, has also stated that the film contains inaccuracies. The website claims that during his imprisonment, DeBruin taught his cellmates English, shared his food, and even returned after escaping to help an injured cellmate. In the film, Dengler formulates the entire escape plan, along with uncuffing the handcuffs with the nail. According to Jerry DeBruin, the prisoners waited for two weeks before telling him of the plan, which had been devised before his arrival.[9]

Describing some pitfalls, Elizabeth Weitzman of the NY Daily News said there was "an odd emotional disconnect leading up to the climactic escape, which can be traced directly to the performances".[23] Weitzman, however, was quick to admit that "Herzog builds suspense from the start, and the movie is shot spectacularly."[23] But ultimately, she was disappointed, saying, "There is a great movie in Werner Herzog's Vietnam saga, Rescue Dawn. Unfortunately, it's about 30 minutes too long. Although the rest of this based-on-truth adventure is woven with powerful moments, only toward the end will it hold you completely in its grip."

Similarly, David Ansen wrote in Newsweek that "Rescue Dawn is a Werner Herzog movie (and a true story), and though it's as taut and exciting as many edge-of-your-seat Hollywood escape movies, there's a mania about Dieter that sets him apart, a wild-eyed bravado that suggests the line between bravery and complete lunacy is a thin one."[25]

Indian Army Major Ranvir Kaul and some 30 of his colleagues were captured in Pakistan and held under brutal conditions for 33 years (since the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971). Kaul attempts another escape but is caught, beaten, berated, and thrown back in prison. During the fracas, one of his men does flee and, through a sympathetic friend, Jabbar, sends a letter home. Kaul's wife and son petition the Indian Army, but the General, though sympathetic, has his hands tied. He raises the subject, and Pakistan will deny it, and immediately the men will be shot; he cannot authorize Army action absent hard evidence (not just a letter); there are no other options. Kaul's son, Gaurav sets off to find his father.

Gaurav meets Jabbar and discovers that his father has been transferred to a different prison camp, Saran Jail, under the cunning and sadistic warden Sohail Miyaan. Kaul meets another set of captured Indian POWs at this new prison. Kaul attempts another escape. One man sacrifices himself on the electric fence as others go through. Sohail bemusedly sighs as the others, once past the fence, are blown up by the landmines. Kaul and the remaining prisoners are again beaten and kicked back into their barracks. One of the prisoners, Khan manages to evade the landmines and escapes. Gaurav meets him accidentally and brings him to safety.

Gaurav attacks a military courier and in the very act of using his uniforms, infiltrates a Pakistan Army office block. He steals a set of plans which reveal a water main under the prison. His father and the men can dig their way to this main and crawl out. With great reluctance, Khan gets arrested again. Sohail correctly guesses that Khan is back for a reason. Khan discloses to Kaul that his son is here; this news, and the water main, is a great inspiration for the men.

The men quietly begin digging a tunnel to the water main. They discover the body of an Indian Army Captain Jatin in the debris under the prison, but this Jatin is among them! Khan and Kaul realize that he is, in fact, a Pakistani spy. Gaurav and Khan had planned the escape for the night of the tenth, and Jatin, the spy, had dutifully reported this back to Sohail. Kaul and Khan decide that the escape will happen on the ninth. Jatin is not told of this, but the men manage to send a coded message to Gaurav. The following day Khan notices the number 9 scrawled on an army supply truck entering the prison: it is Gaurav's reply. He will await the men near the water main outlet on the ninth.

On the night of the escape, the men overpower the guards and kill Jatin. They enter the water main and begin digging away the last few meters of remaining debris. The knocking in the pipes travels up to Sohail's kitchen sink; Sohail quickly discovers the escape and hotly pursues the men down the pipe. Gaurav digs from the other side, and, just in the nick of time, the debris is cleared, and father and son are reunited. The men make it through. One of them sacrifices himself on a land mine inside the water main which caves in and blocks Sohail.

A musician moves into a creepy mansion after the tragic deaths of his wife and child. An excellent haunted house film which I am surprised isn't regarded as being amongst the great horror classics. Maybe it's just recency bias on my end. Or perhaps it's just my love for George C. Scott. The Changeling captures everything I love about the genre. e24fc04721

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