The Golden Hand Foundation was started in 2018, by a circle of friends in Egerton University, led by one enthusiastic gentleman, Mutua Emmanuel,who had a great passion in philanthropic activities.

As part of our semestrial activities, we undertake the following activities

1. Visiting orphans, the sick, the prisoned and street children as well.

2. Undertake tree planting ativities, town clean ups and sensitize the communities around, on the need to take care of the environment

3. Plan for workshops trainings for the members

4. participate in bonding activities.

We meet on every first Wednesday of the month at ET1, EGERTON UNIVERSITY EDUCATION COMPLEX. During our monthly meetings, we discuss matters that affect us as youths, for example, Sexual health, depression, careers, community service, gender based violence, current political affairs, peace and justice, HIV and AIDS, etc

We are under office of the Dean of Students of Egerton University, and function under the supervision of Dr Jane Njeri Gacohi, a senior Lecturer at the Department of psychology.

We believe in the virtues of love for the less privileged and community service!!!!

For more information, you can contact us