The translation was born out of the Ledyards' missionary work in the Canadian Arctic to First Nations populations, who did not always speak English fluently. The NLV uses a limited vocabulary of about 850 words, not including proper names. This was done to make the text easier to read and understand, a goal that the Ledyards felt was not adequately met by existing English translations of the Bible.[2]

The NLV uses gender-specific language and uses no contractions. Confusing wording is avoided. Weights and measures are worded so that anyone can understand them; For example, Noah's ark is described as being: " long as 150 long steps, as wide as twenty-five long steps, and eight times taller than a man."[3]

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King James Version of John 3:16-17 : "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

New Life Version of John 3:16-17 : "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. Whoever puts his trust in God's Son will not be lost but will have life that lasts forever. For God did not send His Son into the world to say it is guilty. He sent His Son so the world might be saved from the punishment of sin by Him."

King James Version of Genesis 1:1-3 : "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

Absolutely love the read using the proper names of Yahweh. We love the app as well and listen to Daniah's Proverb of the day everyday. I then share the verse of the day and Proverb of the day with all of my family.

Thank you for such a beautiful Bible. It was a surprise how well made this Bible was. I love the glossary. It actually had something I looked up first thing! The pronouns for the Godhead are all capitalized (something even my secular high school teacher knew to teach us)! Thank you. The Bible is not only beautiful it is, this is hard to describe, it is soft and flexes and, because it's the Word of G-d it is easy to treasure and when reading I sometimes embrace it and feel glad that I have His Word. Kind of schmaltzy, I know....

I am so thankful I ordered and received the Biblical Calendar. It keeps me aware of where we are in the year and offers so many study items. I am also enjoying the proverb of the day commentary on the TLV app. The entire app is full of knowledge and wisdom I can glean from to help me better understand my walk with Yeshus.

I like that this is actual Scripture, and not a paraphrase. It's not a full Bible--portions are edited out. But it's nice for kids who are too young for some of the biblical narratives. We like the pictures, too.

Last year I asked the LORD for a new way to read my annual Bible through the next year, 2024. I have read through, & have loved many versions of His Word in my 76 years, yet I was yearning for a spiritual wake-up with a new way to read through His living, inspiring visits with me. This TLV version is amazing, and imspirational. Several years ago I had the JOY of visiting ISRAEL! The TLV has opened God's incredible insights into the history of His beloved, often enslaved, oppressed, victorious and unique chosen people! I feel like I've found a whole new awareness as I dive into the Torah and interact with God's special Bnei-Yisreal. I'm loving learning some Hebrew, I'm loving gifting this Bible to many of my friends as they find their own adventure in our grafted in family. The teaching areas giving info on how to approach reading through the week is great, the vibrant Sabbat section, the glossary, etc......WOW! My Bible reading has become essential and a constant delight, like mandatory family meetings and celebrations! And best of all, TLV draws me closer to Adonia, Yeshua, and Ruach ha-Kodesh! 

Thank you all for this adventure. I pray for your success in bringing this Word to the world. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, & God's huge love, mercy and grace over Israel! 

Blessings over you all at TLV Bible Society.


Kris L Broman


United States of America

I use this Bible both at church and for my daily devotions. It fits easily into the bag I take to church. One day, when doing my daily devotion, I found some missing books in my copy. I emailed customer service, and within a week I had received a new copy. I thoroughly enjoy this translation and highly recommend it.

I love my Messianic Jewish family Bible, it is a more authentic book than the Greek Bible. I want to ask if you would ever consider producing a pocket sized one, I would love to have one I could carry around with me.

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