Traffic calming devices are commonly used when the traffic pattern of a particular area is not conducive to the nearby residential, recreational, or retail land uses. These devices are designed to reduce speed, increase driver focus, and in some cases encourage drivers to seek alternative routes, to enhance pedestrian, cyclist, and local traffic safety. Traffic calming devices can include the following measures:

The major drawback to implementing traffic calming devices relates to first responder access. The primary concerns of the response community are timely arrival to an incident scene, with all emergency vehicle occupants arriving safely. Devices or strategies designed to slow the speed of traffic can greatly reduce response time, and can even cause damage to larger vehicles such as fire engines and ladder trucks. A 1995 study by the Portland, Oregon Bureau of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services tested the response times for 6 different sized fire vehicles at a various response speeds vs. common traffic calming devices ( -content/uploads/2012/06/City-of-Portland-1996.pdf ). The study produced the following range of delays:

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In response to the negative impact on first responder access, new traffic calming devices have been developed with easier passage for emergency vehicles in mind. These include speed tables and speed humps with gaps that line up with fire engine tire width.

First developed by the Cleveland Clinic and launched in 2008, Code Lavender is a holistic care rapid response program to help caregivers in need of a calming influence after a stressful situation, such as a difficult diagnosis or the loss of a patient. As the word CODE suggests, a Code Lavender is accomplished by a rapid response team. This rapid response team is not, however, answering a call related to a physical emergency; it is a response to a spiritual or emotional trauma that exceeds normal levels. The word LAVENDER is used because studies have shown that the use of lavender has a calming influence in the presence of stress and anxiety.

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DeKalb County developed a Traffic Calming Program to address the concerns of the citizens regarding the speed of traffic on residential streets. For a street to be eligible for the traffic calming program, it must be classified as local residential on the DeKalb County Functional Classification Map and have a posted speed limit of 30 mph or less. For more information, please call (770) 492-5219 or e-mail

Experience fast-acting cognitive and GI calming effects, starting within 25 minutes and lasting for hours. Administer up to 3 doses per day, or double the dose during triggering events like fireworks or vet appointments. 

The Transportation Division addresses traffic concerns through traffic calming methods in a variety of ways. There are many devices used to slow traffic, reduce traffic volumes and address other traffic related issues on residential and arterial streets.

This page provides an overview of speed limits and traffic calming for local governments in Washington State, including speed limit changes, school and playground zones, design considerations, and examples of local traffic calming programs.

Below are selected state statutes and regulations pertaining to speed limits and traffic calming. The rest of this page provides more detail about these requirements. The city and county statutes are also adopted by reference as part of the state Model Traffic Ordinance (see WAC 308-330-423).

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Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures, as well as educational programs and enhanced enforcement that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior and improve conditions for non-motorized street users. Please refer to the following links for:

The immediate purpose of traffic calming is to reduce the speed and volume of traffic to acceptable levels. Reductions in traffic speed and volume, however, are just means to other ends such as traffic safety and active street life. Traffic calming is undertaken for many different reasons, including:

City staff has specific guidelines on the types of devices that are permitted to be used on City streets. Neighborhood input is essential to the success of any traffic calming project. City staff works closely with residents to identify the problems and develop a solution. There are many factors that will be considered when considering any traffic calming solution:

The study zone/area is defined as the portion of the neighborhood(s) or entire neighborhood(s) that are affected by traffic calming concerns listed on the CARF. The area will be defined by and agreed on by both City Staff and the Working Group. If the Traffic Calming Request advances to the surveying/voting stage, letters and ballots will be sent to addresses/owners within the study zone/area. 

The study, conducted by Kimley-Horn, had to show at least 85% of the traffic was driving 5 or more miles per hour above the designated speed limit to trigger a recommendation from the firm that some form of traffic calming was needed. Data as to the number of vehicles and their speed traveling on residential streets with 25 mph or 35 mph speed zones was collected and studied.

The cost of each speed cushion study was $23,000. The installation of each speed cushion, bump or table location was estimated at $11,000. The cost of traffic calming measures for Ladd Lane and Southside Road was $687,000.

The civil grand jury report recommended the City Council and Hollister Fire Department develop policies and procedures for working collaboratively and on future traffic calming measures, and that the City Council develop formal policies and procedures for how they determine future calming measures, including the canvassing of residents about the streets involved.

The City of La Crosse has adopted an official policy on traffic calming (available below). Residents or owners of a business or property wishing to pursue traffic calming measures are required to submit an application to initiate the review/study process. The traffic calming measures highlighted in the policy may include curb bump-outs, raised crosswalks or speed tables, chicanes, or traffic circles. The traffic calming process is managed by the Traffic Engineer.

If approved for further study, a traffic calming study will be conducted (includes traffic study). A separate fee is charged for the services of conducting the actual study. If a study is completed and an Engineering Department recommendation is justified, a project may be submitted for inclusion in the Capital Improvement Budget.

In response to the numerous requests by residents to vehicular speeding concerns on residential streets, City Council has recently expressed interest in supporting a residential neighborhood traffic calming program by implementing effective traffic calming measures. Therefore, Measure X funding has been allocated in support of the implementation of a traffic calming program over the next four years ($300,000 for year 2022, plus $250,000 for each of the following three years).

Currently, Traffic Engineering maintains a list of over 400 requests for traffic calming measures affecting approximately 200 streets. Staff is processing those requests in the chronological order in which they were received. Each street is evaluated to determine if the following requirements are met:

If the street meets the above requirements, then staff will contact the resident to see if the resident is still interested in the traffic calming program. A petition package will be given to the resident to gather signatures in the affected area.

In order for the project to move forward to the design and construction phase, 75% of the residents in the affected area must sign the petition (one per household) in support of the proposed traffic calming project/devices.

The type and exact location of the traffic calming devices will be decided by Traffic Engineering staff (not by residents) based on engineering standards and nationally-recognized professional guidelines.

If you are concerned about safety an intersection, rather than speeds mid-block, traffic calming may not be the appropriate solution. For instance, if your primary concerns are about stop signs, yielding, or visibility, these issues are best addressed through other City processes. You may complete a Transportation Action Request form to inform the City of traffic-related concerns other than mid-block speeding.

In addition, traffic calming does not include the use of regulatory measures such as stop signs, which. can only be installed if certain national guidelines, or warrants, are met. The warrants take into consideration, among other things, the probability of vehicles arriving at an intersection at the same time, the length of time traffic must wait to enter, and the availability of safe crossing opportunities.

Trying to assess the need for traffic calming on a larger scale results in significant delays until implementation and often features that are unnecessarily expensive. It also increases the likelihood that residents will not agree on whether traffic calming is even needed. e24fc04721

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