Why Does My Dog Stare At Me? Full Article...

Being followed by a pair of eyes could be a really funny feeling. This is quite common among dog owners that whenever they are doing something like watching TV, doing household chores, having a good snack, or relaxing in their comfy chair, they feel like they are being watched. Though it feels weird to be gazed upon by your dog, it is better than barking, which could be a real pain for the owner and the members of the family.

The concept of looking into each other's eyes as a means of communication has been known to humans for a long time. Exchanging looks actually strengthens the mutual bond between the two people. Like a mother and her child or a romantic couple looking deep into each other's eyes releases the hormone called Oxytocin commonly known as the love hormone that is responsible for strengthening the bond of love which the two have.

Like humans, dogs also tend to communicate similarly by looking at their human friend for a similar kind of response to strengthen their bond. This could sometimes be the reason behind its stare but not every time.

So, now you would be wondering why does my dog stare at me all the time. Since every dog is different from the other, there are a couple of reasons why your puppy might be behaving like this. Here is a list of some common reasons to help you grasp why your dog might be staring at you:

The Unconditional Love of a Dog

One of the most common reasons your dog might be staring at you is that it loves you. Dogs are incredibly loyal to their owners and love them so much that they would even die for them. They just want to be showered with a bit of affection, and they are good to go. So, if you find your dog just randomly looking at you for no reason whatsoever, then there is a good chance that it is their way of showing their love.

The best way to respond to this situation is to look back at your dog in the same manner. This way, its appetite for your love would get fulfilled, and the bond that you two share would get strengthened.

They Crave Your Attention

Dogs crave human attention and are always longing to get their fair share. This would have happened to you on some occasion that you might be busy with your stuff, and there comes your dog with its longing eyes. A common reason behind this kind of stare is that your dog may feel left out and somewhat ignored.

To address this, you need to give your dog the attention it deserves. You could take your dog out for a walk, play with it for a while, rub its belly or pat its back. Whatever you do, you need to make it feel that it is loved the way it is supposed to.

Looking for Your Direction and Approval

Dogs are always reading and looking at their human friend for information. They are such intelligent creatures that they quickly understand what you are going to do next just by looking at your body language. Like if you are planning to take your puppy out for a walk, only by examining your body language and gestures, it would get to know that it is time for its walk. They understand the things that impact them rather quickly; for instance, if you usually pick up the ball when you plan to go out in the yard and play fetch, it would read it quite promptly and get prepared to go out.

An answer to the often-asked question that why does my dog stare at me constantly is that dogs, due to their obedient nature, always look up to their owners for their approval. They don't want to do anything that might upset you; that is why they are always looking at you to understand what you want from them. This might be the case that you have a habit of rewarding your dog for doing something right, so it is always on the lookout to get that yummy treat.

Looking to Solve Their Confusion

Dogs have the cutest way of telling their owners that they are confused. They usually tilt their head and look at you with a soft stare when they are confused. They might get confused for a couple of reasons, like when you are teaching something new to your dog, and if it doesn't get what you exactly want could induce this behavior. Now, whenever you catch your dog pulling off the head tilting stunt, you would know that it is confused, and it is time to try something new to train your dog in a way it understands.

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They Are Feeling Curious

Dogs take an extra interest in their owners' lives and are always curious about what you are doing. It doesn't matter what you are busy with; they got to know what is going on. This is a question often asked by dog owners that why does my dog stare at me from across the room? Or why it is gawking at each and every step that I take in the house. The answer is a pretty straight one that it is naturally fascinated by you and is always trying to figure you out.

They Are Yearning for Something

Canines using their famous puppy dog face have a way of persuading their owners to fulfill their desires. They gawk at their human friends with longing eyes because they are unintentionally trained by them in this way.

This happens to most dog owners that they become the ones being taught instead of training their dogs. Pups know that their human friend can't say no to their irresistibly cute face. So, to get what they want, they start looking at them in this way.

They Are Feeling Hungry

Another common reason why your dog might be staring at you is that it could be hungry. Since dogs can't speak our language, so the only way to make their human friends understand that they are starving is by giving them cues. You may find your dog looking into your soul and giving you all kinds of signs with the hope that you might understand that it's feeding time.

Dog owners often ask this question that why does my dog stare at me when I eat? This is a common habit among dogs that even if they had their fill, they would still be eyeing for your food. For this, they would always be looking at you when you eat with their cute and innocent eyes, hoping that you might share something. Here it is totally up to you to do the easy thing of handing over a delicious morsel to your dog or ignoring it straight away. Remember that sharing your food could spoil its habits and it might make it a thing of staring at you whenever you are eating something.

Staring with Aggression

This is a totally different type of staring from the ones mentioned above. There are very slight chances that you experience this type of staring from your own pup. But if you come across such a situation with an unfamiliar dog or even with your own puppy, it is mindful to know that you are being stared at aggressively. Dogs usually behave in this manner when they see you as a potential threat.

Here the body language of a dog will tell you that you need to be worried or not. If its body is stiff and ready to lean forward or backwards, visible teeth accompanied by a light growl could be one of the clear signs that you should back off.

They Might Be Experiencing Canine Cognitive Dysfunction

If you got yourself a dog that is a tad old and stares at you without any reason whatsoever, then it might be the case that your dog has Canine Cognitive Dysfunction or CCD. If you find your puppy staring off into random spots for long periods without any purpose or roaming around aimlessly, then it is time to be worried because your dog might have CCD.

This condition is common among old dogs, so you should be on the lookout if you got yourself an old one. In this sort of situation, it is better to get your pup checked by a veterinarian. Though CCD is not curable, your vet can still help control and dampen your dog's health condition.

Why Does My Dog Stare at Me When He Poops?

Well, you might be wondering that why does your dog stare at you when he is pooping, right? As gross as it may feel, looked by your dog as he does his business, but the reason behind it is pretty fascinating. What happens is that while pooping, your dogs are in their most vulnerable position and are looking at you to feel assured that you have got their back!

It might also be the case that you reward them with treats if they do their business at the trained locations. So, when pooping at those appropriate places, it could be expecting those yummy treats, and that is why it is probably staring at you.

Why Does My Dog Stare at Me When I Sleep?

Well, as creepy as it may sound, but it is nothing out of the ordinary. Dogs tend to look at their owners when they are asleep. A couple of reasons include that your dog might be feeling bored and wants your attention but does not have the courage to wake you up, so it stares with high hopes that you might wake up on your own. It might also be the case that dogs, as a part of their instincts, notice any slight change in their owners' breathing pattern, which makes them stare at their masters to check if everything is okay.

Why Does My Dog Stare at Me and Bark?

Staring and barking are one of the means that dogs use for communication. If your dog stares at you and barks at the same time, it means it is trying to tell you something. Whether it is a good thing or a bad one, you could be the judge of that by looking at its body language. If its eyes are focused on you that is accompanied by a light barking and a wagging tail, it means everything is perfectly fine; it's just happy to see you. But if it is giving you the stink eye along with a wild bark, then it is time to back off and let him cool down for a second.

Giving Them the Attention They Deserve

You could limit the staring of your dog by giving it the attention it deserves. You need to take it out on long walks, feed it at the proper time, give regular doses of your attention and love. If its appetite for all such requirements is fulfilled, they will become content with you and limit the staring.

What Benefits You Could Reap from The Staring

Human beings love attention! They always want to be the ones on which everyone's eyes are fixed. Dogs due to their loving nature, look up to their owners and can't keep their eyes off of them. Humans and dogs can help each other out and turn this awkward situation into a win-win for both! What you need to do is that you should welcome their attention with open arms and treat them similarly because, let's face it, you mean the world to them!

Final Word!

Well, if you got yourself a starrer at your hands, then it is nothing to be worried about except the two circumstances mentioned previously. Most of the time, if your dog stares at you, it either wants something or needs you to guide them. You got to look for clues and observe its body language to better understand what is actually going on and take steps accordingly.

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