The Dæmon Hub

Bringing Dæmians Together

When dæmonism was conceptualized, it was a small thing that could have died out and become yet another relic of the internet, but instead, we've just kept growing! Just as the community has expanded, so too have the definitions and beliefs around dæmons and dæmonism. Dæmonism commonly encompasses both knowing and communicating with your dæmon, as well as interpreting and finding your dæmon's form. Our goal with The Dæmon Hub is to connect dæmians and to share knowledge and celebrate the differences between the many communities that have spawned since 2003. Here on the Hub, you can list your dæmon dedicated websites, forums, servers, or blogs, as well as share your own dæmon experiences through reflective pieces, essays, or art.

Daemonism 101

An overview of dæmon information and tips

The Daemon Page

The original dæmon resource

The Daemon Forum

Partner forum of the Daemon Page

Daemon Haven

Discord Server

TDF Discord Server

Discord Server