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09 - A Thor Thumb - Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Taika Waititi

Our adventurers have bargained for a movie, but have gained a director!

Episode Breakdown

  • We start the episode by each bringing up a character that we want to discuss (00:01:52) - Nina Kulikova (00:02:15), Matthew Murdock (00:07:52), Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader (00:19:42).
  • We move on to the main discussion of this episode, which is about Hunt for the Wilderpeople, by Taika Waititi (00:28:41) - we summarize the movie quickly.
  • We take a stab at analysing the theme of the movie and the interactions between the characters (00:30:39).
  • We learn what Skuxx means and we talk about its role in the movie (00:34:59).
  • We share our feelings about Bella’s character (00:38:52), and its relationships with Hector and Ricky’s characters (00:40:10).
  • We then discuss the score, or the soundtrack, of the movie (00:41:34), which was performed by Moniker.
  • The conversation then turns to focus on Taika Waititi and his other works (00:44:04), we compare them with Hunt for the Wilderpeople.
  • We discuss how Taika has kind of burst into our lives (00:50:06).
  • We summarize our feelings about the movie (00:54:00).
  • We close the episode by introducing what we’ll do in the next episode, which is going to be a Journey Log Episode - A Culture Quest Special! (00:57:43).
  • Stick around and check out Lady Lady Justice Podcast’s promo clip at the end of the episode and go give it a listen!

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The episode was recorded on Jan. 24th, and originally released on Feb. 23rd, 2020.