That was not the last I heard about crowns though. Any time someone received their ijza in tajwd or in memorization, my teachers threw elaborate parties for them. The recipients would wear beautiful, flowing white gowns and faux-diamond and pearl-embedded crowns on top of their heads. These women, with the glow of the Quran on their faces, would then give speeches sharing their stories with the Quran, after which everyone rejoiced with songs and good food. The crown of the Day of Judgement became a real crown we could all see. The title of this book reflects this image: The Crowning Venture. I hope and pray it will be a venture that more women will undertake, so that we can stand together, crowned and crowning our parents, on the Day we meet our Lord.

"Beautifully inspirational! Real stories by real women who have memorized the Quran. The narratives in the story highlighted how Muslim women can venture onto a path that is usually catered towards men or very pious/religious people who we assume don't have other responsibilities. Relatable, engaging, and insightful. May God elevate these women and the author to amazing heights in both worlds and make all their endeavors successful."

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For over a thousand years, our most important cultural activity has been the study of Talmud. It has sustained us through persecution and exile, shaping the discourse of our people and serving as the crowning achievement of our intellectual tradition. Perhaps you have been curious about the Talmud, but thought it was complex and inaccessible to anyone lacking extensive training. Not anymore. This fall, the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute is proud to launch "You Be the Judge," an innovative introduction to this magnificent work. You need no prior knowledge of the Talmud and no formal legal training. There are no prerequisites other than an open mind. "You Be the Judge" presents you with real cases brought before Beit Din, the court system of Jewish law. We provide the primary source texts from Talmud and put you in the driver's seat. You will have the opportunity to question, discuss, and argue, based on principle and precedent. You will experience firsthand the exhilarating mental exploration that characterizes traditional Talmud study. Join us this fall in the ancient study halls of Jerusalem and Babylonia. Add your voice to other voices that span the millennia. You take the lead. You Be the Judge. e24fc04721

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