The breeder (or group of breeders) who initially establishes a breed does so by selecting individual animals from within a gene pool that they see as having the necessary qualities needed to enhance the breed model they are aiming for. These animals are referred to as foundation stock. Furthermore, the breeder mates the most desirable representatives of the breed from his or her point of view, aiming to pass such characteristics to their progeny. This process is known as selective breeding. A written description of desirable and undesirable breed representatives is referred to as a breed standard.

Breed specific characteristics, also known as breed traits, are inherited, and purebred animals pass such traits from generation to generation. Thus, all specimens of the same breed carry several genetic characteristics of the original foundation animal(s). In order to maintain the breed, a breeder would select those animals with the most desirable traits to achieve further maintenance and developing of such traits. At the same time, the breed would avoid animals carrying characteristics undesirable or not typical for the breed, including faults or genetic defects. The population within the same breed should consist of a sufficient number of animals to maintain the breed within the specified parameters without the necessity of forced inbreeding.

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Behavioral genetics in dogs has focused on modern breeds, which are isolated subgroups with distinctive physical and, purportedly, behavioral characteristics. We interrogated breed stereotypes by surveying owners of 18,385 purebred and mixed-breed dogs and genotyping 2155 dogs. Most behavioral traits are heritable [heritability (h2) > 25%], and admixture patterns in mixed-breed dogs reveal breed propensities. Breed explains just 9% of behavioral variation in individuals. Genome-wide association analyses identify 11 loci that are significantly associated with behavior, and characteristic breed behaviors exhibit genetic complexity. Behavioral loci are not unusually differentiated in breeds, but breed propensities align, albeit weakly, with ancestral function. We propose that behaviors perceived as characteristic of modern breeds derive from thousands of years of polygenic adaptation that predates breed formation, with modern breeds distinguished primarily by aesthetic traits.

Great post Brandon. Just adopted this little cutie and she had a rough start. Since getting her rid of the intestinal parasites, and working on ridding her of mange, her personality is starting to emerge after being very timid from the abuse she suffered My little golden, Isla, (or Izzy, for short) is mixed with something, not sure what, Noticing, she does have most of the golden retriever qualities but I would love to know what other breeds are in there, lol. Do you recommend getting the DNA testing, and how accurate are they? Thanks for your response!

Eukanuba Puppy Large Breed dry dog food is complete and balanced nutrition for large breed puppies up to 15 months old with an expected adult weight over 55 lbs. As a result of increased demand, you may experience difficulty purchasing certain products in the coming months. If you need an alternative diet recommendation or help locating a product, please contact our Nutritional Advisors at 800-592-6687 or via our Live Chat function.

This keyword, like the globals, turtles-own, and patches-own keywords, can only be used at the beginning of the Code tab, before any procedure definitions. It defines a breed. The first input defines the name of the agentset associated with the breed. The second input defines the name of a single member of the breed.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, dog-related incidents are a significant driver of insurance claims. Claims associated with dog incidents cost insurers over $1 billion in 2022, a 28 percent increase over 2021, with the average cost per claim rising by 32 percent. In response, some insurers have tried to control costs by using breed lists to deny coverage for specific dog breeds. However, there is a lack of conclusive data to show specific dog breeds are drivers of claims or are more innately risky.

Background: Since their enactment, BSL and breed lists have been highly controversial and proponents on both sides remain divided. Insurance industry associations, such as the American Property & Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) defend breed lists and oppose efforts to overturn the practice.

Other alternatives to BSL that have also been proposed include dangerous animal laws that are non-breed specific, like enforcement of local leash laws, as well as stronger enforcement of animal cruelty laws, and the prohibition of dog fighting. The creation of spay and neuter programs has also been suggested.

Status: At the 2021 Spring National Meeting, the Property & Casualty (C) Insurance Committee heard a presentation from an industry representative from the Insurance Consumer Coalition for Pet Owners (ICCPO). The presentation addressed insurance rating for dog breeds, including a request for state insurance regulators to collect additional rating data and disallowing the use of dangerous dog breed lists. A white paper published in November 2020 about dog breed rating from the ICCPO and other industry groups formed the basis of the discussion.

Both non-GM crops and GM crops can cross breed with closely related plants. Cross breeding between crops and their wild relatives could cause problems if this results in the wild relative acquiring characteristics that might make it more weedy and invasive. For example, herbicide resistant weeds could be produced if a herbicide tolerant crop, GM or non-GM, were to breed with weedy relatives. Their offspring might be resistant to the herbicide if they inherit the tolerance gene from the crop. Other herbicides would then have to be used to control these weeds.

The UKC is an international registry and currently recognizes over 300 separate breeds. Each breed was developed for a specific purpose or function. These functions range from acting as a guardian of property and the home to working in the field with the hunter to just giving their owners endless hours of enjoyment as a companion. Whatever your interests, there is a breed of purebred dog that will enrich your life.

The UKC standards contained herein are intended for use by people already familiar with the breeds they describe, such as responsible breeders and UKC judges. They are not intended for use by other organizations for breed identification and should not be adopted for those or similar purposes, either in part or as a whole.

A suspected XL Bully breed type does not need to fit the physical description perfectly. If your dog meets the minimum height measurements and a substantial number of the characteristics, it could be considered an XL Bully breed type. This includes if it was not sold as an XL Bully.

Summary of the neighbour-joining tree of domestic dogs [26] showing relationships between different breeds of dog on the basis of DNA analyses. Breeds that share either common behaviours or morphologic traits are grouped together on the basis of DNA analysis, indicating that they probably share common ancestors. The colours indicate breeds that probably share common founders.

The boxer and bull dog breeds including bullmastiffs, Boston terriers, and Staffordshire bull terriers are reported to show an increased risk of developing MCT and it has been postulated that this might be linked to a common ancestry [132]. These breeds have now been shown to cluster closely phylogenetically [26]. Rhodesian ridgebacks, pugs, weimaraners, Labrador retrievers, beagles, and golden retrievers have also been reported to be at increased risk [13]. A phenomenon of occurrence of mast cell tumours in young Shar-Pei dogs was reported from one US veterinary pathology laboratory in 1995. From a total number of 802 submissions diagnosed as MCT, 18 were from Shar-Peis and 5 of these were in dogs less than 2 years of age. Poorly differentiated (Grade III) tumours were more common in younger dogs [133]. Another recently published North American study considered the breed distribution of various canine cutaneous tumours, including MCT, and documented not only those breed over-represented for the disease but also those at reduced risk [130] (Table 3). In our clinic (Cambridge, UK) Labrador retrievers, golden retrievers, and Staffordshire bull terriers all appear over-represented (in comparison to the general Hospital population) whilst German shepherd dogs, cocker spaniels, border collies, cavalier King Charles spaniels, and west Highland white terriers are under-represented [134].

Mast cell tumours show very variable clinical behavior and interestingly this may be influenced by breed. Although boxer dogs and bulldog breeds are at higher risk of developing MCTs, these breeds of dog tend to have low grade, less aggressive tumours, as is also the case for pug dogs [135]. Labrador retrievers tend to have more aggressive tumours and golden retrievers are at risk of developing multiple tumours [131].

The incidence of canine mammary tumours does vary by breed but breeds reported to be at risk vary between different studies and different geographical locations. Poodles (toy and miniature), spaniels (English springer, cocker, and Brittany), Puli, English setter, pointers, German shepherd, Maltese terrier, Yorkshire terrier, and dachshund have all been reported to be predisposed [198]. In the Swedish study where the overall mammary tumour rate was 111 dogs per 10,000 DAYR the English springer spaniel, doberman pinscher, and boxer showed significantly increased incidence rates of 319, 297, and 256 per 10,000 DAYR, respectively, whereas the rough haired collie showed significantly reduced risk of 5 per 10,000 DAYR [196]. It should be noted that very few bitches are routinely neutered in Sweden, so mammary tumours are common [3]. A population based study of mammary tumours in Norwegian dogs showed boxers, cocker spaniels, English springer spaniels, and dachshunds to have the highest relative risk of mammary tumour [195]. A study in Japan reported a lower incidence of malignancy in mammary tumours from small breed dogs [199]. This variation in incidence of mammary tumour risk between breeds suggests a significant heritable genetic component to the disease in dogs. A proportion of human breast cancer is familial; women who have inherited mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 (BRCA 1/2) genes have substantially increased risk of breast cancer [45, 46] but it is recognised that mutations in these genes only account for a small part, approximately 10%, of the total inherited effect [200]. Furthermore BRCA1/2 mutation is rare in cases of sporadic breast cancer [201]. Four further genes, FGFR2, LSP1, MAP3K1, and TOX3, were associated with a mild increase in risk of breast cancer in a GWAS [202]; however over 50% of breast cancers occur in women who do not carry these higher risk genotypes. Breast cancer risk is currently believed to be polygenic with liability conferred by a large number of loci, each contributing a small effect [203, 204]. Oncogenes reported to play an early role in sporadic breast cancer include MYC, CCND1 (Cyclin D), and ERBB2 (HER2/neu) [201]. To date the increasingly powerful molecular techniques available to sequence breast cancer have not been able to elucidate specific genetic solutions but rather have highlighted the substantial genetic diversity underlying this common disease [205]. e24fc04721

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