The American Times

A newspaper club from American Highschool

Quote of the Month:

“If it is true that there are as many minds as there are heads, then there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts.”

-Leo Tolstoy

Information about Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy, one of the most famous writers in history was a Russian novelist born in Yasnaya Polyana in 1828. He was brought up by his relatives because of the early passing of his parents. He was not an exceptional student in university and even his lecturers doubted his learning abilities. Before his time in the Crimean war he wasted his time in bars and by gambling. He and his young wife had constant arguments which caused him to spend most of his time in his study where he dedicated his hours to writing works known probably to everyone like; War and peace, Anna Karenina, and the death of Ivan Ilych. Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina is considered to be the greatest work of all time literature. In my opinion, Anna Karenina should be read by everyone at least once in their life. Set in the 1870’s Russia, Anna Karenina is a story about love, faith, the struggles of women of that period, double standards and much more. The novel is so well written that each sentence makes you want to read more and more, it’s symphonic, vibrant, filled with nature and parallels, it requires distinctive and accurate reading. The story mostly revolves around Anna Karenina, Count Vronsky and their mad love. It brings out a lot of opinions and views but most importantly it teaches the reader that there are as many kinds of love as there are minds. It shows us what the social standards and overthinking can do to one’s mind, it shows us that one can not ask “why?” about love. Anna Karenina’s life, who’s subconsciously tired by her marriage without love, is changed with her affair with count Vronsky. She forsake her honor, pride, and even her child for her passionate love. The story’s beauty comes not only from the psychological scenes or the beauty of Russia and the aristocracy, but also the complexity and depth of each and every character in the novel. It’s pretty amazing how hard it is to justify or accuse any character of being a hero or a villain. The unforgettable scenes, touch of modernism, beautiful little details, and the unique love stories is what makes this novel a must-read for all audiences.

Tamar Gegeshidze - Georgian Writer

On December 11, an online meeting was held with Georgian writer - Tamar Gegeshidze. Tamar has marked her literary debut in 2018 when she published children’s novel “Soul-Bird”, which tells us about the everyday life of an ordinary growing boy in today’s Georgia. Her second book - “Erasers” quickly took its place as a favorite among Georgian children. During the meeting, there was an interesting discussion between the participants, including getting to know the writer’s point of view of her book “Erasers”. Meeting was attended by American High School students from grades 8-11., academic dean - Natia Tevzadze, the organizers of the meeting - the English language and literature teachers, Nana Mukeria and Ani Bochorishvili. Besides of being fun, the meeting turned out to be very informative and educational. With the help of the meeting with a Georgian writer, the students gained a better understanding of modern Georgian literature. Students got very interesting recommendations set out by the writer, including classroom reading, and tips on how each young person can make their dream become a reality. Participants also asked compelling questions concerning the inspirations for the main characters, the meaning behind title, advice about interesting novels for teenagers and many more.

The End of 2020

Hello students! As you can see the Christmas season is all around us. We had St. Nicholas day, we had American Christmas, New year, and soon enough more extraordinary events will come. This month is all about new comings, and goodbyes. Even though we are soon getting a beak, it is safe to say most of us, if not all of us, need one. There have been multiple things going on in December, but most importantly we got through the 1st semester exams. Good job to everyone, all our American High School students, who got through exam week without obstacles. Even though it was all new at first, and quite hard to do everything virtually, we still succeeded in unraveling new talents and great potential from all our students regarding exams. Now it’s time for us to get a break, and for us to finally have some relaxation. From the 24th to January 18th the whole American high school board will be going into hibernation. No more APs, no more classes, no more teaching. But soon we will come back, stronger than ever. Have a great holiday everyone. Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.

COVID-19 news

COVID-19 has been a long-term problem for people all over the world, and it is one of the key factors when it comes to the limitations for American High School. Day to day we might be seeing ongoing trends and increase in the numbers of the COVID-19-infected patients. Everything is now closed. All the malls, major stores, the markets, and so on. it is said that in the 31st all are supposed to open, until January 2nd. So, let us get our holiday shopping in between that period, don’t forget to wear a mask, use hand-sanitizer and practice social distancing. The holiday season might be enjoyable, but it is also feared under our present conditions. Be happy, enjoy the Christmas aura, and most importantly stay safe. To all the children and teachers whose family have been infected, we wish you a pleasant recovery and we are all praying for your health and wellbeing.

The Format of Exams in AHS

American high school has taken a new specialized way of conducting our exams. Since we have very unusual conditions, and we must take not only health but also academic precautions, it has been decided that most our exams would be indeed presentations. Presentations offer security as to plagiarism and copying. Even though we trust all our students, we aim for authenticity and presentability. Of course, there will be some classes in which we will not be able to carry out a presentation formed exam, but apart from those the rest will be this way. Our sector is also offering us more ease and less distress concerning our exams. We aim for education not pressure. Exams will be held in each class for all grades. There will be a specific timetable designed for each grade depicting the time and the date of the specified exam. It is highly organized, and everything is taken care of to make sure our exams run smoothly. We wish you good luck and have faith in each one of you.