The App

Alpha Testers

Alpha Testers is a multifunctional quiz/treasure hunt app that we aim to use in the UCLan Computing 4 Week Challenge Treasure Hunt on Friday 18th October 2019.

The app has many features that place it a step above the competition. For example it has a dark/night mode feature that allows the user to choose whether they have the app styled in the default colour settings of Alpha Blue and White or Alpha Blue and Black if the user finds it hard to see in bright sunlight or want to reduce the glare when using the quiz feature at night. It also has a compass that will point the user to the location of their answer - providing they are on a quiz that supports that feature.

We are confident that anyone using this app will love it and have already had our user testers praising the User Interface (UI) and how well it functions.

We have many more ideas for the future of Alpha Testers and what it could become. (If we weren't using App Inventor!) Updates after release would focus on tightening security, squashing those pesky bugs and general improvements to the blocks code.

This QR code will take you to a place where you can install our app on your own phone and use it for yourself. We would love any feedback you have for us and will act on it as soon as possible. For those of you who do download the app, we would like to say a very big, heartfelt thank you to all of you. You are helping to support a small team of sleep deprived, skilled computing students to get points. Thank you!