My favourite Austen podcast (Second Chances: The Persuasion Podcast by Grace Li and Tom Storch) has finally started its second season doing a sentence by sentence breakdown and analysis of Persuasion.

This lesson is intended to expand upon students' basic persuasive speaking and research skills. First, students research a local, state, national, or international issue of personal interest. During five class sessions, students use multiple online news sources to research up-to-date information that helps them form and communicate their opinions about the issue; practice working with podcasting tools; and create and share a two-minute persuasive podcast in class. Note that, depending on your classroom plans, this lesson may have cross-curricular applications (e.g., in the areas of social studies, science, and economics).

The Age Of Persuasion Podcast Download



Part I-Before Session 3, each student should prepare his or her podcast content. Have them use the Persuasive Podcast Sample Format as a guide. Explain that they do not need to use the exact wording presented but should follow the general sequence of points. Encourage them to substitute their own natural phrasing and adapt the format to work with their individual presentations and speaking styles. Ask students to type a draft that they can read aloud while creating the podcast version, and remind them that the speech length should be no more than two minutes, or 250-300 words.

Part II-Have students watch the Podcasting in Plain English video and read the Learning in Hand: Create Podcasts tutorial as background information before the next session. Assure students that you will provide them with specific instructions for creating their podcasts in Session 3.


Before the next session, students should make any final revisions to their presentations. Tell them to review the Elements of Persuasive Speaking handout to ensure that they have covered the necessary points. Make sure they understand that they will be creating their podcasts during the next session.

BB: I know. I love your tweets fire. Okay, I want to see if I get this right. This was new to me, that persuasion, the ability to persuade and be persuaded, the ability to listen, to understand, to have new ideas, to challenge what we believe, this idea of persuasion is at the very heart of democracy.

Brown, B. (Host). (2022, October 19). Bren with Anand Giridharadas on The Persuaders, Part 1 of 2. [Audio podcast episode]. In Unlocking Us with Bren Brown. Parcast Network. -persuaders-part-1-of-2/

Bren Brown Education and Research Group, LLC, owns the copyright in and to all content in and transcripts of the Unlocking Us and Dare to Lead podcasts, with all rights reserved, including right of publicity.

You are welcome to share an excerpt from the episode transcript (up to 500 words but not more) in media articles (e.g., The New York Times, LA Times, The Guardian), in a non-commercial article or blog post (e.g., Medium), and/or on a personal social media account for non-commercial purposes, provided that you include proper attribution and link back to the podcast URL. For the sake of clarity, media outlets with advertising models are permitted to use excerpts from the transcript per the above.

Brinson, N.H., Lemon, L.L., Bender, C. and Graham, A.F. (2023), "Consumer response to podcast advertising: the interactive role of persuasion knowledge and parasocial relationships", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 40 No. 7, pp. 971-982. -01-2023-5819

Marie Henein is one of Canada's most celebrated and best-known lawyers. She is a senior partner at Henein Hutchison LLP, a sought-after public speaker, and author of the bestselling, not-so-typical law memoir, Nothing But The Truth: A Memoir. During this conversation, host Guy Pratte questions Marie about her insightful book, the importance of words, emotions, and the audience in a case, and her take on the art of persuasion.

In this episode, host Guy Pratte speaks with star conductor and maestro Alexander Shelley, music director of the National Arts Center Orchestra and principal associate conductor of London's Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. At first glance, it may seem surprising that we would discuss the art of persuasion with an orchestra conductor who uses gestures instead of words to do his job. But Alexander Shelley, who has been described as a natural communicator both on and off the podium, explains that conductors must also be great persuaders if they are to succeed in convincing an orchestra and the public to embrace their musical vision.

In this assignment, students create a podcast episode in which they make an argument on a topic in current events. Through this process, students develop traditional rhetorical skills such as awareness of audience, formulation of a thesis, and inclusion of compelling evidence, in a new context that allows them room for creativity and for approaching these techniques from a different angle. Accustomed to composing analysis essays and research papers on a computer screen, students who create an argument in the aural medium must consider the best way to grab and hold the listener's attention so that the listener's mind does not wander, and to convey information clearly and concisely so that the listener never needs to rewind. Additionally, students become familiar with audio editing software and other aspects of digital composition, and they explore a medium that may feel like a refuge in today's screen-saturated world.


Thank you. The topic this week is using gentle persuasion. I brought it up because I got involved with the staff and support team at global, world headquarters in Charlotte. They reached out to me because there was a challenge that a chapter was having with an individual member. They just asked me to give them some advice.

I think the point of this podcast for everyone is I know we are very passionate about what we do. Almost all of us are. We are entrepreneurs and sales people. Professionals. We tend to be pretty passionate.

That passion is a good thing. I am passionate about a lot of stuff, but the way we communicate will help determine the kind of relationships we have. I am here to tell you that gentle persuasion almost always works better than beating someone over the head verbally about what they are doing wrong.

I hope that this podcast in some way gives some help to people who may be frustrated at something. Go out and buy those two books, Crucial Conversations and Solutions Focus. Listen to this podcast again and then have a conversation with people you would like to see maybe doing something.

Gentle persuasion is a much more effective way to communicate with your fellow members. So membership committees of chapters all over the world, you should play this for your entire membership committee. Or education coordinators, I would love for you to share this with chapters all over the world. I think those two books and this information will help build more cohesive teams throughout the organization.


I think that is very useful. Thanks so much for sharing that. I would just like to remind the listeners that this podcast has been brought to you by, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we hope you will join us next week for another exciting episode of the Official BNI Podcast.

Many episodes are available in streaming MP3 format from the program's CBC website. Some are available in podcast form at the unofficial site CBC Podcasts. On December 24, 2010 the Age of Persuasion blog announced[1] that the CBC would be podcasting the show starting in January 2011.

Overdue is a podcast about the books you've been meaning to read. Join Andrew and Craig each week as they tackle a new title from their backlog. Classic literature, obscure plays, goofy murder mysteries: they'll read it all, one overdue book at a time.

A talk with psychology researcher Matthew Hornsey about group psychology, polarization, and persuasion. Hornsey has been a researcher on over 170 papers, with many of those related to group psychology topics.

I hope you will join Jason and myself as we explore the benefits and stories that are told in this interview about being a soulful persuasion artists. This interview is certainly worth listening to, so you can learn the character building skills to become a great, authentic person of influence and persuasion.

Lenny (03:42):

Wes, I have learned so much from you over the years in so many different ways, while building my course, through your writing, through your tweets. And generally you're just a super fascinating human that I love this excuse to get to learn more about you and for listeners to learn more about you. And so with that, Wes, welcome to the podcast.

Lenny (04:03):

It's my pleasure. So just to set a little context about the Wes that we know today, your career path has been pretty untraditional for many of the guests that we've had on this podcast. And so I'd love to just hear a brief, high level overview of your career and understand what made Wes the Wes that she is today.

Lenny (13:12):

Wow. I've 10 more questions I'd love to ask about Seth Godin, but I should probably try to get him on the podcast. What a coup that would be. I have a sad story actually. I just remembered while you were talking, I saw him mentioned once that he replies to every email he gets. And so I emailed him because- e24fc04721

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