
Mithun Kumar Mitra (PI)

Department of Physics, IIT Bombay

mithun -at-


Sougata Patra

Graduate Student
Joined : January 2017

Shuvadip Dutta

Graduate Student
Joined : January 2020
Previous Institute : IIT Madras
194120015 -at-

Murali Aadhitya .M.S

Graduate Student
Joined : June 2022
Previous Institute : IIT Hyderabad


Former members

Adarshkrishnan R.

Former Project Student Current Position: -

 Sougata Guha

Former Graduate Student
Thesis Title: Emergent behaviour in Protein-Biopolymer  assemblies: Organisation and Timescales
Thesis Defended: September 2023
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, INFN Napoli

 Bivash Kaity

Former Graduate Student
Thesis Title: Theoretical Modelling of Epigenetic Landscapes and Early Embryonic Developement
Thesis Defended: July 2021
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland, USA

Ajoy Maji

Former Graduate Student
Thesis Title: A Computational Study of 3D Organization of Chromatin inside Nucleus
Thesis Defended: April 2021
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, TIFR Hyderabad

Arijit Dey

Former Postdoctoral Fellow
Current Position: 

Jahir Ahmed

Former Postdoctoral Fellow
Current Position: Faculty member at AKI's Poona College, Pune, India

Palka Puri

Former undergraduate student
Current Position: Graduate student at UC San Diego

Digant Patil

Former project student
Current Position: ---

Supriyo Naskar

Former Masters student
Current Position: Graduate student at IISc Bangalore

Soumyadeep Chatterjee

Former Masters student
Current Position: Graduate student at IIT Kanpur

Niranjan S.

Former Masters student
Current Position: Graduate student at UC Merced

Shubhankar Roy

Former Masters student
Current Position: Graduate student at SINP Kolkata

Ratan Sarkar

Former Masters student
Current Position: Graduate student at IISc Bangalore

Partha Sakha De

Former Masters student
Current Position: Graduate student at IISER Kolkata

Sonam Kumari

Former project student
Current Position: