Original Papers

"Non-Hermitian p-wave superfluid and effects of the inelastic three-body loss in a one-dimensional spin-polarized Fermi gas"

[arXiv:2312.15724 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]

"Dense QCD2 with matrix product states"

[arXiv:2311.11643 [hep-lat]]

"Dynamical chirality production in one dimension"

Phys. Rev. D 109, 034501 (2024) [arXiv:2309.08820 [hep-lat]]

"Two dimensional lattice with an imaginary magnetic field"

Phys. Rev. B 109, 085113 (2024) [arXiv:2307.14635 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]

"q deformed formulation of Hamiltonian SU(3) Yang-Mills theory"

JHEP 09 123 (2023) [arXiv:2306.12324 [hep-lat]]

"Chiral fermion in the Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory"

Phys. Rev. D 108, 034511 (2023) [arXiv:2305.18934 [hep-lat]]

"String-net formulation of Hamiltonian lattice Yang-Mills theories and quantum many-body scars in a nonabelian gauge theory"

JHEP 09 126 (2023) [arXiv:2305.05950 [hep-lat]]

"Non-Hermitian topological Fermi superfluid near the p-wave unitary limit"

Phys. Rev. A 107, 033331 (2023) [arXiv:2212.11633 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]

"Lattice Lindblad simulation"

PTEP 2022 (2022) 5, 053B03 [selected as Editor's choice] [arXiv:2111.04937 [hep-lat]]

"Dissipation-induced dynamical phase transition in postselected quantum trajectories"

PTEP 2023 023I02 (2023) [arXiv:2111.03893 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]

"Lindblad evolution without the sign problem"

[arxiv:2107.07059 [quant-ph]]

"Non-Hermitian Hubbard model without the sign problem"

Phys. Rev. B 104 125102 (2021) [arXiv:2106.06192 [cond-mat.str-el]]

"Diagnosis of information scrambling from Hamiltonian evolution under decoherence"

Phys. Rev. D 104, 074518 (2021) [arXiv:2103.05179 [quant-ph]]

"Second order chiral kinetic theory under gravity and antiparallel charge-energy flow"

JHEP 05 023 (2021) [arXiv:2012.12494 [hep-th]]

"Thermalization of Yang-Mills theory in a (3+1) dimensional small lattice system"

Phys. Rev. D 103 094502 (2021) [arXiv:2011.09814 [hep-lat]]

"Chiral vortical effect in relativistic and nonrelativistic systems"

Phys. Rev. B 102 205201 (2020) [arXiv:2008.13320 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]

"Chirality-driven edge flow and non-Hermitian topology in active nematic cells"

[arXiv:2008.10852 [cond-mat.soft]]

"String confinement in two-form lattice gauge theory"

Phys. Rev. D 100 074504 (2019) [arXiv:1905.04471 [hep-lat]]

"Diffusive Nambu-Goldstone modes in quantum time-crystals"

[arXiv:1808.07636 [hep-th]]

"Negative refractive index in cubic noncentrosymmetric superconductors"

PTEP 2019 (2019) 3, 033I01 [arXiv:1802.05964 [cond-mat.supr-con]

"A new route to negative refractive index from topological metals"

PTEP 2018 (2018) 8, 083I01 [arXiv:1801.10272 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]

"Anomalous transport phenomena from dissipative charge pumping"

[arXiv:1706.05787 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]

"Chiral magnetic effect of light"

Phys. Rev. B 97 205102 (2018) [arXiv:1705.09926 [physics.optics]]

"Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of two-dimensional Majorana lattice model"

Phys. Rev. B 96 035129 (2017) [arXiv:1705.00135 [cond-mat.str-el]]

"Topological Properties of the Chiral Magnetic Effect in Multi-Weyl Semimetals"

Phys. Rev. B 96 085112 (2017) [arXiv:1703.02040 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]

"Momentum-Space Electromagnetic Induction in Weyl Semimetals"

Phys. Rev. B 95 245211 (2017) [arXiv:1702.01450 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]

"Classification of sign-problem-free relativistic fermions on the basis of the Majorana positivity"

PTEP 2017 (2017) 4 043B08 [arXiv:1701.07182 [hep-lat]]

"Kinetic Theory and Anomalous Transports in the Presence of Nonabelian Phase-Space Berry Curvatures"

PTEP 2017 (2017) 7 073I01 [arXiv:1701.04012 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]

"Kinetic derivation of generalized phase space Chern-Simons theory"

Phys. Rev. B 95 125137 (2017) [arXiv:1610.01879 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]

"Emergent Electromagnetic Induction and Adiabatic Charge Pumping in Noncentrosymmetric Weyl Semimetals"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 216601 (2016) [arXiv:1607.06537 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]

"Chiral magnetic effect by synthetic gauge fields"

[arXiv:1606.03589 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]

"Complex saddle points and the sign problem in complex Langevin simulation"

Nucl. Phys. B 911 94-105 (2016) [arXiv:1511.02437 [hep-lat]]

"Lefschetz-thimble analysis of the sign problem in one-site fermion model"

New J. Phys. 18 no.3 033002 (2016) [arXiv:1509.07146 [hep-th]]

"Relativistic hydrodynamics from quantum field theory on the basis of the generalized Gibbs ensemble method"

Phys. Rev. D 92 065008 (2015) [arXiv:1503.04535 [hep-ph]]

"Complex Langevin simulation of quantum vortices in a Bose-Einstein condensate"

Phys. Rev. A 92 043628 (2015) [arXiv:1411.5195 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]

"Inhomogeneous Polyakov loop induced by inhomogeneous chiral condensates"

Physics Letters B744 401-405  (2015) [arXiv:1408.1905 [hep-ph]]

"Dispersion relations of Nambu-Goldstone modes at finite temperature and density"

Phys. Rev. D 91 056006 (2014) [arXiv:1406.6271 [hep-th]]

"Schwinger Mechanism with Stochastic Quantization"

Physics Letters B 735 371 (2014) [arXiv:1403.4177 [hep-th]]

"Broken spacetime symmetries and elastic variables"

Physics Letters B 735 195 (2014) [arXiv:1312.0008 [hep-th]]

"Sign problem and the chiral spiral on the finite-density lattice"

Phys. Rev. D 89 014508 (2014) [arXiv:1309.3500 [hep-ph]]

"Temporal Chiral Spiral in Strong Magnetic Fields"

Phys. Rev. D 89 085011 (2014) [arXiv:1309.0012 [hep-ph]]

"Dynamical Mass Generation of Vector Mesons from QCD Trace Anomaly"

Phys. Rev. D 88 036007 (2013) [arXiv:1306.3759 [hep-ph]]

"Time-dependent heavy-quark potential at finite temperature from gauge-gravity duality"

Phys. Rev. D 87 101901(R) (2013) [arXiv:1211.4942 [hep-ph]]

"Rescaled Perturbation Theory"

Prog. Theor. Phys. 124 (2010) 1097-1104 [arXiv:1010.6125 [quant-ph]]