Completed PhD Supervisions

Principal Supervisor


Ngoc Duy Nguyen

Thesis entitled: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Human-Level Agents.

Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering), Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation

(awarded the Alfred Deakin Medal for Doctoral Thesis).



Roohallah Alizadehsani

Thesis entitled: Uncertainty-Aware Model Training and Decision Making

Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering), Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation

Associate Supervisor


Jyotheesh Gaddam

Thesis entitled: Development of Self-Adaptive Hybrid Algorithms: A Hyper-Heuristic Approach to Dynamic Optimisation

Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology), School of Information Technology

AmirHossein Javanshir

Thesis entitled: A Multi-Objective Spiking Neural Network

Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering), School of Engineering


Afsaneh Koohestani

Thesis entitled: Towards Identifying Driver Performance Degradation using Physiological Signals

Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering), Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation


Syed Moshfeq Salaken

Thesis entitled: Solving Computational Bottleneck of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems

Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering), Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation