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Dr. M. Thamban Nair
Formerly: Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036
E-Mail: mtnair[at]faculty.iitm.ac.in
Presently (From August 1, 2022): Visiting Professor of Mathematics,
E-Mail: mtnair[at]goa.bits-pilani.ac.in
Academic activities - A brief profile:
I am Dr. M. Thamban Nair, Visiting Professor at BIRS Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa Campus, after superannuation as Professor of Mathematics at IIT Madras. I have been a research mathematician and a teacher for over 35 years for postgraduate and undergraduate level mathematics courses.
I had my school education in my home-village Udma in Kasaragod District (Kerala), B.Sc. from Government College Kasaragod, and M.Sc. from University of Calicut. I was college topper in B.Sc., and first rank holder in M.Sc.
I did Ph.D. from IIT Bombay (July 1981-June 1984) under the guidance of Prof. B.V. Limaye, and I was a Post Doctoral Fellow (December 1984- November 1985), under the French Government Scholarship, at University of Grenoble (France) with Prof. P.J. Laurent as mentor.
After returning from France, I joined as a Research Scientist at IIT Bombay for a year under a DST-sponsored project with Prof. M.C. Joshi as principal investigator (February 1986 - February 1987), and then from February 1987 to December 1995, I worked as Lecturer and Reader at Goa University. From December 1995 on wards, I have been with IIT Madras, as Assistant Professor (1995-1996), Associate Professor (1996-2004), and Professor from 2004, until my superannuation on June 30, 2022. Thenafter, on August 1, 2022 I joined with BITS Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa Campus, as Visiting Professor.
The broad area of my research is in the domain of Applicable Functional Analysis; Specifically,
Spectral approximation,
Operator equations,
Inverse & ill-posed problems.
I have over 90 journal publications and 5 books to my credit.
Awards which I received include
French Government Fellowship to do Post Doctoral Research, University of Grenoble, France.
C.L. Chandana Award of the Indo-Canadian Mathematics Foundation for distinguished and outstanding contributions in mathematics research and teaching in India for the year 2003.
DAAD Visiting Professorship at University of Kaiserslautern,
12th Ganesh Prasad memorial Award lecture of the Indian Mathematical Society for the year 2015.
B K Master Memorial National Excellence Award for contributions in the filed of higher education, by Udma Educational Trust October 24, 2016
I was a Visiting Professor at
Australian National University, Canberra (Australia),
University of Kaiserslautern (Germany),
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou (China),
University of Saint Etienne (France),
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin (Germany).
I gave several invited talks at various conferences in India and abroad (France, Germany, Ausria, Australia, China, Russia), and also as a mentor of INSPIRE Program of DST at various colleges in India.
The administrative positions that I held at IIT Madras include Vice-Chairman & Chairman of GATE/JAM (2004-2008) and Head of the Department of Mathematics (2014-2017).
Family Profile:
I am from a small village called Udma (Udayamangalam) in North Malabar region ( Kasaragod District) of Kerala state. I had my school education in Government High School Udma, and college education (Pre-Degree and B.Sc.) at Goverment College Kasaragod, about 15 kilometers from my village.
I lost my father (Chandu Nair) when I was barely 13 years old and my mother (Meloth Parvathi Amma) passed away in August 2017 at the age of 95. I have four sisters (Padmavathi, Parvathi, Karthiayani, Lakshmi) and a brother (Chandra Sekharan); all of them live in different parts of Kasaragod District.
My wife Sunita, was a Professor of Chemistry at SSN College of Engineering (Kalavakkam) about 35 kilometers from IIT Campus; she resigned her regular position on June 30, 2022 and is associated with the college as Advisor-Students of SSN and SNU Chennai. I have two daughters, Priya and Sneha. After her Ph.D & PDF in Bio-Medical Engineering at Arizona State University USA, Priya is with Medtronic (San Francisco) as Principal R&D Engineer, and Sneha, after completing BE in Bio-Medical Engineering, turned herself into a professional photographer, and now a Cinematographer.
My interests other than mathematics: Philosophy, Spirituality and Poetry.