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Dr. M. Thamban Nair

Formerly: Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036

E-Mail:  mtnair[at]faculty.iitm.ac.in

Presently (From August 1, 2022): Visiting Professor of Mathematics, 

BITS Pilani, Goa Campus,

E-Mail: mtnair[at]goa.bits-pilani.ac.in


Academic activities - A brief profile:

I am  Dr. M. Thamban Nair, Visiting Professor at BIRS Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa Campus, after superannuation as Professor of Mathematics at IIT Madras. I have been a research mathematician and a teacher for over 35 years for postgraduate and undergraduate level mathematics courses.


I had my school education in my home-village Udma in Kasaragod District (Kerala), B.Sc. from Government College Kasaragod, and M.Sc. from University of Calicut. I was college topper in B.Sc., and first rank holder in M.Sc.

I  did Ph.D. from IIT Bombay (July 1981-June 1984) under the guidance of Prof. B.V. Limaye, and I was a Post Doctoral Fellow  (December 1984November 1985), under the French Government Scholarship, at University of Grenoble (France) with Prof. P.J. Laurent as mentor.


After returning from France, I joined as a Research Scientist at IIT Bombay for a year under a DST-sponsored project with Prof. M.C. Joshi as principal investigator (February 1986 - February 1987),  and then from February 1987  to December 1995, I worked as Lecturer and Reader at Goa University. From December 1995 on wards, I have been with IIT Madras, as Assistant Professor (1995-1996), Associate Professor (1996-2004), and Professor from 2004, until my superannuation on June 30, 2022. Thenafter, on August 1, 2022  I joined with BITS Pilani, K.K. Birla Goa Campus, as Visiting Professor


The broad area of my research is in the domain of Applicable Functional Analysis; Specifically,  

I have over 90 journal publications and 5 books to my credit


Awards which I received  include


I was a Visiting Professor at 

I gave several invited talks at various conferences in India and abroad (France, Germany, Ausria, Australia, China, Russia), and also as a mentor of INSPIRE Program of DST at various colleges in India.


The administrative positions that I held at IIT Madras include  Vice-Chairman & Chairman of GATE/JAM (2004-2008) and Head of the Department of Mathematics (2014-2017).


Family Profile:

I am from a small village called Udma (Udayamangalam) in North Malabar region ( Kasaragod District) of Kerala state. I had my school education in Government High School Udma, and college education (Pre-Degree and B.Sc.) at Goverment College Kasaragod, about 15 kilometers from my village. 

I lost my father (Chandu Nair) when I was barely 13 years old and my mother (Meloth Parvathi Amma) passed away in August 2017 at the age of 95. I have four sisters (Padmavathi, Parvathi, Karthiayani, Lakshmi) and a brother (Chandra Sekharan); all of them live in different parts of Kasaragod District.

My wife Sunita, was a Professor of Chemistry at SSN College of Engineering (Kalavakkam) about 35 kilometers from IIT Campus; she resigned her regular position on June 30, 2022 and is associated with the college as Advisor-Students of SSN and SNU Chennai. I have two daughters, Priya and Sneha. After her Ph.D & PDF in Bio-Medical Engineering at Arizona State University USA, Priya is with Medtronic (San Francisco) as Principal R&D Engineer, and Sneha, after completing BE in Bio-Medical Engineering, turned herself into a professional photographer, and now a Cinematographer. 

My interests other than mathematics: Philosophy, Spirituality and Poetry.