Good Thai restaurants in Perth's northern suburbs are currently featured however we look forward to being invited to review good Thai restaurants in southern suburbs of Perth also.
Thai restaurants Perth wide use quality foods from the pristine environment in and near Perth Western Australia, cooked in both northern, Isaan northeastern and southern Thai cuisine styles. With such a long coastline of Western Australia, delicious Thai seafood dishes like hot sour spicy prawn soup (Tom Yum Goong). Diners can ask for a level of spicy suitable to their pallet. Thais in tourist restaurants in Thailand actually use better English than Australians when it comes to spiciness. Many Australians for example might order: "not too hot please". Better would be "not too spicy". to save clarification/confirmation. Southern Thai cuisine is a little bit more spicy then northern/Isaan food. Northern Thai/Isaan cuisine is less deep fried/less oily than southern Thai food. With such a big, expatriate Thai population resident here, there are a lot of good Thai restaurant in Perth to choose from.
In 2021 we discovered a good Thai restaurant in Perth's southern suburb/port city of Fremantle with delicious cuisine. Big, affordable serves of good Western Australian food and served promptly by good waitresses and a robot which looked a robotic vacuum cleaner with racks stacked on top with trays of Thai dishes.
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