I would like to ask how the lock tabs feature can be used. I just updated to the latest version, 12.22 Light edition and I followed these instructions which were found in the manual:

"Folder tabs can be locked in a number of different ways. Primarily, when a tab is locked, it always displays the same folder. To lock a tab, right-click on it and choose a command from the context menu's Lock Tab menu."

(Something we have on our list to make built-in in the future. The current built-in purpose of locked tabs is more about keeping them from changing folders, as described in the manual screenshot in the post above mine.)

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I have a folder that was sent to me by a client a couple of years ago that I can't remove from my Dropbox. The folder has a grey padlock on the bottom left corner and also an X in a red circle on the bottom right corner - see screen shot. I am using a Mac with OS Mojave 10.14.6

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This did not work because when I logged in under test the folder did not show up in my drop box. It only seems to show up in the finder window when when I open my dropbox files from the icon in the top menu bar??? Even when I open dropbox.com on the web the folder does not show up???

The problem seems not just permissions, but owning. Your can read this for more information how to revert owning. It's normal when you switch to different user not to see directly Dropbox folder of the initial user. Every user have their own such folder. You have to be still able to navigate to appropriate Dropbox directory - just go to appropriate user directory first. Or may be the terminal solution would be better. The choice is yours.

Ok thankyou I cannot figure out why it works without a lock on one computer but not on the other. Looking at permissions in Windows both computers look fine. Tried setting user permissions elevated as well. Just hoping someone has some insight on this

Sorry I haven't replied back to any of your comments guys. This is the 

first time I've logged into this site in a long time. This instructable was something I made when I was in 8th grade. Yes I know my grammar is terrible and my spelling is even worse. This was just something I done for fun. It was never meant to be "secure or encrypted." Also this was only meant to work in Windows XP. I see that some of you have found ways to make it work in other OS and I think that's great. Most of your problems are probably related to using windows vista or windows 7. If you forgot your password just make another locker.bat and delete the old one. Just because you delete the locker.bat or locker.exe for those who converted it, doesn't mean you delete the folder where your files are stored. I will try to come back more often and respond to your comments and questions.

Now just go to were you saved the Folder Locker and open it. It should make a folder called locker. To lock the Folder you need to open the batch file. It should ask you if you want to lock the folder, all you have to do is type Y for yes and N for no. and the folder should disapere. To unlock the folder just open the batch file again and enter your password.


I know of the numerous discussions whether it is okay to store OTP-data together with the static passwords used for a service. Bitwarden offers this possibility.

May I propose to implement an option to either add a simple password or PIN check before showing or copying OTP values or -even better- to encrypt the OTP secrets with a different key in the database?

I am aware this would not solve the concerns some people arise, but it could mitigate them.


The Dropbox website at -protection clearly states that it is possible to password protect a folder in Dropbox, and has an animation on the page that seems to show this happening in a couple of simple steps. However, my version of Dropbox (the basic personal free version) looks nothing like that, and this Dropbox forum has a number of (possibly out of date) posts stating it's not possible to password protect a folder.

Thanks for coming back to me. Why doesn't my screen (even on the website) look like the one on the Dropbox page? It may have something to do with my free version, but I've looked on the Dropbox plans site and there's nothing that explicitly covers this. I'm not going to pay for upgrading and just hope it's the right version.

I would like to add a Folder under our corporate account. This folder will contain personal information on our employees therefore, I want this new Folder password protected, the entire folder not just a document in the folder. How do I do this?

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This is functionality that should just be included at folder level. Heck, the iOS version seems to have lost the generic passcode access feature. The instructions on -integrations/mobile/passcode-phone-tablet don't make sense anymore (for one thing, there is no gear icon). Hello Dropbox? Aaah to promote your fancy Dropbox Vault you again remove a free feature?

Greetings! Our IT team has enabled file and folder lock functionality. However, there appears to be no documentation on any version of the Nextcloud User or Administration Manuals on this topic. Can someone please either refer me to the proper location where it can be found, or explain its functionality?

Keep your data safe with Avast BreachGuard. If your passwords or other personal data are ever leaked online, BreachGuard will warn you ASAP. That way, you can regain control of your accounts before anyone has the chance to log in with your credentials.

Folder Lock comes with a powerful file shredder and a cloud-based backup solution as well. The demo is free, while the full-version is $39.95. Knowing how to lock a folder in Windows costs a bit of money, but the functionality and customization makes it worth it. Now you know how to password protect a folder.

You can also use disk-encryption software for more robust security than just a password. These tools block even the most advanced brute-force attacks, which try to crack passwords and encryption keys using different combinations.

This kind of full-encryption software adds an extra layer of security by incorporating both password and encryption protection to your files, meaning that the actual contents of files and folders are encrypted and protected by much stronger and more complex decryption keys.

With support for AES, Serpent, and TwoFish keys, VeraCrypt is a free, cross-platform data security tool that can encrypt files very effectively. VeraCrypt comes with full disk encryption but can encrypt at the volume (folder) level as well. Users can decide whether they want specific folders encrypted or entire systems.

Password protection is like locking something in a safe, like a highly sensitive document. Encryption is like rearranging all the letters in a document so that they can only be placed back in the correct order if you have a special decoder key.

You should password protect files because if you share your computer with others, someone might accidentally delete or modify an important file, or even share a private folder. You might even make the critical error yourself, accidentally sending sensitive information to the wrong person.

And you can always use Windows to encrypt an entire folder, as described above. Knowing how to password protect a folder and how to encrypt your files is key to making sure your content is locked up tight.

Every time while I get to pull from git it will lock my src folder with read-only permission in my project and I cant able to modify that code and every time I need to provide read-write access from finder.

Browse to the location of documents. Goto properties and set the permission for owner as well as group as read and write. Now try to delete the folder from another nautilus window (one without root privileges).

If you have folders and files that you'd like to keep private, you should check out Folder Lock. It's not a free app, like My Lockbox, but it does have excellent configuration options and lots of ways of keeping important and private documents away from prying eyes.

Folder Lock gives you several options. Firstly, it's integrated with Windows Explorer, so if there's a file or folder you'd like to lock, simply find it and right click. From here, you'll have the option to lock or shred. If you open the program interface, you'll have loads more options, including the ability to lock and encrypt files, protect USB sticks, CDs and DVDs and encrypt email attachments.

Folder Lock is a really flexible program and offers much more than just locking folders. You can also create virtual encrypted Wallets, for storing things like addresses and bank data, and also back up all of your encrypted data to the cloud. Folder Lock's configuration settings are also comprehensive and, obviously enough, password protected.

Folder Lock is a great program. There are lots of free folder locking apps out there, but not many have the multiple features and ease of use of this one. Download it and give it a try - we think you'll like it. 589ccfa754

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