In the constructor body of a derived class (with extends), the super keyword may appear as a "function call" (super(...args)), which must be called before the this keyword is used, and before the constructor returns. It calls the parent class's constructor and binds the parent class's public fields, after which the derived class's constructor can further access and modify this.

The "property lookup" form can be used to access methods and properties of an object literal's or class's [[Prototype]]. Within a class's body, the reference of super can be either the superclass's constructor itself, or the constructor's prototype, depending on whether the execution context is instance creation or class initialization. See the Examples section for more details.

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Note that the reference of super is determined by the class or object literal super was declared in, not the object the method is called on. Therefore, unbinding or re-binding a method doesn't change the reference of super in it (although they do change the reference of this). You can see super as a variable in the class or object literal scope, which the methods create a closure over. (But also beware that it's not actually a variable, as explained above.)

Here, extendedField is undefined instead of 10, because baseField is defined as an own property of the Base instance, instead of Base.prototype. super, in this context, only looks up properties on Base.prototype, because that's the [[Prototype]] of Extended.prototype.

Super can also be used in the object initializer notation. In this example, two objects define a method. In the second object, super calls the first object's method. This works with the help of Object.setPrototypeOf() with which we are able to set the prototype of obj2 to obj1, so that super is able to find method1 on obj1.

Accessing super.x behaves like Reflect.get(Object.getPrototypeOf(objectLiteral), "x", this), which means the property is always seeked on the object literal/class declaration's prototype, and unbinding and re-binding a method won't change the reference of super.

When calling super.prop as a function, the this value inside the prop function is the current this, not the object that super points to. For example, the super.getName() call logs "Extended", despite the code looking like it's equivalent to Base.getName().

Setting properties of super, such as super.x = 1, behaves like Reflect.set(Object.getPrototypeOf(objectLiteral), "x", 1, this). This is one of the cases where understanding super as simply "reference of the prototype object" falls short, because it actually sets the property on this instead.

super.x = 1 will look for the property descriptor of x on A.prototype (and invoke the setters defined there), but the this value will be set to this, which is b in this context. You can read Reflect.set for more details on the case when target and receiver differ.

In the constructor body of a derived class (with extends), the super keyword may appear as a \"function call\" (super(...args)), which must be called before the this keyword is used, and before the constructor returns. It calls the parent class's constructor and binds the parent class's public fields, after which the derived class's constructor can further access and modify this.

The \"property lookup\" form can be used to access methods and properties of an object literal's or class's [[Prototype]]. Within a class's body, the reference of super can be either the superclass's constructor itself, or the constructor's prototype, depending on whether the execution context is instance creation or class initialization. See the Examples section for more details.

Accessing super.x behaves like Reflect.get(Object.getPrototypeOf(objectLiteral), \"x\", this), which means the property is always seeked on the object literal/class declaration's prototype, and unbinding and re-binding a method won't change the reference of super.

When calling super.prop as a function, the this value inside the prop function is the current this, not the object that super points to. For example, the super.getName() call logs \"Extended\", despite the code looking like it's equivalent to Base.getName().

Setting properties of super, such as super.x = 1, behaves like Reflect.set(Object.getPrototypeOf(objectLiteral), \"x\", 1, this). This is one of the cases where understanding super as simply \"reference of the prototype object\" falls short, because it actually sets the property on this instead.

The NFL very actively seeks to prevent what it calls unauthorized commercial use of its trademarked terms "NFL", "Super Bowl", and "Super Bowl Sunday".[87] As a result, many events and promotions tied to the game, but not sanctioned by the NFL, are asked to refer to it as "The Big Game", or other generic descriptions.[88][89] A radio spot for Planters nuts parodied this, by saying "it would be super ... to have a bowl ... of Planters nuts while watching the big game!" and comedian Stephen Colbert began referring to the game in 2014 as the "Superb Owl". In 2015, the NFL filed opposition with the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board to a trademark application submitted by an Arizona-based nonprofit for "Superb Owl".[90] The NFL claims that the use of the phrase "Super Bowl" implies an NFL affiliation, and on this basis the league asserts broad rights to restrict how the game may be shown publicly; for example, the league says Super Bowl showings are prohibited in churches or at other events that "promote a message", while non-sporting event venues are also prohibited to show the Super Bowl on any television screen larger than 55 inches.[91] Some critics say the NFL is exaggerating its ownership rights by stating that "any use is prohibited", as this contradicts the broad doctrine of fair use in the United States.[91] Legislation was proposed by Utah Senator Orrin Hatch in 2008 "to provide an exemption from exclusive rights in copyright for certain nonprofit organizations to display live football games", and "for other purposes".[92]

The __mro__ attribute of the object_or_type lists the methodresolution search order used by both getattr() and super(). Theattribute is dynamic and can change whenever the inheritance hierarchy isupdated.

If the second argument is omitted, the super object returned is unbound. Ifthe second argument is an object, isinstance(obj, type) must be true. Ifthe second argument is a type, issubclass(type2, type) must be true (thisis useful for classmethods).

There are two typical use cases for super. In a class hierarchy withsingle inheritance, super can be used to refer to parent classes withoutnaming them explicitly, thus making the code more maintainable. This useclosely parallels the use of super in other programming languages.

Note that super() is implemented as part of the binding process forexplicit dotted attribute lookups such as super().__getitem__(name).It does so by implementing its own __getattribute__() methodfor searchingclasses in a predictable order that supports cooperative multiple inheritance.Accordingly, super() is undefined for implicit lookups using statements oroperators such as super()[name].

Also note that, aside from the zero argument form, super() is notlimited to use inside methods. The two argument form specifies thearguments exactly and makes the appropriate references. The zeroargument form only works inside a class definition, as the compiler fillsin the necessary details to correctly retrieve the class being defined,as well as accessing the current instance for ordinary methods.

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This privilege is deprecated and is subject to removal in a future version of MySQL. When SET_USER_ID is granted using GRANT, a SQL warning informs you of the deprecation status. It is superseded by these privileges:

If supercache cache files are generated but not served, check the permissions on all your wp-content/cache/supercache folders (and each of wp-content cache and supercache folders) and wp-content/cache/.htaccess. If your PHP runs as a different user to Apache and permissions are strict Apache may not be able to read the PHP generated cache files. To fix you must add the following line to your wp-config.php (Add it above the WP_CACHE define.) Then clear your cache.

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