Singularities and Algebraic Geometry

Tuy Hoa, March 30 - April 3, 2020

Hosted by Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) and Mientrung University of Civil Engineering (MUCE)Sponsored by MUCE, VIASM

(Due to the circumstance of Covid-19, this conference is postponed)

About Tuy Hoa (How to come) - Travel visa - Accommodation - Registration - Poster


Place: Ha Huy Tap, Tuy Hoa city, Phu Yen province, Vietnam (see the map)

This conference is a continuation of the conferences Tuan Chau 2017, Da Nang 2018, and the Special session "Singularities and Algebraic Geometry" of the Vietnam-USA Joint Mathematical Meeting in Quy Nhon in 2019. The organizing place for this year is the Mientrung University of Civil Engineering in Tuy Hoa city (Phu Yen, Vietnam). The conference has 18 hours for talks. The Thursday afternoon session is devoted for Vietnamese speakers to honor for Professor Ha Huy Vui's 70th birthday and Professor Ta Le Loi's 60th birthday.

The organizers cannot offer any financial support for attending this conference. All participants (except undergraduate, master and PhD students) are expected to contribute a conference fee of 50 USD each (and they can pay when arriving). The fee includes the conference party.

Invited Speakers

  • Jean-Paul Brasselet (Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille)

  • Yajnaseni Dutta (University of Bonn)

  • Eva Elduque (University of Michigan)

  • Goulwen Fichou (Université de Rennes 1)

  • Arthur Forey (ETH Zurich)

  • Lê Dũng Tráng (University of Valencia)

  • Nguyen Nhan (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)

  • Nguyen Tat Thang (Hanoi Institute of Mathematics - VAST)

  • Karol Palka (Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences)

  • Pham Tien Son (Dalat University)

  • Patrick Popescu (Université de Lille)

  • Agustin Romano (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)

  • Baldur Sigurdsson (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

  • Dmitry Sustretov (KU Leuven)

  • Kiyoshi Takeuchi (University of Tsukuba)

  • Jeremy Usatine (Brown University)

Scientific Committee

Nero Budur (KU Leuven)

Javier Fernandez de Bobadilla (BCAM)

Gert-Martin Greuel (University of Kaiserslautern)

François Loeser (Sorbonne Université)

Mircea Mustata (University of Michigan)


Lê Minh Hà (VIASM)

Lê Cong Trinh (Quy Nhon University)

Lê Quy Thuong (VNU)

Nguyen Hong Duc (BCAM & Thang Long University)

Nguyen Viet Dung (Institute of Mathematics - VAST)

Nguyen Vu Phuong (MUCE)

Vo Thanh Huy (MUCE)
