Lesson Topics


Bible Characters

Explore the stories of many popular Bible characters, learn from their mistakes, and apply their lessons to your own journey in Christ!

Full Armor of God

Learn about what God's Word says about putting on the full armor of God piece by piece.

Everyday Jesus

There are so many ways to acknowledge God's goodness in our daily lives. Explore various topics that help us to keep God a priority in all that we do.

Fruit of the Spirit

Just like we enjoy tasty fruit, God examines us to make sure that we are sharing our good "fruit" as well. Learn about the evidence of Holy Spirit in our lives through the Fruit of the Spirit.

Coming Soon: Praying and Talking to God

Prayer is as simple as just talking to God. But what does that really me? How do we do it? Why do we do it? Why is it important? This series will help explain prayer to your mini gatherer as you build your family prayer routine.