Thomas Fujiwara

Associate Professor of Economics and International Affairs

Princeton University

Contact information: 

Department of Economics and School of Public and International Affairs

Princeton University

131 Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building

Princeton NJ 08544 

Curriculum Vitae

*On sabbatical leave during the Spring 2024 semester*

Working Papers

Measuring Information Frictions in Migration Decisions: A Revealed Preference Approach

     (with Charly Porcher and Eduardo Morales)

Biased Party Nominations as a Source of Women’s Electoral Underperformance

     (with Hanno Hilbig and Pia Raffler)

Do Gender-Neutral Job Ads Promote Diversity? Experimental Evidence from Latin America’s Tech Sector

(with Lucia Del Carpio)

- A summary for VoxEU.


The Effect of Social Media on Elections: Evidence from the United States

(with Karsten Mueller and Carlo Schwarz) [Appendix]

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2024, 22(3): 1495-1539.

- A summarized version for the CEPR online book on Political Economy of Social Media.

- A summary for VoxEU (written before the results for 2020 were added).

Policy Deliberation and Voter Persuasion: Evidence from an Election in the Philippines

(with Gabriel Lopez-Moctezuma Leonard Wantchekon Daniel Rubenson Cecilia Pe Lero) [Appendix]

American Journal of Political Science, 2022, 6(1): 59-74. 

Rank Effects in Bargaining: Evidence from Government Formation

(with Carlos Sanz) [Appendix]

Review of Economic Studies, 2020, 87(3): 1261-1295.

The Origins of Human Pro-Sociality: Cultural Group Selection in the Workplace and the Laboratory

(with Patrick Francois and Tanguy van Ypersele)

Science Advances, 4(9): 19 September 2018.

Media: Nature Human Behavior.

Acting Wife: Marriage Market Incentives and Labor Market Investments

(with Leonardo Bursztyn and Amanda Pallais) [Appendix]

American Economic Review, 2017, 107(11): 3288-3319.

A summary for the Harvard Business Review.

Media: NBER Digest, Chicago Booth Review, NY Times, NPR, CIFAR, Slate, WSJ, Boston Globe, Forbes.

Habit Formation in Voting: Evidence from Rainy Elections

(with Kyle Meng and Tom Vogl) [Appendix]

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2016, 8(4): 160-188.

Media: AEA, NBER Digest, Boston Globe, Washington Post.

The Runner-Up Effect

(with Santosh Anagol) [Appendix]

Journal of Political Economy, 2016, 124(4): 927-991.

Voting Technology, Political Responsiveness, and Infant Health: Evidence from Brazil


Econometrica, 2015, 83(2): 423-464.

A summary for VoxDev.

Media: The Economist, Vox, LiveMint, Chris Blattman, Why Nations Fail.

Can Informed Public Deliberation Overcome Clientelism? Experimental Evidence from Benin

(with Leonard Wantchekon) [Appendix]

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2013, 5(4): 241-255.

-  Media: The Economist.

A Regression Discontinuity Test of Strategic Voting and Duverger's Law

Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2011, 6: 197-233.


Older slides on Estimating Excess Deaths due to Covid-19 [code and data] [figures]

-  Much of the analysis is superseded by the CONASS' Website on Excess Mortality in Brazil.

-  The link above discusses data issues in its technical notes.

Earlier (now outdated) estimates were also used by the Economist, Financial Times, and New York Times.