In 2008, the Florida Legislature addressed the rising costs of textbooks by creating Section (s.) 1004.085, Florida Statutes (F.S.), charging colleges and universities with implementing policies to promote the availability of textbooks to students unable to afford the cost of required course materials. In 2009, the State Board of Education (SBOE) approved Rule 6A-14.092, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), to implement the statute.

During the 2022 legislative session, s. 1004.085, F.S., was amended providing additional requirements related to posting lists of required and recommended textbooks and instructional materials. Additionally, s. 1006.73, F.S., was amended adding requirements related to no-cost textbooks and open education resources (OER). On August 17, 2022, the SBOE approved revisions to Rule 6A-14.092, F.A.C, Textbook and Course Material Affordability and Transparency (formerly Textbook Affordability) to align with the revised statute.

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Section 1004.085(7), F.S., requires FCS institutions to report annually, by September 30, current practices for the selection of textbooks and cost-saving innovations to the Chancellor of the Florida College System.

Miles Reid's Undergraduate Algebraic Geometry is an excellent topical (meaning it does not intend to cover any substantial part of the whole subject) introduction. In particular, it's the only undergraduate textbook that isn't commutative algebra with a few pictures thrown in.

Every algebraic geometer needs to know at least some commutative algebra. And this isa very good introductory textbook, which teaches commutative algebra rigorously but at the same time provides a good geometric explanation.

The purpose of this section is to ensure that students have access to affordable course materials by decreasing costs to students and enhancing transparency and disclosure with respect to the selection, purchase, sale, and use of course materials. It is the intent of this section to encourage all of the involved parties, including faculty, students, administrators, institutions of higher education, bookstores, distributors, and publishers, to work together to identify ways to decrease the cost of college textbooks and supplemental materials for students while supporting the academic freedom of faculty members to select high quality course materials for students.

A publisher that sells a college textbook and any supplemental material accompanying such college textbook as a single bundle shall also make available the college textbook and each supplemental material as separate and unbundled items, each separately priced.

Nothing in this section shall be construed to supercede the institutional autonomy or academic freedom of instructors involved in the selection of college textbooks, supplemental materials, and other classroom materials.

The Nashville State Foundation provides textbook assistance to eligible Nashville State students who are pursuing an associate degree or technical certificate and have an unmet financial need. NSCC Foundation Textbook Assistance is not guaranteed, and awards are based on funding.

One copy of most required textbooks is on reserve at either the main library or Ballston Coakley Library Extension, depending on where course sessions are held. Reserve items are primarily for the use of Marymount undergraduate and graduate students.

Ask for a copy of your textbook at a circulation desk by course ID and number, book title, or call number. The more specific information you have about the book, the quicker library staff will be able to locate it and check it out to you for studying!

You can look up textbook reserves in MULibrary Search. From the search box choose MU Course & Textbook Reserves to limit the selection. The reserve location (Ballston Coakley Library Extension or Reinsch Library) and call number are listed.

The Affordable College Textbook Act (H.R.1811/S.978) would reduce the cost of textbooks at U.S. colleges and universities by expanding the use of open textbooks (and other open educational resources) that everyone can download, edit and share freely to benefit students. The legislation was introduced in the 118th Congress on March 27, 2023 in the Senate by Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL), Tina Smith (D-MN), Angus King (I-ME), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) as well as Representative Joe Neguse (D-CO) in the House.

College textbook prices have more than doubled in the last two decades according to the Consumer Price Index, and the average student budget for books and supplies at a four-year public institution is $1,240 according to the College Board. Surveys have found that nearly two-thirds of students skip buying required materials because the cost is too high, even though most said they recognize doing so could hurt their grades. According to a 2016 report by U.S. PIRG, an estimated $3.15 billion in local, state and federal student financial aid is spent annually on textbooks.

The Textbook /Supply Voucher provides students an opportunity to request additional financial assistance to obtain textbooks and/or course-adopted supplies for required coursework. Students can receive $250 a year up to 2 years. Processing will be completed within  3-5 business days.

The Textbook Committee annually prepares a list of available textbooks that meet the academic criteria for Oklahoma's public schools. Due to the time and attention this process requires, the Committee reviews one or more subjects each year.

The state textbook adoption process is administered in accordance with the statutory requirements as set forth in Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 6, Part 22 and the Rules and Policies of the State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission (available here). The following is a brief summary of the process.

The State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission is composed of 10 members whose responsibility is to recommend an official list of textbooks and instructional materials for approval of the State Board of Education. By law, the commission includes a county superintendent, a city superintendent, a principal, one teacher or supervisor from grades K-3, one teacher or supervisor from grades 4-8, one teacher or supervisor from grades 9-12, and one member not employed in the educational system of the state from each of the three grand divisions of the state. The commissioner of Education serves as Secretary of the commission.

The official list is divided into six sections, with new textbooks and instructional materials considered for listing in one section each year. An invitation to bid, listing the categories to be considered that year, is made available to each publisher with books currently on contract and to any other publisher expressing an interest in bidding.

The commission evaluates all reviews submitted by the members of the advisory panel for each textbook or any instructional materials proposed for approval. The commission also reviews submitted public comments in accordance with the Adoption Calendar.

Since 1986, the State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission has used an advisory panel of expert teachers in each subject area or grade level to advise the commission on book selections. This state advisory panel, commonly referred to as the Textbook Review Committee, thoroughly reviews the books and instructional materials submitted. New members, with expertise in the subject areas up for adoption, are selected for this committee annually through an application process open to any teacher meeting the qualifications to serve on a local adoption committee, and other experts in the subject area. The state advisory panels base their reviews on a textbook and instructional materials screening instrument approved by the State Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission.

Parents and community members have the opportunity to review all textbooks and instructional materials bid, submit their comments to the commission, and speak before the commission during their fall meeting to review the recommendations from the state advisory panels. The state seeks input from the public through online access provided by the publishers. The department announces when the textbooks and instructional materials are available for public review online during the state textbook review and approval process. The public can view textbooks and instructional materials at the same time as the state review committees are analyzing them, prior to the approval of the books. The public can submit feedback on the books and their input is sent to the publishers and the Textbook and Instructional Materials Quality Commission for their consideration during the approval process. The public can continue to view and submit feedback on the approved textbooks and instructional materials by accessing the materials online or by contacting their local school district to view hard copy of the textbooks and instructional materials.

Districts are best positioned to choose which textbooks and instructional materials meet the needs of their students, educators, and community. Local school systems must subsequently adopt books on the official list or submit a waiver request to the department to use textbooks or instructional materials not on the approved list.

Local boards of education must appoint review committees to review the textbooks and instructional materials proposed for adoption and make their adoption upon recommendations of such committees. These committees are set up by grade and subject matter fields and composed of teachers, or supervisors and teachers, and parents with children enrolled in the LEA at the time of appointment to a committee. The local board may also appoint experts in the grade level or subject matter field for which textbooks and instructional materials are to be reviewed. Teachers and supervisors who serve on a committee must be teaching or supervising the respective grade or subject at the time of appointment and must be licensed to teach in the state with endorsements in the subject matter or grade level for which textbooks or instructional materials are being reviewed. Teachers and supervisors must have three or more years of experience as teachers or supervisors in the public schools.The director of schools in the LEA adopting textbooks or instructional materials serves as an ex officio member of all committees. e24fc04721

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