Text & Tea


Next T&T meeting will take place on 17.10.2024

Current News

Our next meetings (starting at 2:00 pm, CET/CEST):

-17 October 2024 

-5 December 2024

Meeting link 

Zoom link: https://hu-berlin.zoom-x.de/j/61929744466?pwd=eTBESExoM3RtQ1FDdGtOZ052TWxEdz09  

Call to MAIN users

Send us your publications, presentations, and information on MAIN-related activities – we will post a selection on MAIN homepage.

Contact e-mail: costmain@leibniz-zas.de

LITMUS/BiSLI webpage

If you want your publications to be added, use the following link to provide us with the relevant info https://forms.gle/jiDzCXiG9oWVqdMn6

A bimonthly Zoom series for the Worldwide Network of researchers and practitioners of the LITMUS-MAIN (Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives) to meet and share experiences.

Would you like to learn more about MAIN? Then visit main.leibniz-zas.de 

Text&Tea was created to discuss current issues, problems, and general comments regarding the Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN). Anyone who uses or would like to use MAIN is welcome to attend the meetings with a cup of tea, in a relaxed atmosphere. 

During each session, there will be presentations on current topics with plenty of time for open discussion afterward. If you would like to share your experiences with MAIN as well or have topics you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact the organizers and we will find a date to hear your presentation.