Assistant Professor of Economics at ITAM. Ph.D. in Economics (Penn State).

Curriculum Vitae

Working Papers

Rational Inattention and Endogenous Volatility: A Large Deviation Approach with Takashi Ui

Information Acquisition and Aggregation in Elections: The Power of Opinion Polls with Andrei Gomberg

Two-Sided Markets and Restricted Boltzmann Machines with Romans Pancs

Bargaining and Information Acquisition with Kalyan Chatterjee and Miaomiao Dong

Recursive Rational Inattention Is Entropic with Henrique De Oliveira

Enforcement against Organized Crime Increases Organized Fraud: Evidence from the Yakuza with Takuma Kamada

Rational Inattention in Games


Multi-Agent Persuasion: Leveraging Strategic Uncertainty

Third-Party Policing Approaches against Organized Crime: An Evaluation of the Yakuza Exclusion Ordinances with Takuma Kamada

Repeated Coordination with Private Learning with Pathikrit Basu, Kalyan Chatterjee, and Omer Tamuz


E-mail: tetsuya.hoshino [at]

Office: Av. Camino Santa Teresa #930, Col. Héroes de Padierna, Del. Magdalena Contreras, C.P. 10700 México, D.F.