The 11th Workshop on Technology-Enhanced STEM (TeSTEM) Education

TeSTEM, A Pre-conference Workshop of the 31st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2023)

4 - 8  December 2023

The TeSTEM Workshop was co-organized by 

DELE Association, Thailand

                STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) involves the study of, and coherent integration among, various academic disciplines, especially the four cardinal disciplines of STEM. To make STEM education effective, the use of innovative and digital technologies, such as online interactive learning environments and systems, digital games, augment reality (AR), mobile app., simulations and animations, and sensor-based tools and robots in STEM education should be an important research issues. Therefore, the focus of any technology-related teaching and learning should not be on the digital technology itself, but on how digital technologies can pedagogically use to improve students’ STEM learning. To address this important issue, this workshop aims to explore the application of innovative educational technologies and pedagogies in STEM education from both research and practice perspectives.  

Style of the workshop 

This workshop will be a mini-conference. Paper presentations, discussions, and demonstrations will be scheduled in the workshop. All accepted papers will be published in one volume of workshop proceedings, which will be submitted to Elsevier for inclusion in SCOPUS. Also, published workshop papers will be made available on the official ICCE 2023 website. (

Topic of Interest

The 11th TeSTEM Workshop in conjunction with ICCE2023, and we believe ICCE2023 participants will get interested in this issue, and those researchers who had relevant experience of this issue can also share and interact with one another in this workshop. STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) involves the study of, and coherent integration among, various academic disciplines, especially the four cardinal disciplines of STEM, and E-STEM involves the environmental education as integral part of conventional STEM. 

The scope of the TeSTEM Workshop will cover but not be limited to: