Download speed measures how fast information can transfer to you. It affects things like how long it takes to download large files, update games, or show pages with lots of photos. Download speed is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). One gigabit is 1000 Mbps, two gigabits is 2000 Mbps.

Upload speed measures how fast information can transfer from you. It affects things like how you appear on video calls, how fast you can upload files to the cloud, and how long it takes to add attachments to emails. Upload speed is measured in megabits per second (Mbps).

Test Wifi Speed

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Jitter measures the fluctuations in the speeds at which a stream of data is sent. A high jitter score can affect streaming and video calls, making them look and sound choppy or glitchy. Jitter is measured in milliseconds (ms).

1: Plus taxes and fees. Upload/download speed and device streaming claims are based on maximum wired speeds. Actual internet, Wi-Fi speeds, and Wi-Fi coverage are not guaranteed and can vary based on factors such as home or business size and layout, construction materials, hardware and software limitations, latency, packet loss, etc. See what affects internet speeds.

ISP throttling is when your internet provider intentionally slows down your connection. This may happen due to network congestion or your ISP limiting certain types of traffic. A quick WiFi speed test can confirm whether or not your provider is throttling your connection.

What is measuring? speed test gives you an estimate of your current Internet speed. You will generally be able to get this speed from leading Internet services, which use globally distributed servers.

Why does focus primarily on download speed? Download speed is most relevant for people who are consuming content on the Internet, and we want to be a very simple and fast speed test.

How are the results calculated? To calculate your Internet speed, performs a series of downloads from and uploads to Netflix servers and calculates the maximum speed your Internet connection can provide. More details are in our blog post.

What can I do if I'm not getting the speed I pay for? If results from and other internet speed tests (like or often show less speed than you have paid for, you can ask your ISP about the results.

I had the exact same issue with the android Airbnb app. Wi-Fi name and Wi-Fi password were already there when I run the test (configured beforehand from the PC Airbnb website), and they were definitively correct (visually at least, no typo or lowercase/uppercase errors). But after reading this thread, I had the idea to remove Wi-Fi details, run the test again which prompted me to re-enter the Wi-Fi details, and it worked this time :)) ... Maybe something to do with some invisible characters !?!? Try it, it might work for you as well

Hopefully someone in the Airbnb tech department will pick up threads like these and actually have the app check whether location is enabled before trying to run a speedtest. If not enabled/allowed, the app should ask for permission to location and/or turn location on.

Same problem. I've tried to test the speed several times, both when Airbnb first initiated it and just a few days ago on both my phone and my laptop. I can't use the app on my laptop because it doesn't have the M1 chip required to download it - I can understand that - however, when I try to use my phone, it automatically switches to the Wifi - with the correct user name and password - but I can't get past that. It keeps telling me to add that information that is already there. ????

You can improve your internet speed by upgrading to a faster plan, updating your equipment, or taking simpler measures like closing out apps and browser windows. We can walk you through 10 steps to improve your internet speed in just 15 minutes.

The fastest internet providers are Google Fiber, Verizon Fios, Xfinity, Metronet, and Cox. All of those internet providers offer fiber or cable internet plans with gigabit speeds. See our report on the Fastest Internet Providers.

If you see inconsistent results, there might be a bottleneck on your end. You can troubleshoot poor internet speeds with our guide on how to fix slow internet. But your internet connection may just be slow either from your plan or your internet type.

Then, I remove the ethernet cable... use the Wifi for a while to make sure its working .. run speed test... dial shows going up to 300 -400mbps and then it drops back as low as 120.... run the test 3 or 4 times and everything comes up to speed and stays up... it is just seems when I run the test the first or 2nd tests that it swings...

Then, I remove the ethernet cable... use the Wifi for a while to make sure its working .. run speed test... dial shows going up to 300 -400mbps and then it drops back as low as 120.... run the test 3 or 4 times and everything comes up to speed and stays up...

My router is a Netgear Nighthawk S4 2350 Dual Band. My laptop is a Dell I7 with the intel 9250 wifi card. I sit about 15' from the router. I have both a hardline Ethernet connection and Wifi and switch off from time to time. I do understand that the wifi will be slower than the ethernet, I get 500-580mpbs. My WIFI is as I said mostly runs at 300-400mps.

So that should give you an idea of my set up. When I run the Oakla speed test I am always on the g band, my link speed is at 866 on my wifi card. Under properties. The oakla app in windows 10 allows me to close all my windows and run the test with miniium overhead. I am on Spectrum with a 500mbps service (soon to go 1 gb) Spectrum has an a tool to run my Spectrum speeds and wifi. And yes I do understand that the difference from Hard Line to Wifi will take a hit.

Lately what I have seen is while running my wifi and running the speed test I find that the first few times I run the test my speed will spin up to around 300mbps and then you can watch the speed drop to anywhere from 120 - 160mbps... when I run the test 2 or 3 times it seems to lock in between 300 - 400mbps and holds steady.

Test of WiFi speed over the Internet are famously all over the place, and can depend on the network between you and wherever the test happens. There are just too many variables ro make a single test meaningful. When I want to do a scientific test, I run tests on a half a dozen different test sites. Then I plug them onto a spreadsheet.

Are you trying to sort out some sort of problem in your network, or simply interested in speed measurements? If speed is what matters. then don't use WiFi when it isn't essential. You seem to have that covered.

Good Morning Michael, Thanks for your reply, Sorry about not being more specific on my router ... but Yes it is an older device, I think I purchased it in 2016 or 17 to the best of my knowledge... it is an Nighthawlk R7500 V1 and here it is on the Netgear site I am looking at a number of options to upgrade it but I am waiting to see what I do with my ISP. My current Spectrum account is a 500mbps cable and because of some promo's going on I am able to get the 1gb for $20.00 per month less... Yep, it's a nice saving and bump in speed. True with the current equipment I will be hampered some what but, I am not sure which way I want to go in my upgrade.

I also am waiting to see if United Communications will come through and install fiber they are new to our area and have some great promotions which will also drop my monthly cost by $30 for 3 years, believe it or not they are saying that they will start running the fiber soon but it looks like they will be behind the projected date. So either way by changing my connection I will save money through the promo... And again, Yes I do understand that with my current equipment I won't be getting the maximum speed so I am looking at my options I am just not sure which way I want to go but because I have everything set with cables already run I tend to lean twards a desktop like the RAX500 or similar...

15' does not seem to be a hamper, I can take the laptop to the router and my tests don't change and yes, I stay on the 5g AC band. But, you re right hard wire will always be the best if I need extra speed for anything I just plug in to my ethernet cable.

I have been running speed test for years and have a pretty good history, I understand running speed test at different internet sites will bring different speeds and that isn't a problem, I've got a pretty good idea what I am looking for.... Your right even using Oakla and changing servers there can be a huge difference ..I typically run the same known servers that I've run for years and they have been pretty constant.. ff782bc1db

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