Technology-Enhanced Sense of Belonging (TESB)

Developing technology that facilitate students' sense of belonging within formal educational contexts

Date: Sep 17th (9:00h – 13:00h)

Call for interest | EATEL SIG

Following on from the TESB workshop, we would like to thank everyone for their fantastic collaboration and leave you with the slides that supported the session.

We are also starting to look at some ideas to support a EATEL SIG around the topic of 'technology enhanced sense of belonging'. 

If you are interested in being part of this discussion, please let us know by filling this form!



Most of the work and research on TEL focuses on developing technologies for learning purposes and measuring how these technologies enhance learning (e.g. learning gains and academic achievement). However, several authors have pointed out that it is essential to understand how technologies can impact critical human factors like motivation, engagement, well-being and sense of belonging, i.e., the preconditions and dispositions needed for learning. 

In this line of thought we claim that it is important to help researchers and practitioners to reflect on the impact of their research & development on the factors above and to discuss opportunities for technology to contribute more positively to learners’ social and emotional needs. SDG goal of a quality education is much more than the improvement of results. It relates to do it envisioning the integral development of the learner. 


This workshop's primary goal is to contribute to discussing the relevance of designing TEL products that consider their contribution to developing students' sense of belonging when related to the formal educational contexts. With that focus in mind, it also aims to identify key constructors that should be considered to assess TEL products about developing the sense of belonging, mainly through Motivation, Engagement and Wellbeing. 

Participants will get an introduction to models and concepts useful for understanding the complex dynamics shaping the sense of belonging in educational contexts. Hands-on activities will help participants to reflect (1) how learning technology might positively or negatively impact on belonging and (2) how to integrate belonging in the design of their learning technologies.

Workshop Activities

Introduction (10 min.)

Interactive session with participants to identify potential products to explore in the next ativity (20') 

Key-concepts presentation (20')

Interactive session 1: Workgroup (30')

Interactive session 2: Presentation and discussion of results  (20')

Interactive session 3: Workgroup (20')

Technology-Enhanced Sense of Belonging EATEL SIG discussion (20')

Closing (5') 

Workshop objectives and expected outcomes

The workshop aims to:

1) advance the discussion regarding the creation of a new EATEL SIG, 

2) collect indicators for the construction of a measurement scale of technology's impact on sense of belonging, 

and 3) to generate a pool of ideas for advancing research and development in this field. 

Participation and Workshop Format

The workshop will be held in person and is prepared for 15-25 participants. During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to work in groups and discuss how some TEL products are designed to contribute to developing students' sense of belonging in formal educational contexts. 

To better understand the participants and their ongoing projects, we kindly request that all attendees submit a statement of interest. This will allow us to tailor the event to better meet the needs and interests of everyone involved. 

All statements of interest must be submitted by 10th September through the following Google Forms link:

Important Dates

September 10th: Application deadline

September 14th: Notifications of acceptance

Sep 17th (9:00h – 13:00h): Workshop


Carlos Santos

University of Aveiro

Luís Pedro

University of Aveiro

Mónica Aresta

University of Aveiro

Monica Divitini

Norwegian University of Science and Technology