
Terrasauria, a world of reptiles.

Terrasauria is a world that was terraformed by humans. Before its colonization, terrasauria was a cold desert planet, But after its terraformation, it became a planet that looked much more like The Earth. Many organisms from our planet such as plants, invertebrates, fishes (sardines) and lizards (Iberian common lizard) were seeded there. The aim of Terrasauria is to show how lizards may evolve for around 500 million years if they were the only land vertebrate in a planet.

The ages of Terrasauria:

Saurozoic era

seismocene (30-70 million years)

In the saurocene period, small lizards will grow to bigger sizes and evolve to fill empty niches.

In this period, lizards will occupy the niches of megafauna such as dinosaurs. This peroid will also have a some volcanic activity